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solar comedones


What is a comedo solar?

A solar or senile comedone is a small colored skin papule found on the face of a middle-aged or older person. Solar comedones affect areas that have been exposed to sunlight for a long period of time. Comedones can be open (blackheads) or closed (whiteheads). They usually do not swell.

Solar comedones are not related to acne vulgaris.

solar comedones


solar comedones


solar comedones


solar comedones

Syndrome Favre-Racouchot

Solar comedones and large ppseudocysts usually occur in association with solar elastosis, which causes yellowish, leathery skin and deep furrows. This appearance is also known as Favre-Racouchot syndrome. It can affect the skin around the eyes, temples, and neck. syndrome is believed to Favre-Racouchot It is due to a combination of sun exposure and heavy smoking.

Favre-Racouchot syndrome


Favre-Racouchot syndrome


solar comedones


solar comedones


solar comedones



Management of solar comedones

  • Wear sun protection and apply oil-free sunscreen to exposed skin
  • Stop smoking
  • Wash affected areas twice daily with mild soap or cleanser and water.
  • Apply retinoid cream to affected areas at night (this requires a prescription)
  • Apply light moisturizers if skin is dry (retinoid can aggravate dryness)

If these measures are not helpful, comedones can often be removed by electrocautery or To be ablation. They may recur and require additional treatment from time to time.