What is it elastosis?
Elastosis refers to degenerative changes in the dermal fabric with increase statement of elastin material.
Elastosis is a prominent feature of several skin conditions. They are distinguished by clinical characteristics and histopathological characteristics seen on the skin biopsy.
Solar elastosis
In solar elastosis (also called actinic elastosis), the skin appears yellow and thickened with bumps or grooves as a result of sun damage.
Solar elastosis
Solar elastosis
Solar elastosis
Solar elastosis
Favre-Racouchot syndrome
Favre-Racouchot syndrome is also known as 'nodular elastosis.” It is characterized by cysts and comedo formation on sun-damaged skin, often prominent under and around the eyes or on the back of the neck.
Favre Racouchot syndrome
Favre Racouchot syndrome
Favre Racouchot syndrome
solar comedones
Linear focal elastosis
Focal linear elastosis is a rare dermal elastosis that usually affects the back or trunk, but can affect the thighs, arms, and breasts. It is presented as asymptomatic, palpable or atrophic, yellow lines or stretch marks (stretch marks).
Serpiginous perforating elastosis
Elastosis perforans serpiginosa (EPS) is a rare skin disorder in which abnormal elastic tissue passes from the papilla dermis to the epidermis, which appear as small clusters of red bumps often snake-shaped. EPS can be idiopathic, reactive or drug-induced.
Serpiginous perforating elastosis
Serpiginous perforating elastosis
Serpiginous perforating elastosis
Serpiginous perforating elastosis
Elastoma is an isolated accumulation of elastin in the dermis. It is a type of connective tissue nevus.
Buschke-Ollendorf syndrome
Buschke-Ollendorf syndrome is a rare inherited connective tissue disorder associated with multiple elastomas and osteosclerosis.