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Skin blemishes

Post laser hyperpigmentation


How hyperpigmentations or dark spots of the skin produced after a carbon dioxide laser rejuvenation treatment are produced and how they are treated.

The carbon dioxide laser is one of the most effective tools for skin rejuvenation.
Its tiny beam penetrates the skin like thermal columns to the deep dermis.
Heating of the deep dermis increases collagen production, with an increase in skin tension and a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles observed within a few days.
At the level of the epidermis, it produces a superficial ablation with the elimination of actinic macules, solar keratosis, attenuation of the pores and reduction of acne scars.

Clinical Picture

This thermal heating can cause hyperpigmentation in some dark-skinned patients.
This situation is not considered a complication but rather an unwanted, transitory and reversible effect.
Every patient who goes through this situation suffers anguish and thinks that this will last forever.
Carbon dioxide laser treatments have been performed at Hoogstra Medical Centers since 1995 and permanent hyperpigmentation has never been recorded in the hundreds of patients treated.

For 6 years, new carbon dioxide lasers have been used which are called "micro fractionated", which means that they leave a space of healthy skin between one thermal column and the other, allowing this unwanted effect (hyperpigmentation) to be less frequent.


In 2012, a new technology was incorporated into all our Centers, the Helios laser (ND Yag 1064 – 532), which removes skin blemishes.
The light energy of the Helios laser is absorbed by the pigment (spot). This produces vaporization of it.


The Helios laser does not irritate the skin, it does not cause redness, and after each session the patient immediately continues with his activity.
You will notice that with each session the skin becomes lighter and after a couple of sessions it returns to its normal color or slightly lighter and brighter than it originally was.
The Helios laser is specially designed to remove all kinds of skin blemishes as well as tattoos of all kinds of color.

Patient testimonial

We invite you to watch the following videos with the story of patients who have received this treatment in our Medical Centers:

Doubts and queries

If you have any medical questions, send an email to [email protected]  . In this mail Only medical consultations will be received. Inquiries about shifts, payments and administrative issues are not attended.

By phone on Monday, Thursday and Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the following telephone numbers.

  • 0054 11 4 901 6690
  • 0054 11 4 904 3434
  • 0054 11 4 904 0880

Schedule consultation

Book a consultation at our medical centers located in Caballito, Belgrano and Pilar


Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation


This type of pigmented lesions, as its name implies, describes the final stage of an inflammatory process that the skin underwent. The redness of the area is the first evolutionary step and is due to vascular dilation, then comes dark pigmentation.

Clinical Picture

This type of hyperpigmentation is seen frequently in patients who depilate with hot wax. The upper lip is the most affected. Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is also observed by the use of deodorants in patients with allergies to any of its components, in this case the most affected areas are the armpits.
It is common to see hyperpigmentation due to the use of some garment, belt or decorative metal element that rubs the skin by rubbing, which produces redness and subsequent pigmentation.
Certain types of drugs such as tetracyclines, sulfa drugs, barbiturates, metronidazole, paracetamol, benzodiazepines, ibuprofen, among others, produce circumscribed erythema (inflammation) on the skin that end with hyperpigmentation.
There is another type of hyperpigmentation that is produced by perfumes and colognes that contain bergamot derivatives.
The bergamot oil contained in the perfume produces a significant inflammatory process, with edema and vasodilation, which ends like the others in a pigmented stain in the contact area.
Another type of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is that produced as a consequence of ablative laser treatments, chemical peels and other aesthetic treatments aimed at rejuvenating the skin.


One of the most modern treatments for the treatment of these hyperpigmentations is the laser. Helios II.
It is a Microfractioned Nd: YAG Q SWITCHED Laser that uses DEO (diffractive) technology which was invented and patented by Laseroptek in 2009.
Diffractive technology divides the energy emitted by the laser into 81 stable and uniform micro points that increase the therapeutic effect without the complications that are common in other systems.
Helios II has been specially designed to treat melasma and all kinds of pigmented lesions throughout the year and even on dark and tanned skin.
The light energy of Helios II in its 1,064 modality impacts the pigmented lesion in depth without irritating the skin.
This treatment must always be accompanied by the suspension of the causal element and be accompanied by photo protection.

Patient testimonial

We invite you to watch the following videos with the story of patients who have received this treatment in our Medical Centers:

Doubts and queries

If you have any medical questions, send an email to [email protected]  . In this mail Only medical consultations will be received. Inquiries about shifts, payments and administrative issues are not attended.

