Vea esta información en español
Cosmetic surgery of the nose improves shape, size, general appearance of the face and also corrects breathing problems.

It is done with local anesthesia and intravenous sedation, so it manages to combine comfort and safety.

Rhinoplasty is a painless surgical procedure which takes approximately 30-45 minutes.

The postoperative (unlike what people think) is not painful and recovery is fast, some people go to work after 48-72 Hrs.

Patients cases:
Dr Ricardo Hoogstra
Plastic Surgeon, Member of the Argentinian Society of Plastic Surgery and Buenos Aires Society of Plastic Surgery; Member of the International Society of Plastic Surgeons; Pioneer in minimally invassive Fascial Rejuvenation; Professor at the Faculty of Medicine at UBA; Former Chief of Surgery at Penna Hospital; Innovator of the zero invasive lipomodelation; Director of the clinic that carries his name. 
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Telefono: (54) 11 4783-8719

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