What are Fordyce spots?
Fordyce spots are small (1–5 mm), slightly raised, yellowish, or white papules or spots that may appear on the glans or shaft of the penis, or the vulva of the female, the inside of the cheeks and the vermilion border of the lips. They are also called Fordyce granules.
Fordyce spots are a variant of sebaceous glands (the glands that normally produce tallow and are generally within hair follicles) Fordyce spots are visible sebaceous glands without hair follicles. They are present in the 80-95% of adults. They are probably present at birth, but become larger and more visible starting at puberty. They can occur as loners injury or more frequently in crops of about 50–100. They are easier to see when the skin is stretched.
Sometimes Fordyce spots cause anxiety, but they are completely harmless, either on the lips or on the genitals. They are not a sexually transmitted disease and they are not infectious.
Fordyce beads
Fordyce beads
Fordyce beads
Fordyce beads
What work is required?
The importance of recognizing these papules as Fordyce spots lies in the differential diagnosis from other conditions that may appear similar. Some sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) can start to look like Fordyce spots on the genitals, so getting a proper diagnosis from your doctor is essential. STDs must be properly treated with medications.
What is the treatment for Fordyce spots?
Fordyce spots are generally harmless and do not require any treatment. Avoid picking up or squeezing stains.
Fordyce spots can be a cosmetic concern for some patients. Electrosurgery and vaporization. To be treatment (CO2 laser) have been used successfully to remove stains. Other reported treatments for Fordyce spots include bichloroacetic acid, photodynamic therapy, micro-punch excision surgery and oral isotretinoin.