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Laser to remove skin benign tumors without surgery.
Great news in the dermatological field: New treatments with devices that use laser energy can eliminate benign skin tumors (as keratoses, keratoacanthomas, warts, nevi, adenomas, molluscs, keloids or xanthelasma) without resorting to surgery.

Conventional treatment for these skin problems is surgical removal or freezing (cryo therapy), which involve pain during and after surgery, anesthesia, scarring and other problems.

Laser treatment with the micro fractionated LOTUS II Erbium Laser is performed in practice. Not being required anesthesia procedure is faster and safer. You may notice a redness or discomfort lasting a few hours, but no subsequent scarring and can resume normal activities almost immediately. Although medical insurance usually do not cover this treatment, it is accessible.

Most Frequent type of tumours.
Almost everyone develops one sometime in their life. Keratoses, either senile, actinic or seborrheic, are the most frequent.
Initially shown as maculae more or less flat, brown, with sharp borders, but as they progress acquire a warty look.
Ranging in size from a few millimeters to several centimeters, and its color varies from dark brown to a light brown. They can be solitary or multiple lesions, which appear most often on the face and trunk, following the folds of the skin.
Depending on their position, seborrheic keratoses can be very annoying: in the neck or wrists are attached to clothing. In other cases they may be cosmetically undesirable.
Generally keratoses diagnosis is easy. However, pigmented seborrheic keratoses can be difficult to distinguish from melanocytic lesions, including melanoma, and large keratoses may be mistaken for atypical nevi.
Therefore it is always important to have a thorough diagnosis prior to any treatment.
Other benign tumors of skin are removed with similar procedures, once correctly diagnosed, are keratoacanthomas (raised lesions with a fast-growing dark and depressed central point, called crater) of which an estimated 25% becomes malignant. Also known are eliminated xanthelasmas, growths in the skin containing cholesterol esters and eyelids are presented as raised spots, which have a major aesthetic drawback.


Cyst treatment.
Other injuries include cysts, which contain various substances, mostly fat.
Sebaceous Cysts frequently originate from inflammation of the hair follicles or also by cutaneous trauma. Forming a sac of cells within which keratin secret.
It is usually found on the face, neck and trunk, usually, are freely movable lumps under the skin, grow slowly and do not disturb. However, sometimes a cyst will become inflamed and tender and sore, you can tell the hottest area

Treatment Videos:

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Cutaneous Pathology
See video >

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Sebaceous Cysts
See video >
Dr Ricardo Hoogstra
Plastic Surgeon, Member of the Argentinian Society of Plastic Surgery and Buenos Aires Society of Plastic Surgery;
Member of the International Society of Plastic Surgeons; Pioneer in minimally invassive Fascial Rejuvenation; Professor at the Faculty of Medicine at UBA; Former Chief of Surgery at Penna Hospital; Innovator of the zero invasive lipomodelation; Director of the clinic that carries his name. 
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San José de Calasanz 176
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La Pampa 1634 - 2º Piso B
Ciudad Aut. de Buenos Aires, Argentina Phone:
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