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Allergy to ammonium persulfate

What is Ammonium Persulfate and where is it found?

Ammonium Persulfate is a strong oxidizing agent and can be found in a wide variety of industrial and consumer uses. It appears as a white crystalline. dust but it can be formulated in cream preparations.

Consumer uses.

  • disinfectants and bleaches
  • bleaching agent for hair coloring and lightening formulations
  • whitening and fortifying agent for flour in the baking industry

Industrial uses

  • printed circuit board engraving
  • Activation of copper and aluminum surfaces.
  • initiator for monomer polymerization
  • bleaching and cold thawing of paper and textiles
  • decontamination for system water circuit
  • oxidative degradation of harmful gases
  • accelerated curing of low formaldehyde adhesives
  • cleaning agent for laboratory glassware
  • additive to industrial starch

Is it safe to use ammonium persulfate?

Ammonium persulfate is relatively easy and safe to handle. The Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR) Expert Panel has reviewed the use of ammonium persulfate and other persulfates as oxidizing agents in hair colorings and lighteners and deemed them safe for brief discontinuous use followed by a complete rinse of the hair and the skin. However, it has stated that manufacturers of these products should be aware of the potential for urticarial reactions at concentrations higher than 17.5%.

In a small study of hairdressers, occupational asthma (OA) was found in 51.1% and occupational allergy dermatitis at 36.2% of the study participants. Ammonium persulfate was the responsible agent in 87.5% of OA cases. The average total duration of exposure in the group of hairdressers with osteoarthritis was 7 years and the average time from the onset of exposure to the onset of symptoms was 5.3 years. While just over 30% had a family history of allergic disease, none of the patients had previous occupations with potential risk factors for asthma, rhinitis, or dermatitis before becoming hairdressers.

Ammonium Persulfate is approved for use by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a multipurpose food additive in concentrations less than 0.075%. Although it has been approved for this use in the United States, it is currently banned in the European Union, Australia and New Zealand as it has been found to cause contact. urticaria in bakers

In general, ammonium persulfate is safe to use, but some people may have acute allergic reaction. Urticaria immediately after inhalation o The contact seems to occur mainly in patients with a history of asthma. It is also apparent from the hairdressers study that repeated exposure can increase sensitivity to the substance and that an allergic reaction may not be apparent until after many years of exposure.

How does ammonium persulfate work? allergy Present?

Contact urticaria is the most common reaction. Skin that has touched ammonium persulfate becomes red, swollen (scarred), and itchy within minutes of exposure. If the ammonium persulfate is washed off, the reaction stabilizes in half an hour or so.

Allergic contact dermatitis may occur. These are delayed and cause itching, redness, blisters, or dry skin that can persist for days or more. Contact dermatitis can build up after repeated persulfate exposure, becoming increasingly severe.

Eye irritation can occur from airborne ammonium persulfate dust or from rubbing the eyes when allergen It is in the hands.

Breathing the dust can cause irritation to the respiratory tract and lead to conditions such as asthma or rhinitis.

In some people, reactions to ammonium persulfate may be delayed and symptoms may not appear for days or even months or years after repeated exposure. Once sensitivity to ammonium persulfate is acquired, it can be a lifelong response.

Am I allergic to ammonium persulfate?

Ammonium persulfate allergy is diagnosed from the medical history and by performing special allergy tests, i.e. prick tests (for contact urticaria) and patch tests (for dermatitis). Patch test with 2.5% of ammonium persulfate in petroleum jelly is used.

Routine patch testing with ammonium persulfate is not recommended as it may rarely produce a non-specific idiosyncratic release of histamine that results in a anaphylactic reaction. Injectable epinephrine (adrenaline) should be readily available when the ammonium persulfate patch test is performed.

Treatment of exposure to ammonium persulfate

If you are diagnosed with an allergy to ammonium persulfate, avoid exposure to products that contain ammonium persulfate.

Urticarial reactions should be treated immediately with oral antihistamines.

Treatment of contact dermatitis is as for any acute dermatitis /eczemathat is to say current corticosteroids emollients, antibiotic treatment of any secondary bacterial infection (Staphylococcus aureus), etc.

What should I do to avoid an allergy to ammonium persulfate?

Ammonium persulfate in its powdered form is more harmful since it can be inhaled. The following precautions can be followed to reduce exposure.

  • Mix bleach in a well-ventilated area.
  • Whenever possible, use cream-based formulations.
  • Avoid skin contact by wearing vinyl or nitrile rubber gloves while mixing and applying ammonium persulfate formulations.
  • Use a moisturizer to protect your hands. Dryness between the fingers is early. sign of contact dermatitis.
  • Train hairdressing staff in the safe use of hairdressing chemicals.

Grooming staff should be trained to recognize the signs and symptoms of ammonium persulfate allergy and advise clients to seek immediate medical attention if a reaction occurs.

Alert your hairdresser, employer, and physician to the fact that you are allergic to ammonium persulfate. your dermatologist You may have more specific advice, especially if you are very sensitive.

Alternative names for ammonium persulfate

Ammonium persulfate is also known by various other names. These include:

  • ammonium peroxydisulfate
  • diammonium peroxodisulfate
  • diammonium persulfate
  • diazanium sulfonate sulfate
  • peroxydisulfuric acid (((HO) S (O) 2) 2O2) ammonium salt (1: 2)
  • peroxydisulfuric acid diammonium salt

More information

Formula: (NH4) 2S2O8

CAS Number: 7727-54-0

Cross reactions:

Sensitizer: ammonium persulfate

Patch Test: 2.5% Ammonium Persulfate in Vaseline

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