By phone on Monday, Thursday and Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the following telephone numbers.

  • 0054 11 4 901 6690
  • 0054 11 4 904 3434
  • 0054 11 4 904 0880

Schedule consultation

Book a consultation at our medical centers located in Caballito, Belgrano and Pilar


Solar lentigines and freckles

How to treat dark spots on the skin?

Dark spots on the skin can be benign or malignant. Among the most frequent benign lesions are actinic lentigines.

Clinical picture

Also called solar lentigines or senile lentigines, they are found in the areas most exposed to the sun such as the face, back of the hands, neckline and forearms. The size can be from a few millimeters to several centimeters and sometimes they are very extensive. They generally appear after the age of 40 and have an earlier development in white-skinned people who have not used adequate sun protection. Lentigines are a constant in elderly Caucasians.
The most common treatments are cryosurgery and electrosurgery. These treatments are painful and often leave scars.


Currently the most effective and safest treatment is the one performed with Helios Laser, with which the injury can be eliminated in a completely painless way, leaving healthy and healthy skin. The light energy of the laser is absorbed by the pigment, which is denatured without causing damage to neighboring tissues.

The recommended interval between sessions is 15 days, it can also be weekly or monthly.

The number of sessions depends on the depth in which the pigment is lodged and it can go from 6 sessions or sometimes up to 20 sessions.

You will not only be able to perceive an attenuation of the spots but also an improvement in the overall quality of the skin and a rejuvenating effect.

This procedure is performed by dermatologists at the 3 centers.

You can take your turn online WITH DERMATOLOGISTS at any of our branches and attend directly to carry out a treatment.

Patient testimonial

We invite you to watch the videos on our YouTube channel with the account of patients who have received this treatment, entering here: Skin blemishes

Price of treatment for skin blemishes with Laser Helios

Currently the most effective and safest treatment is the one performed with Helios laser, with which the lesion can be eliminated in a totally painless way, leaving a healthy and healthy skin. The light energy of the laser is absorbed by the pigment, which is denatured without causing damage to neighboring tissues.

  • Helios con cascarita en manchas puntuales (+532), el costo de cada sesión es de $105.000

Doubts and queries

If you have any medical questions, send an email to [email protected]  . In this mail Only medical consultations will be received. Inquiries about shifts, payments and administrative issues are not attended.

By phone on Monday, Thursday and Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the following telephone numbers.

  • 0054 11 4 901 6690
  • 0054 11 4 904 3434
  • 0054 11 4 904 0880

Schedule consultation

Book a consultation at our medical centers located in Caballito, Belgrano and Pilar

Fordyce spots or pimples

Las manchas o granos de Fordyce son pequeñas protuberancias de color blanco, que miden aproximadamente entre 1 y 3 mm. Pueden aparecer en diversas áreas del cuerpo como los labios, el pene, el escroto o la vulva. Estos granos son técnicamente glándulas sebáceas ectópicas que aumentan de tamaño y pueden surgir a cualquier edad, aunque son más frecuentes durante la pubertad debido a los cambios hormonales. Es importante destacar que los granos de Fordyce no están relacionados con el VIH, herpes, enfermedades de transmisión sexual, verrugas genitales o cáncer.

¿Qué aspecto tienen los granos de Fordyce?

Descripción Clínica

Clínicamente, los granos de Fordyce se presentan como múltiples pápulas de 2 a 3 mm de diámetro. Estas pápulas son de color amarillento-blanquecino, bilaterales y ligeramente sobreelevadas. Su apariencia distintiva permite una fácil identificación por parte de los profesionales de la salud.

Localización Común

  • Labios: Pueden aparecer tanto en el labio superior como en el inferior, generalmente en la parte interna.
  • Genitales Masculinos: Es común encontrarlos en el pene y el escroto.
  • Genitales Femeninos: Pueden surgir en la vulva, especialmente en los labios menores y mayores.

¿Qué causa los granos de Fordyce?

Factores Hormonales

Los cambios hormonales, especialmente durante la pubertad, juegan un papel crucial en la aparición de los granos de Fordyce. El aumento en la actividad hormonal puede estimular el crecimiento de estas glándulas sebáceas ectópicas.

No Relacionados con Enfermedades

Es fundamental entender que los granos de Fordyce no son causados por infecciones, enfermedades de transmisión sexual o cáncer. Son una condición dermatológica benigna y común.

