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Cuniculatum carcinoma

What is it carcinoma cuniculatum?

Carcinoma cuniculatum is a rare slow-growing variant of cutaneous scaly cell carcinoma (SCC). It tends to affect the sole of the foot, but can occur elsewhere, such as the oral cavity and genitals.

Carcinoma cuniculatum is also known as:

  • Epithelioma cuniculatum
  • Ackerman tumor
  • Warty carcinoma
  • Buschke-Löwenstein tumor
  • Skin papillomatosis Gottron's carcinoids.
Cuniculatum carcinoma


Cuniculatum carcinoma

Who gets carcinoma cuniculatum?

Risk factors for carcinoma cuniculatum include viral warts due to the human papilloma virus. infection (HPV), tobacco (tobacco or tobacco), chemical mutagens, and in the vulvalichen sclerosus [1]. The genital variant tends to affect older people.

What causes carcinoma cuniculatum?

The above risk factors lead to a low-grade variant of SCC. the genetic The factors are unknown.

What are the clinical characteristics of carcinoma cuniculatum?

Carcinoma cuniculatum is a solitary, slow growing warty, papillomatous license plate.

  • It usually develops in the foot, the oral cavity, nailor genitals
  • It rarely ulcerates.
  • When located on the foot, the lesions are generally found on the sole of the foot (53%), toes (21%), or heel (16%) [2].
  • On the penis, it represents <1% de todas las variantes de SCC.
  • In the oral cavity, it may appear as a warty white neoplasm [3].

What are the complications of carcinoma cuniculatum?

In rare cases, carcinoma cuniculatum can metastasis.

How is carcinoma cuniculatum diagnosed?

Although the diagnosis of carcinoma cuniculatum can be clinically suspected, biopsy It is essential to confirm the diagnosis.

Which is the differential diagnosis for carcinoma cuniculatum?

The differential diagnosis for carcinoma may include:

  • Cutaneous SCC: Note that carcinoma cuniculatum rarely ulcerates while SCC commonly

  • Viral wart: However, warts are smaller than carcinoma cuniculatum and do not ulcerate.

What is the treatment for carcinoma cuniculatum?

Cuniculatum carcinoma is usually treated by surgery excision. Oral retinoidsmethotrexate To be surgery, and current Imiquimod has been reported to be effective where surgery is contraindicated [2,3].

Radiotherapy should be avoided as this may trigger the development of a anaplastic SCC form.

What is the result for carcinoma cuniculatum?

the forecast Cuniculatum carcinoma is very good if treated with surgical excision. Distant or local lymph node metastasis They are rare.

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