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Winer pathology dilated pore

Is injury falls into the group of benign follicular tumors

Histology Winer's enlarged pore

The view of the scanning power of Winer's dilated pore shows a small invagination epidermal process (Figure 1). This is made up of a widened follicle infundibulum filled with a small amount of keratinous material (Figure 2). the infundibular epithelium it is hyperplastic, forming small radiant filaments at the base and sides of the pore (Figure 2).

Winer pathology dilated pore


Figure 1


Figure 2

Differential diagnosis Winer's enlarged pore

Pilar sheath acanthoma: In this injury there is more prominent hyperplasia of the outer sheath of the root forming tumor nodules they push the surroundings dermis. This tumor arises from the follicular isthmus where the corneocytes it acquires a more red-pink color.

Trichofolliculoma: Radiant hair follicles in varying states of maturity it is seen to extend from the central dilated pore or cystic structure.

Capillary cortex comedo : This lesion demonstrates infundibular epithelium associated with a dense cornified plug with compact laminated corneocytes, and supramatic and matrical epithelium representing attempts to form the cortex and hair shaft.

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