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Asian patients often have many fat pockets on the upper and lower eyelids.

Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra developed a novel technique that remove the bags from the eyelids without removing skin and without leaving visible scars.

Patients improve aesthetics, have less weight on the eyelids, allowing them to see better, and do not lose the physiognomic characteristics of the ethnic group.

Cost of Asian Eyelid Surgery

The cost of this treatment is u$d 3,000 (VAT not included).

This treatment is carried out by Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra in Hoogstra Medical Centers Caballito branch.

Hoogstra Caballito Clinic, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Address San José de Calasanz 176.

Height Rivadavia Avenue 5,100 one block from the first station Junta. Parking can be found on Rosario Street between Centenera and San José de Calasanz.

The clinic has the approval of the Secretary of Public Health.

Complete surgical unit. Recovery and hospitalization rooms. The surgeries are performed by Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra.

The modern operating room is equipped with high-level technology and assisted by nurses, instructors specialized in this type of intervention.

All interventions are performed with local anesthesia and sedation, which provides safety and comfort. Sedation is performed by the anesthesia manager at Fernández Hospital or another doctor on his team.

The surgery time is approximately 30 minutes. The residence time in the Clinic is approximately 3 to 4 hours.

Patients traveling from the interior of the country or abroad must be the day before surgery and may return 48 or 72 hours after surgery.

If you have any medical questions, please send an email to [email protected]

In [email protected]  Only medical consultations will be received. Inquiries about shifts, payments and administrative issues are not attended.

How do I take a shift?

If you live in Buenos Aires, you would have to take an appointment with Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra in any of the 3 branches.

The easiest safe, fast and effective way is request your shift online. Depending on the selected branch, you can obtain your shift by entering:

Schedule consultation

Book a consultation at our medical centers located in Caballito, Belgrano and Pilar

If you have difficulty taking a shift online, payments and administrative issues.

You can call Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

(011) 4901-6690     (011) 4904-3434     (011) 4904-0880

The value of the consultation with Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra is U$D 100 . If you later decide to carry out the treatment, this value will be deducted from the total amount.

If you live in the country or abroad you can send photos to the mail [email protected]

It will be evaluated by Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra.

Previous studies can be done at your place of residence and travel with an established date.


To coordinate operative dates, andSend an email to Josefina Nuñez:

[email protected] or by WhatsApp at 005491169459535

By phone you can communicate on Monday, Thursday and Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the following telephone numbers.

0054 11 4 901 6690          0054 11 4 904 3434           0054 11 4 904 0880

To coordinate payments You can send an email to Jose Luis:

[email protected] Or by WhatsApp: 0054 9 11 5037 9821

For more information on Scarless Eyelid Surgery visit Eyelid rejuvenation without visible scars

  • Results:

Videos with patient cases

We invite you to watch the videos on our YouTube channel with the account of patients who have received this treatment, entering here: Eyelid surgery in Asian patients

Patient testimonials

Alexandra Pedroza

2 weeks ago I had the opportunity to undergo surgery for the second time, I had a forehead lift-endoscopy and the first time was in 2019, it was a blepharoplasty, they removed the fat from my eyelids. Due to the pandemic, it was only possible for me to return this year. Dr. Hoogstra's way of working is incredible! You remain as if nothing had happened. It didn't hurt at all, I didn't take a single analgesic for the pain, I didn't have any pain and the recovery was very fast. It is worth traveling from the United States for the second time. Since the security of not taking any risks and of looking good is guaranteed. I tried to take a friend with me who wanted to have a face and neck lift and my friend didn't want to go, she went to Cancun Mexico, because it was cheaper for her. They left her with facial paralysis on the entire left side of her face. Dr. Hoogstra takes care of you and treats you as if you were his family. And his work team is fantastic. Very attentive girls. Josefina, Lucia, José Luis, thank you, even the lady who was bringing coffee to my husband. I do not remember his name . She is in charge of caring for the patients' families. And he helped me get dressed. Very grateful to all of you. A piece of advice to all people who want to have facial beautification. Please see him with a doctor who is highly trained. It is not easy to travel to Argentina from Texas, United States. But the effort is worth it since I put myself in the hands of an eminence in surgery Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra.🤗🤗🤗🤗

Alexandra Pedroza


[:es]Muy detallista, amable y profesional la doctora Carolina Stella, me realizó ultrasonido micro y macro focalizado en párpados.[:]