¿Cuáles son los tratamientos disponibles para los granos de Fordyce?

Opciones de Tratamiento

  1. Láser de CO2: Es uno de los tratamientos más efectivos para reducir o eliminar los granos de Fordyce. Este procedimiento utiliza un láser para vaporizar las glándulas sebáceas afectadas sin dañar el tejido circundante.
  2. Tratamientos Tópicos: Algunos medicamentos tópicos, como las cremas con ácido retinoico, pueden ayudar a reducir la apariencia de los granos de Fordyce.
  3. Micro-punción: Este procedimiento mínimamente invasivo utiliza pequeñas agujas para tratar las áreas afectadas.
  4. Electrocauterización: Utiliza corriente eléctrica para eliminar los granos de Fordyce de manera precisa y efectiva.

Cuidados Post-Tratamiento

Después de cualquier procedimiento, es esencial seguir las indicaciones del dermatólogo para asegurar una adecuada cicatrización y minimizar el riesgo de infecciones o complicaciones.

¿Cuándo consultar a un dermatólogo?

Evaluación Profesional

Aunque los granos de Fordyce son inofensivos, es recomendable consultar a un dermatólogo si notas cambios en su apariencia, si causan molestias o si tienes dudas sobre tu piel. Un especialista puede ofrecer un diagnóstico preciso y recomendar el tratamiento más adecuado.

Preocupaciones Estéticas

Para muchas personas, los granos de Fordyce pueden ser una preocupación estética. Si este es tu caso, un dermatólogo puede asesorarte sobre las mejores opciones para mejorar la apariencia de tu piel.

Mitos y Realidades sobre los Granos de Fordyce

Mitos Comunes

  • Mito: Los granos de Fordyce son contagiosos.
    • Realidad: No son contagiosos y no se transmiten de una persona a otra.
  • Mito: Están relacionados con la higiene personal.
    • Realidad: No están relacionados con la falta de higiene.

Fordyce stain photos

Where do they appear?

Fordyce pimples in the mouth usually appear on the upper lip, inside the cheek, or on the gums. In the genital region, mainly in men, the appearance of Fordyce granules in the body of the penis, glans, foreskin or testicles is common. When these glands are visualized around the nipple they are called Montgomery tubers, and when they do it on the foreskin they are called tyson's glands.

Fordyce Grain Treatment with Lotus Laser:

Although in most patients they are asymptomatic, when these pimples are located on the genitals they can cause itching or discomfort in sexual relations; being necessary in some cases to establish a treatment. In this case the best treatment is drainage with Lotus Laser

Fordyce grains: how to remove them?

This intervention does not require anesthesia. Only a micro incision is produced on the gland that allows the drainage of all its contents. After the session you may notice a slight redness or discomfort that last only a few hours, but there are no subsequent scars and normal activities can be resumed almost immediately.

How is the laser treatment?

Sessions cost

The cost is for the treatment is u$d 400 + IVA

If you have any questions, you can clarify it first with the same professional. The cost of this dermatological consultation is $40.000 pesos. If you. do the treatment later the value of the query will be discounted.

This procedure is carried out by our dermatologist team in any of our 3 centers. You can request the shift below

Instalaciones y Seguridad del Procedimiento

En nuestra clínica, nos enorgullecemos de ofrecer instalaciones de vanguardia y altos estándares de seguridad para todos nuestros procedimientos. Contamos con aparatología médica de última generación, lo que nos permite realizar intervenciones con precisión y eficiencia.

Nuestra unidad quirúrgica completa está equipada con tecnología de alto nivel, incluyendo modernas salas de cirugía asistidas por enfermeros e instrumentadores especializados en este tipo de intervenciones. Estas salas de cirugía están diseñadas para maximizar la seguridad del paciente, minimizando cualquier riesgo durante el procedimiento.

Además, disponemos de confortables salas de recuperación e internación, asegurando que los pacientes reciban atención continua y de calidad en un entorno seguro y controlado. La tecnología avanzada utilizada en nuestras instalaciones no solo mejora la precisión de las intervenciones, sino que también garantiza una rápida y segura recuperación.

La clínica cuenta con la aprobación de la Secretaría de Salud Pública, lo que certifica que cumplimos con los más altos estándares de seguridad y calidad en la atención médica. Nos comprometemos a mantener y superar estos estándares, brindando a nuestros pacientes la tranquilidad y confianza de estar en las mejores manos posibles.

