Histology nodular chondrodermatitis
Nodular chondrodermatitis helicis scan power view shows a wedge shape dermal alteration that extends to the superficial cartilage (Figure 1). the epidermis can show a focal Zone of orthokeratosis and scale Cortex moderate overlying epidermal hyperplasia (Figure 2). There will often be superficial epidermis ulceration. There is a zone of eosinophilic fibrinoid material that covers the affected area of cartilage, with blurring of the superficial cartilage and altered staining (Figure 3). There may be adjacent perichondrial thickening.
Chondrodermatitis nodularis helicis pathology
Figure 1
Figure 2
figure 3
Differential diagnosis nodular chondrodermatitis
Pseudocyst of the atrium: although there may also be hyalinized degeneration above the affected collagen, a noepithelial lined cystic A space is formed within the collagen in the pseudocyst of the atrium.