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Reconstructive cosmetic surgeries

Non-invasive lipomodeling


Method developed by Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra.

Body lipomodeling is a technique that allows you to model your silhouette, reduce cellulite and reduce sagging, with the following advantages:

• It is an outpatient process.
• Does not leave scars.
• It is not painful.
• The patient can walk and bathe the same day and in 48 hours. rejoins daily work.

This procedure is complemented by a plan consisting of a tolerable diet and minimal physical activity, which help to enhance the benefits.

As a result, within the first month the patient will be able to verify a better general state of health, greater physical strength and sexual desire.
On the body it produces a decrease in body fat and an increase in muscle mass.
Blood studies will show a decrease in cholesterol, an increase in red blood cells and a decrease in blood glucose.

The body lipomodeling developed by Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra seeks to comprehensively improve the health and aesthetics of the patient, which leads to a better quality of life.

The intervention is carried out in Hoogstra Medical Centers, San José de Calasanz 176, city of Buenos Aires. The clinic has the approval of the Secretary of Public Health. Complete surgical unit. Recovery and hospitalization rooms. The surgeries are performed by Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra. The modern operating room is equipped with high-level technology and assisted by nurses, instructors specialized in this type of intervention. A team of world-class anesthesiologists will carry out sedation and monitoring during the intervention. The length of stay in the clinic generally does not exceed 6 to 8 hours.

Plastic Surgeon; pioneer in medical and aesthetic laser treatments.

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Book a consultation at our medical centers located in Caballito, Belgrano and Pilar

Patient testimonial


[:es]Lipoaspiración realizada en el año 1996. Excelentes resultados, muy conforme, Muchas gracias.[:]

Maria Garcia


[:es]Excelente atención, muy buenos profesionales. Muy serios. Super recomendable.[:]

Fernanda Giachello

[:es]Eyelid surgery and liposuction[:]

[:es]Me hice una blefaroplastía y quedé excelente. Sin cicatriz y además el trato del doctor super profesional. Luego regresé por una liposucción de piernas y abdomen y también los resultados son maravillosos. Todo es de calidad y super profesional. El doctor siempre te quita las dudas y el post operatorio fue muy fácil de llevar. ¡Siempre voy a volver![:]

Natalia Givonetti

[:es]Liposculpture and eyelids[:]

[:es]Me hice una lipo de abdomen y un levantamiento de cejas y párpados y estoy muy feliz de haberme animado, el Doctor Hoogstra me da mucha confianza y la recuperación es rápida, sin dolor y recién van 2 semanas de la cirugía pero los cambios ya se notan y son totalmente naturales.[:]

Graciela Castellani

[:es]Liposucción de cuello[:en]Neck liposuction[:]

[:es]Le saludo cordialmente Dr Hoogstra asi como a su staff. Hoy se cumplieron 2 meses de mi Liposucción de cuello, he perdido 7 kg con la dieta y creo se ve mejor. La hiperpigmentación del contorno de mis ojos y pomulos se esta desapareciendo por si sóla y creo en unas semanas se habrá ido[:en]Yours sincerely, Dr. Hoogstra and his staff. Today 2 months of my neck liposuction were fulfilled, I lost 7 kg with the diet and I think it looks better. The hyperpigmentation of the contour of my eyes and cheekbones is disappearing by itself and I think in a few weeks it will be gone[:]

Elena Pittock

[:es]Laser lipo, eyelid and nose surgery[:en]Laser lipo, eyelid and nose surgery[:]

[:es]Hola dr. Hoogstra, Me siento la mujer mas afortunada del planeta por haber tenido el privilegio de conocerlo y ser su paciente. Gracias por su amabilidad, ética y profesionalismo. Mil gracias de nuevo por todo lo que ha hecho por mi y por sus valiosas recomendaciones. Ahora me siento una mujer bella y segura.. Cariños[:en]Hi dr. Hoogstra, I feel the luckiest woman on the planet for having had the privilege of knowing him and being his patient. Thank you for your kindness, ethics and professionalism. Thank you again for everything you have done for me and for your valuable recommendations. Now I feel a beautiful and confident woman.[:]


Umbilical hernia

Diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles.

Clinical picture

An umbilical hernia is a protrusion of the contents of the abdominal cavity through a weak point.
It occurs frequently in women who have given birth.

Viscera and omentum can come out of the hernia, the smaller the hernial ring, the greater the chances of damage to the internal organs.

The abdominal content, either viscera or omentum, exits through the ring but then has difficulty returning to the cavity.

This can cause pain of varying intensity that is relieved once the patient or the doctor, through manual maneuvers, re-introduces the hernial content into the cavity.

In more serious cases it ends up generating necrosis, or damage to the intestine, which requires emergency intervention.

Diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles is another frequent situation in women after pregnancy, it is also frequently seen in obese patients and in those who have lost a lot of weight.

When the abdominal wall is palpated, the separation between one rectus abdominis muscle and the other is easily perceived.

Externally it manifests itself because the patient loses the contour of the waist.


These situations are easily reversible, generally combining Laser Lipomodelation with a Plastic Surgery of the rectus abdominis muscles.

A few days after the intervention we can observe a harmonious body, with a thin waist and a strong abdominal girth, which will help her to carry out the efforts of daily life and some exercises that were difficult before.

This procedure is performed in the surgical unit of Hoogstra Caballito Medical Center.

It is performed under local anesthesia and sedation; with this we achieve safety and comfort, since for the patient it is like a general anesthesia and does not feel pain.

It is ambulatory, that is to say that the same day it is withdrawn to its home.

The next day you can bathe and after 7 days the stitches are removed.

Depending on the hernia, the degree of the diastasis of the muscles and the flaccidity of the skin, is the type of incision that is used.

Patient testimonial

The following is a young patient who had her second child a year ago. Three months ago a breast prosthesis was placed and now she is consulting us because she can see her wide waist, she refers to it by the name of batraciform, on palpation an umbilical hernia and a large diastasis of the rectus muscles of the abdomen are found. It does not present sagging skin.

The procedure we performed was a laser lipomodelation of the anterior, lateral and back abdomen.

To avoid scarring, an abdominal Plastic Surgery was performed, that is, the plication of the abdominal muscles and fascia endoscopically through a minimal incision in the navel.

For those patients who have flaccidity and diastasis, it is generally necessary to make an incision close to the pubic hair, the extent of which will depend on the amount of skin that needs to be removed.

Click on the images to enlarge

Umbilical hernia Umbilical hernia Umbilical hernia

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