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Hypnosis as a treatment for skin disorders.

What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis, or hypnotherapy, induces someone to enter a "trance state" using deep breathing and relaxation, meditation, and guided imagery. It demands proper training to deepen the trance state, decrease pain psychosomatically, and support healing. Marmer (1959) described hypnosis as a psychophysiological tetrad of altered consciousness, consisting of:

  1. reduced consciousness
  2. Restricted and focused attention
  3. selective wake
  4. Greater suggestibility.

How is hypnosis performed?

Hypnosis is performed by a trained therapist who uses verbal repetition to create mental images, thereby inducing a state of calm and relaxation to help the patient better cope with anxiety or pain.

How does hypnosis work?

Mental and emotional stress operates along two main pathways in the body:

  1. Through the axis of hypothalamus, pituitary gland and adrenal gland
  2. Via sympathetic nervous system.

In dermatology patients, hypnosis can reduce sleep disturbance and itch compulsion, and decrease anxiety, distress, and pain due to skin conditions.

How does hypnosis help the skin?

The skin develops during embryonic development. in the womb. Both the central nervous system (CNS) and the epidermis they originate from the ectoderm (the outermost layer of cells) and thus the CNS and the skin are strongly connected. Extreme stress can create vulnerability in the CNS, thus affecting the epidermis. The higher the stress escalation, the worse the skin condition can be. Hypnosis can be a remedy for this cycle, relieving stress and distracting the patient from exacerbate The condition of the skin when scratching.

Hypnosis induction techniques are performed for a specific reason; for example, to relax, to reduce pain or pruritus, or to modify a habit to aid healing. Hypnosis can help in three different ways: address the core of the problem, examine the remission of symptoms, and changing the conditioned response. By visualizing vivid and meaningful mental images (such as achieving goals or pleasant memories), hypnosis has been shown to be useful in the psychological treatment of various dermatological disorders, particularly those associated with severe itching, pain, or psychological stress.

However, hypnosis remains controversial and has limited scientific evidence to support it.

What skin disorders have been treated by hypnosis?

Examples of dermatological conditions that may benefit from hypnosis include:

  • Atopic dermatitis
  • Lichen simplex (neurodermatitis)
  • Nodular prurigo
  • Psoriasis
  • Chronic urticaria
  • Alopecia areata
  • Vesicular hand dermatitis
  • Herpes Simplex
  • Acute Herpes zoster and postherpetic neuralgia
  • Hyperhidrosis
  • Lichen planus
  • Excorie acne
  • Erythromelalgia
  • Glossodynia
  • Rosacea, especially vascular blush component

  • Trichotillomania

Which are the contraindications to hypnosis?

Patients must be carefully selected for medical hypnotherapy. Hypnosis is not recommended for patients with schizophrenia, an alcohol addiction, or another serious mental health condition that requires antipsychotic medication.

What are the benefits of hypnosis for skin disorders?

Hypnosis is reported to:

  • Reduce stress
  • reduce scratching
  • Reduces pain and itching
  • Decreases needle phobias and other phobias.

What are the disadvantages of hypnosis for skin disorders?

hypnosis is a attached therapy to help symptom control and shouldn't be the primary Method of treatment of skin diseases. Properly trained medical hypnotists are not widely available. Informed consent is crucial before proceeding with medical hypnotherapy.

What are the side effects of hypnosis for skin disorders?

Side effects of hypnosis are rare. They may include:

  • Headaches
  • Anxiety or emotional distress
  • Dizziness or sedation
  • Formation of false memories.