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Paget's disease of the skin

What is Paget's disease of the breast?

Mammary Paget's disease of the skin is a rare skin Cancer characterized by a chronic eczema-I like it eruption of the nipple and adjacent areolar fur. Also called Paget's disease of the nipple.

Paget's disease of the breast is associated with underlying cancer, either in the place adenocarcinoma of the breast or more extended infiltrative cancer, although this is sometimes difficult to detect on clinical examination or by mammography.

A similar condition that affects the skin of the female and male genitalia is known as extramammary Paget's disease.

Who gets breast Paget's disease?

Paget's disease of the breast is most often diagnosed between the ages of 50 and 60. It is much more common in women than in men.

What are the clinical characteristics of breast Paget's disease?

Most patients with breast Paget's disease complain of an itchy, burning skin rash in and around the nipple area. Sometimes the skin can break and be painful from itching. Other symptoms include:

  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • oozing nipple download
  • Climbing
  • Bloody discharge from the nipple
  • Ulceration
  • Nipple inversion.

Scalycrispy and thickened plates They often form on the nipple, which then spreads to the surrounding area. Usually only one nipple is affected, although rare cases of both nipples being affected have been observed.

Paget's disease of the breast







How is Paget's disease of the breast diagnosed?

Although it may be suspected clinically, a skin biopsy of the injury It is performed for an accurate diagnosis of breast Paget's disease. Under the microscope, the presence of Paget cells along with other histological The findings confirm the diagnosis. A skin biopsy can also determine if there is underlying cancer, although some breast carcinomas are not seen because they are located deeper in the breast tissue. A mammogram may be performed to pinpoint the underlying cancer before a breast biopsy.

Which is the differential diagnosis for mammary Paget's disease?

the differential diagnosis for breast Paget's disease includes:

  • Nipple eczema (this is much more common than Paget's disease of the breast, especially in adolescents and young adults)

  • Nipple papillomatosis
  • Hyperkeratosis of the nipple and areola
  • Intraepidermal scaly cell carcinoma

What is the treatment of breast Paget's disease?

Mastectomy (removal of the breast) is often the necessary treatment for Paget's disease of the breast. Alternatively, it can be removed locally widely along with tissue samples taken closely lymph nodes in the armpit Sometimes conservative treatment, such as partial nipple. excision, wedge cleavage, cone cleavage, radiotherapy, or a combination of these may be used in women with less advanced stages of the disease. However, reappearance It is common in these cases.