This distinctive tumor is a attached tumor argued that arises from apocrine or eccrine secretory coil or spiral duct.
Histology eccrine spiradenoma
The low power view of the eccrine spiradenoma shows a goodcircumscribed tumor nodule emerging within the dermis or superficial subcutis. The tumor is made up of a diffuse dense basophilic cellular proliferation (Figures 1 and 2). In some cases, a prominent vascular you can see the component (Figures 2 and 3). Eosinophilic hyaline The deposits are seen between the tumor cells as drops and bands (Figure 4). A lymphocytic infiltrate it looks and when heavy can imitate lymphoid tissue.
Pathology of eccrine spiradenoma
Figure 1
Figure 2
figure 3
Figure 4
Variants of eccrine spiradenoma pathology
Brooke-Spiegler syndrome - no differences are observed between sporadic ecrine spiradenoma or those occurring in the context of this syndrome. Tumors with overlapping features can be seen with eccrine spiradenoma.
Differential diagnosis of the pathology of eccrine spiradenoma
Cylindroma: In this tumor, the low power view shows discreet polygonal Tumor islands. There is often a more prominent S100 positive population. dendritic cells while in the eccrine spiradenoma there is a lymphocytic infiltrate.
Spiradenocylindroma: Some tumor characteristics of both the cylindroma and the eccrine spiradenoma can be seen and are designated as overlapping tumors.
Cutaneous Lymphadenoma: in this tumor there is a lobular tumor of basaloid cells that can show peripheral palisade, and a dense mixture inflammatory cell infiltrate although predominantly lymphocytic.