Granular cell tumor It is also known as Abrikossoff tumor. It is believed to have a neural origin, probably derived from Schwann cells.
Histology granule cell tumor
In granular cell tumor, sections show wide fascicles of tumor cells arranged in nests or leaves that infiltrate the dermis and dermal structures Tumor cells are large in size, with small, uniform, eosinophilic granules filling the cytoplasmand small, round to oval nuclei (Figures 1–3). Mitosis They are rare.
The 'pustulo-ovoid bodies of Milian' may be present (figure 2, arrow). These are large granules surrounded by a transparent halo.
Sometimes the overlap epidermis may become noticeably hyperplastic and mimic a scaly cell carcinoma. This is believed to be a reactive phenomenon.
Evil one Granule cell tumor forms are extremely rare but are reported. Frank anaplasia, augmented mitotic activity and tumor necrosis are worrisome features
Granular cell tumor pathology
Figure 1
Figure 2
figure 3
Special studies for granule cell tumor.
The S-100 protein is positive. PAS highlights the granules after digestion with diastase. Other positive stains may include neuron-specific enolase, CD68, CKI-C3.
Differential diagnosis granule cell tumor pathology
Rhabdomyoma: may be similar to granule cell tumor. Rhabdomyomas are positive with desmin and myoglobin.
Gingival granule cell tumor of the newborn: these are morphologically similar to granule cell tumor, but arises in a different clinical setting. S100 is negative.
Other granule cell tumors: Granule cell change has been described in many other tumors (including dermatofibroma, fibrous papule, AFX and primitive polypoid granule cell tumor). S100 positivity is generally a useful diagnostic aid.