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New FOX Laser Assisted Lypolisis Technique.
A safer and less aggressive method to get rid of  localized fat deposits and improve cellulitis.
Fox is an advance 12 Watts, 980nm semiconductor laser. This high precision portable equipment made in Germany is specially designed to perform safely and effectively, high-precision and minimally invasive procedures. It is indicated for the correction of irregularities caused by liposuction with thick cannulas and for the treatment of localized fat deposits in difficult to reach areas such as face, neck, thighs, knees, abdomen, etc.

This is a technique to reshape the silhouette, reduce cellulite and improve skin laxity, with the following characteristics:
1. Fast procedures.
2. Ambulatory, does not require hospitalization. The person can return to work within 24 to 48 hours.
3.The procedure is performed under local anesthesia with minimal sedation or no sedation at all according to patient request. Some patients preffer to be sedated during the procedure and others preffer to be awake. This procedure adapts easily to both types of patients.
4. The procedure avoids traumatic incision, stitches and large scars.

We could summarize by saying that the advantages over conventional liposuction are:
• Outpatient procedure.
• Local Anesthesia.
• It is less painful than conventional lipo.
• Do not leave scars.
• Produce less swelling and bruising.

Some additional benefits would be:
• Excellent patient tolerance.
• Fast recovery.
• High patient satisfaction.
• Reduced operating expenses, which in turn is materialized by a lower treatment cost to the patient.

Láser assisted Lypolisis - Watch Video >

FOX 3: láser de diodo de 980 nm
Care after treatment:
• Soft Compression in the treated area.
• Ingest lots of liquids.
• protein based diet.
• Anti-inflammatory painkillers.
• Start moving immediately.

This procedure is less stressful and very well tolerated by the patient. The small size of the cannulae (1 mm) allows us to perform the procedure more safely specially in thin skin body areas.
The heating effect produce colagenogénesis which is ideal for the treatment of arms and inner thighs.
Tightening effects are very noticeable in flaccid necks.

Cleared Indications to treat with the Fox  laser are:
• Areas with adiposity like abdomen, thigh, etc..
• Trimming other lipo irregularities.
• Treatment of complex areas such as face, neck, arms, inner thighs, calves.
• Flabby skin.
• Lipomas.
• Cellulite.


Dr Ricardo Hoogstra
Plastic Surgeon, member of the Argentina Society of Plastic Surgery, the Plastic Surgery Society of Buenos Aires, the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, pioneer of minimally invasive facial rejuvenation, Professor of the Faculty of Medicine, UBA; Former Chief of Plastic Surgery Department at Hospital Penna; Pioneer in Zero Invasive techniques for Lipo modelatión, Director of the Center for Fascial and Body Aesthetics Hoogstra.
Caballito Area
San José de Calasanz 176
Ciudad Aut. de Buenos Aires, Argentina
(54) 11 4904-0880
(54) 11 4904-3434
(54) 11 4901-6690
Belgrano Area
La Pampa 1634 - 2º Piso B
Ciudad Aut. de Buenos Aires, Argentina Phone:
(54) 11 4783-8719

[email protected]