Barbara Cattáneo


[:es]Me atendió el Dr. Hoogstra, me operó los párpados. Quedé muy conforme, lo recomiendo.[:]

Gabriela Basaldella

[:es]Upper eyelid blepharoplasty[:]

[:es]Me realicé una blefaroplastia en párpados superiores. Debo decir que lógicamente en la previa a la decisión de someterme a dicho procedimiento, mis inquietudes fueron escuchadas y pausadamente me encaminé hacia la cirugía en manos del Dr. Hoogstra. La técnica es excelente, no tuve molestias, cumpliendo las pautas del pre y post quirúrgico.[:]

Marta Alicia Pérez

[:es]Eyelid surgery[:]

[:es]Excelente atención. Me realicé una cirugía de párpados con el Doctor, lo recomiendo.[:]

María Luján Guidi

[:es]Eyelid surgery and liposuction[:]

[:es]Me hice una blefaroplastía y quedé excelente. Sin cicatriz y además el trato del doctor super profesional. Luego regresé por una liposucción de piernas y abdomen y también los resultados son maravillosos. Todo es de calidad y super profesional. El doctor siempre te quita las dudas y el post operatorio fue muy fácil de llevar. ¡Siempre voy a volver![:]

Natalia Givonetti

[:es]Liposculpture and eyelids[:]

[:es]Me hice una lipo de abdomen y un levantamiento de cejas y párpados y estoy muy feliz de haberme animado, el Doctor Hoogstra me da mucha confianza y la recuperación es rápida, sin dolor y recién van 2 semanas de la cirugía pero los cambios ya se notan y son totalmente naturales.[:]

Graciela Castellani

[:es]Eyelid surgery without scars[:]

[:es]Estoy muy feliz con los resultados en los tratamientos. Muy buena atención.[:]

Maria Ester Duarte

[:es]Eyelid surgery without scars[:]

[:es]Me realizó el Dr. Hoogstra una blefaroplastía en ambos párpados, en pocos días era otra persona, con una mirada mas brillante. Gracias Doctor.[:]

Maria Teresa Rodriguez

[:es]Transconjunctival Blepharoplasty and CO2 Laser[:en]CO2 Transconjunctival and Laser Blepharoplasty[:]

[:es]Todo excelente, estoy muy conforme. Felicitaciones![:en]All excellent, I am very satisfied. Congratulations![:]

Mario Vazquez

[:es]A Great Experience!![:en]A Great Experience![:]

[:es]Soy de Fort Worth, Texas y tengo 53 años. Por muchos años deseé quitarme las bolsas de mis párpados inferiores, una mirada más juvenil y retirarme la papada, pero me asustaban las cirugías tradicionales que te retiran piel y pueda cambiar la mirada natural del rostro. Luego de buscar y buscar alternativas tuve la suerte[:en]I am from Fort Worth, Texas and I am 53 years old. For many years I wanted to take off my lower eyelid bags, a more youthful look and remove the double chin, but I was scared of traditional surgeries that remove skin and I can change the natural look on my face. After searching and searching for alternatives I was lucky[:]


[:es]Eyelid surgery without scars with Laser and stain treatment[:en]Eyelid surgery without scars with Laser and stain treatment[:]

[:es]Mi llegada a México fue sin contratiempos, todo en orden me he sentido muy bien, solo un poco de ardor ocasional en los ojos. La verdad es que estoy muy agradecido y muy contento por los resultados de la cirugía, los resultados son mas que notables, estoy super feliz con mi nueva apariencia. De verdad[:en]My arrival in Mexico was smooth, everything in order I felt very good, just a little occasional burning in my eyes. The truth is that I am very grateful and very happy for the results of the surgery, the results are more than remarkable, I am super happy with my new appearance. Really[:]

Jorge Gomez

[:es]Eyelid Surgery with Laser[:en]Eyelid Surgery with Laser[:]

[:es]La cirugía fue fantástica. El pos-operatorio fue más complicado para mí porque no hice reposo ninguno, me moví como si no tuviera nada, eso me hizo tardar un poco más la recuperación pero fue perfecta. Todas las personas me dicen que bien tenes los ojos! que bien que estas! y yo los veo mucho mejor.[:en]The surgery was fantastic. The postoperative was more complicated for me because I did not rest any, I moved as if I had nothing, that made me take a little longer recovery but it was perfect. All people tell me how well you have eyes! how good you are! and I see them much better.[:]