Doubts and queries

If you have difficulty taking a shift online, payments and administrative issues.

You can call Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

(011) 4901-6690     (011) 4904-3434     (011) 4904-0880

If you have any questions about medical I sent an email to [email protected]  . In this mail Only medical consultations will be received. Inquiries about shifts, payments and administrative issues are not attended.

Schedule consultation

Book a consultation at our medical centers located in Caballito, Belgrano and Pilar

Reference links

Stains by iron injection

Las manchas en los glúteos que se observan después de la aplicación de hierro intramuscular son frecuentes y hasta hace poco parecían imposibles de eliminar. Estas manchas pueden afectar la autoestima y la confianza de las personas, por lo que encontrar un tratamiento efectivo es esencial.

La Problemática de las Manchas por Inyección de Hierro

¿Qué son las manchas por inyección de hierro?

Las manchas oscuras que aparecen tras la aplicación intramuscular de hierro son resultado de la acumulación de pigmento férrico en la piel. Este tipo de manchas es particularmente común en los glúteos debido a que esta área es una zona preferida para las inyecciones.

Impacto Estético y Psicológico

Estas manchas no solo afectan la apariencia física, sino que también pueden tener un impacto psicológico significativo. Muchas personas se sienten avergonzadas o incómodas, lo que puede afectar su vida social y su autoestima.

Tratamiento Láser

Introducción al Tratamiento Láser

El láser Helios es actualmente la única tecnología efectiva y segura para eliminar estas manchas antiestéticas. Este tratamiento ha revolucionado el abordaje de las manchas causadas por el hierro intramuscular, ofreciendo una solución que antes parecía inalcanzable.

¿Qué es el Láser Helios?

Helios es el único láser ND-Yag Q-Switcheado microfraccionado que tiene un sistema óptico difractivo, patentado por la firma Laseroptek. Esta tecnología avanzada permite tratar las manchas de manera precisa y efectiva.

Funcionamiento del Láser Helios

La energía lumínica del láser es absorbida por el pigmento férrico, produciendo su vaporización y eliminación. El sistema óptico difractivo del láser Helios permite que el tratamiento sea seguro y eficaz, minimizando el riesgo de daños en la piel circundante.

Cost of Helios Laser Iron Injection Spot Treatment

  • Tratamiento con Láser Helios en una zona: $140.000

The recommended interval between sessions is 15 days, it can also be weekly or monthly. The number of sessions depends on the depth in which the pigment is housed and can be 4 sessions or more.

This procedure is performed by dermatologists at the 3 centers.

You can take your turn online WITH DERMATOLOGISTS at any of our branches and attend directly to carry out a treatment.

Instalaciones y Seguridad del Procedimiento

En nuestra clínica, nos enorgullecemos de ofrecer instalaciones de vanguardia y altos estándares de seguridad para todos nuestros procedimientos. Contamos con aparatología médica de última generación, lo que nos permite realizar intervenciones con precisión y eficiencia.

Nuestra unidad quirúrgica completa está equipada con tecnología de alto nivel, incluyendo modernas salas de cirugía asistidas por enfermeros e instrumentadores especializados en este tipo de intervenciones. Estas salas de cirugía están diseñadas para maximizar la seguridad del paciente, minimizando cualquier riesgo durante el procedimiento.

Además, disponemos de confortables salas de recuperación e internación, asegurando que los pacientes reciban atención continua y de calidad en un entorno seguro y controlado. La tecnología avanzada utilizada en nuestras instalaciones no solo mejora la precisión de las intervenciones, sino que también garantiza una rápida y segura recuperación.

La clínica cuenta con la aprobación de la Secretaría de Salud Pública, lo que certifica que cumplimos con los más altos estándares de seguridad y calidad en la atención médica. Nos comprometemos a mantener y superar estos estándares, brindando a nuestros pacientes la tranquilidad y confianza de estar en las mejores manos posibles.

Patient testimonial

We invite you to watch the videos on our YouTube channel with the account of patients who have received this treatment, entering here: Iron Injection Stains

Doubts and queries

If you have any medical questions, send an email to [email protected]  . In this mail Only medical consultations will be received. Inquiries about shifts, payments and administrative issues are not attended.

By phone on Monday, Thursday and Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the following telephone numbers.

  • 0054 11 4 901 6690
  • 0054 11 4 904 3434
  • 0054 11 4 904 0880

Schedule consultation

Book a consultation at our medical centers located in Caballito, Belgrano and Pilar

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