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Pathology of scabies with crust

Crusted scabies (also known as Norwegian scabies) is rare, highly contagious infestation affecting patients with a weakened immune system. The infestation occurs with hyperkeratotic plates with yellowish crusts located on the extremities, trunk, ears and eyebrows.

Histology scabies with crust

In crusted scabies, there are numerous Mites within stratum corneum. The stratum corneum is markedly thickened and there is epidermal acanthosis (Figures 1, 2).

Pathology of scabies with crust


Figure 1


Figure 2

Special studies for crusted scabies

Generally none is needed.

Differential diagnosis scabies with crust

Compared to conventional scabies, mites are much more numerous and associated with hyperkeratosis.

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