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Novel treatment for Onychomicosis.
The end of an enemy that seemed invincible.

This is an excellent news in the field of podiatrics because it revolutionize the way to fight against one of the most persistent enemies of the nail. FDA has approved the use of the Q-switched Nd:YAG laser for the treatment of onychomicosis.

Helios II and FOX 3 1064  treats nail fungus in hands and feets with more than 90% of therapeutic effectiveness.

These lasers deliver light energy through the nail that erradicates the fungui and allows the nail to re generate and grow back again healthy.

During the treatment the laser beam produces a slow warming process on the ungueal bed. This in turn leads to fungui destruction without destroying the nail matrix or the skin.

After first session the patient feels some relieve and the clinical aspect of the nail is improved. Because the nail grows slowly there wont be an inmediate result but gradually.

Onicomicosis - See video >

Helios II and Fox 3 1064 produce:
• Safer and effective treatments.
• Quicker and Simpler Procedures.
• No local anesthesia. The patient returns inmediately with his/her usual activities, including sports.
• patient can even use shoes and do nail polishing inmediately after the treatment.

To date, we have not seen adverse effects or contraindications for this treatment.

Dr Ricardo Hoogstra
Plastic Surgeon, Member of the Argentinian Society of Plastic Surgery and Buenos Aires Society of Plastic Surgery;
Member of the International Society of Plastic Surgeons; Pioneer in minimally invassive Fascial Rejuvenation; Professor at the Faculty of Medicine at UBA; Former Chief of Surgery at Penna Hospital; Innovator of the zero invasive lipomodelation; Director of the clinic that carries his name.
Sucursal Caballito
San José de Calasanz 176
Ciudad Aut. de Buenos Aires, Argentina
(54) 11 4904-0880
(54) 11 4904-3434
(54) 11 4901-6690
Sucursal Belgrano
La Pampa 1634 - 2º Piso B
Ciudad Aut. de Buenos Aires, Argentina Telefono:
(54) 11 4783-8719

[email protected]