"There is a large patient group, mostly young women, who want to have their tattoo removed", says Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra, Former Chief of Plastic Surgery Hospital "José M. Penna" in the city of Buenos Aires and principal Director at the Face & Body Aesthetics Clinic , one of the pioneers in the introduction of lasers for aesthetic medicine in Latin America.
"Although patients during a consultation do not usually disclose their reasons, some report they want to do it for sentimental reasons and the original tattoo was done in the past to demonstrate commitment to someone else and there is a constant reminder, but now they have a new partner and the original tattoo creates a conflict. But there are also other reasons that relates to the passage of time, lifestyle changes, or a situation in their own profession or personal lives, a tattoo done years ago that he is uncomfortable with decides to delete it. For those experiencing the above mentioned stressful situations there is now a simple solution."
The number of sessions required for a complete result varies with the tattoo, but after the first session patients will notice a big change. Helios II is based on a Nd: YAG laser which posess different wavelengths which allows the specialist to "choose" the pigment color to be treated.
The laser acts on the chromophore of this pigment, and its high peak power energy shots will divide these deposits of ink or pigment (sun spots, melasma, freckles, tattoos) in thousands of fragments which are then reabsorbed by the body macrophages (scavenger cells), or will migrate to the surface of the skin to be removed.
The key on this revolutionary technology lies in the way this Nd: YAG laser is Micro Fractionated. A special Diffractive Optical Element or DOE divides the main laser beam into 81 micro beams; each one having exactly the same peak power and separated so as to avoid collateral damage to surrounding tissues.
The pulse is so brief (in the order of nanoseconds) that the heat spread is barely noticeable even with very high energy doses. It is like you pass your hand over a flame so quickly that you barely notice any heat.
The results, says the specialist, is no edema, or scarring, and therefore not required recovery period: "The person can return to all activities immediately after treatment." Pigment color determines which laser wavelength to choose. Only the white and flesh-colored tattoos should not be treated, because those colors with the laser permanently darken.
Helios II
Is a Diffractive Micro fractional laser technology combing the strengths of a true Q-switched Nd:YAG laser with Diffractive Optical Elements (DEO). Such combination and its use in dermatologic applications was devised and patented back in 2009 by Laseroptek CEO, Prof. Hong Chu.
Diffractive Micro Fractional technology takes advantage of converting a large area spot and converts it into 81 micro columns, each having exactly the same peak power and fluency solving at the same time the need for higher penetration and also the need for less recurrence of collateral damage that are so common in other systems. |
Helios II
Interview with Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra at TV show TN Ciencia - VIEW >
Treatment video - VIEW >
Treatment video - VIEW >
Helios II is specially designed for melasma and all kinds of pigmented lesions that occur throughout the year on all skin types, even in dark and tanned skin. The light energy from the Helios II in 1064nm Q-switched mode impacts the pigmented lesion deeply without irritating the skin, it is essential to treat all kinds of pigmented lesions such as post inflammatory hyper pigmentations, solar lentigines; etc.
Indeed, Helios II achieved its results without producing edema, scar, or prejudice in the outer layers of the skin. Therefore, less discomfort and does not require the person treated discontinue social or occupational activities.
It is especially suitable for:
• Stains from hands, face, neck and arms.
• Melasma.
• Treatment of onychomycosis.
• Tattoos.
• Peeling in dark skin patients and in midsummer.
The Hoogstra Medical Center was selected as the clinical training center to perform these treatments and was appointed by LASEROPTEK as the center for education and training for future doctors who want to use this technology.
More info: www.drhoogstra.com.ar
Helios II is manufactured by Laseroptek and marketed in Latin America by Giustra Medical Corporation.
More info: www.giustramedical.com