[:es]Eyelid rejuvenation with CO2 laser[:en]Eyelid rejuvenation with CO2 laser[:]

[:es]El Dr. Hoogstra me realizo solamente láser de los párpados superiores e inferiores. No me realizo cirugía. Me colocaron crema anestésica una hora antes. Solo sentí una pequeña molestia durante el tratamiento, luego un pequeño ardor. Retorne a mis actividades a los cuatro días. Note mayor suavidad, tersura y sensación de piel fresca. Uso menos[:en]Dr. Hoogstra only performed laser of the upper and lower eyelids. I don’t have surgery. I had an anesthetic cream an hour before. I only felt a little discomfort during the treatment, then a small burning. I returned to my activities after four days. Note greater softness, smoothness and fresh skin sensation.[:]

Beatríz M

[:es]Endoscopic Lifting – Transconjunctival Blepharoplasty – CO2 Laser[:en]Endoscopic Lifting – Transconjunctival Blepharoplasty – CO2 Laser[:]

[:es]El Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra me explico que el exceso de piel del párpado superior se debía a un descenso de la frente. Me propuso realizar un procedimiento. Lifting Endoscópico, Blefaroplastia transconjuntival y láser de dióxido de carbono Pan Facial. Durante el tratamiento estuve sedada y no sentí nada, salvo por un pequeño ardorcito que cuando[:en]Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra explained to me that the excess skin of the upper eyelid was due to a lowering of the forehead. He proposed to perform a procedure. Endoscopic Lifting, transconjunctival blepharoplasty and carbon dioxide laser Pan Facial.[:]

Graciela A

[:es]Laser lipo, eyelid and nose surgery[:en]Laser lipo, eyelid and nose surgery[:]

[:es]Hola dr. Hoogstra, Me siento la mujer mas afortunada del planeta por haber tenido el privilegio de conocerlo y ser su paciente. Gracias por su amabilidad, ética y profesionalismo. Mil gracias de nuevo por todo lo que ha hecho por mi y por sus valiosas recomendaciones. Ahora me siento una mujer bella y segura.. Cariños[:en]Hi dr. Hoogstra, I feel the luckiest woman on the planet for having had the privilege of knowing him and being his patient. Thank you for your kindness, ethics and professionalism. Thank you again for everything you have done for me and for your valuable recommendations. Now I feel a beautiful and confident woman.[:]


[:es]Carbon Dioxide Laser[:en]Carbon Dioxide Laser[:]

[:es]Hola Doctor, Todos los días cuando me miro al espejo veo los fabulosos resultados del láser en mis párpados y me da mucha satisfacción, por eso hace tiempo que quiero contártelo. Al principio los cambios no fueron tan grandes pero los efectos siguen de manera lenta y sin pausa. Gracias y ya nos estaremos viendo[:en]Hello Doctor, Every day when I look in the mirror I see the fabulous results of the laser on my eyelids and it gives me a lot of satisfaction, that’s why I have wanted to tell you for a long time. At first the changes were not so great but the effects continue slowly and without pause. Thanks and we’ll be seeing each other[:]

Maria Susana

[:es]Eyelid surgery without scars with Laser and stain treatment[:en]Eyelid surgery without scars with Laser and stain treatment[:]

[:es]Mi llegada a México fue sin contratiempos, todo en orden me he sentido muy bien, solo un poco de ardor ocasional en los ojos. La verdad es que estoy muy agradecido y muy contento por los resultados de la cirugía, los resultados son mas que notables, estoy super feliz con mi nueva apariencia.[:en]My arrival in Mexico was smooth, everything in order I felt very good, just a little occasional burning in my eyes. The truth is that I am very grateful and very happy for the results of the surgery, the results are more than remarkable, I am super happy with my new appearance.[:]

Jorge Gomez

[:es]CO2 laser on the eyelids[:en]CO2 laser on the eyelids[:]

[:es]Quiero dejar mi opinión porque cuando algo sale bien también hay que decirlo. En mi caso el dr me practico un láser CO2 en los parpados sin blefaroplastia, porque cuento con poca grasa en mis párpados pero ya lucían cansados y caídos. El tratamiento duro 3 minutos como mucho, y tras lo cual durante 2[:en]I want to leave my opinion because when something goes well, it must also be said. In my case the dr practiced a CO2 laser in my eyelids without blepharoplasty, because I have low fat on my eyelids but they already looked tired and droopy. The treatment lasted 3 minutes at most, and after which for 2[:]

Soledad De Leon
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