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Permanent hair removal

Definitive IPL hair removal

Permanent hair removal with Supra IPL

Our Medical Centers and team of dermatologists have more than 15 years of experience in permanent hair removal. Today we are pleased to offer you a new depilatory system that allows us to treat hair more effectively, quickly and painlessly.

You can take your turn via the internet WITH THE DERMATOLOGISTS at any of our branches and go directly to perform a treatment. This procedure is performed by dermatologists in the 3 centers.

You can take a turn and go directly to perform a treatment. If you have any questions, you can clarify it first with the same professional.

The cost of the dermatological consultation is $40.000 pesos, if you. carry out the treatment then the value of the consultation will be discounted.

If you. If you have any medical questions, you can write to us in advance by sending an email to [email protected] Only medical consultations will be received here. In this email, inquiries about shifts, payments and administrative issues are not answered.

Prices Hair removal with Supra IPL

Lower abdomen$28.000,00
Upper abdomen$28.000,00
Man Arm$45.000,00
Full Face Woman$40.000,00
Face Man$48.000,00
Normal dug$28.000,00
Extended digging$35.000,00
Anterior or posterior neck$22.000,00
Back of fingers / toes$25.000,00
Dorso espalda sup.$50.000,00
Media Cara$30.000,00
Media pierna$30.000,00
Man chest$48.000,00
Peri areolar$28.000,00
Whole leg$35.000,00
Glúteos Hombre$38.000,00
Lumbar region$38.000,00
Sacral region$28.000,00
Supra + Infra umbilical$30.000,00
Intermammary sulcus$28.000,00
Espalda hombre$50.000,00
Hombros hombre$38.000,00

More information

SUPRA-IPL removes unwanted hair in motion and progressively.
It acts directly on the hair follicle, achieving the fastest and most effective hair removal. 
It reaches speeds of up to 10 shots per second, as opposed to a traditional IPL system that fires 1 shot at the same time.

It is painless:
Eliminates wavelengths that do not produce depilatory effect and do produce pain.

It is effective:
Conventional IPLs have painful, harmful, and ineffective wavelengths. The SUPRA IPL, with a power greater than conventional IPL, transforms these lengths into painless and useful for hair removal, making it the most effective equipment for hair removal on the market.

Extra benefits:
It stimulates collagen, improving the texture and quality of the skin in the treated area.

All skin types, all year round:
The treatment can be carried out with precautions, on all skin types, throughout the year.

Summary of Benefits:
• Excellent results.
• Eliminates Folliculitis.
• Painless.
• Any body area can be treated in a short time.
• Can be applied to all skin types.
• More effective.

Preparation for treatment

Optimal hair preparation for treatment with SupraIPL It consists of shaving it with a razor or depilatory cream. Start-up methods such as waxing, tweezers, and electric epilators should be avoided. It is suggested to start shaving 15 to 20 days before the first session and to go to the office with a hair length of 1 to 3mm.
It is important to take care of the skin with sun protection, before and after each session. 
The number of sessions is on average between 6 and 8 depending on the area to be treated and the density of hair in each patient, the interval between them being 30 to 40 days.

You can go directly to perform a treatment with the hair prepared in the manner indicated in the previous point.

Videos with patient cases

We invite you to watch the videos on our YouTube channel with the account of patients who have received this treatment, entering here: Permanent hair removal

Instalaciones y Seguridad del Procedimiento

En nuestra clínica, nos enorgullecemos de ofrecer instalaciones de vanguardia y altos estándares de seguridad para todos nuestros procedimientos. Contamos con aparatología médica de última generación, lo que nos permite realizar intervenciones con precisión y eficiencia.

Nuestra unidad quirúrgica completa está equipada con tecnología de alto nivel, incluyendo modernas salas de cirugía asistidas por enfermeros e instrumentadores especializados en este tipo de intervenciones. Estas salas de cirugía están diseñadas para maximizar la seguridad del paciente, minimizando cualquier riesgo durante el procedimiento.

Además, disponemos de confortables salas de recuperación e internación, asegurando que los pacientes reciban atención continua y de calidad en un entorno seguro y controlado. La tecnología avanzada utilizada en nuestras instalaciones no solo mejora la precisión de las intervenciones, sino que también garantiza una rápida y segura recuperación.

La clínica cuenta con la aprobación de la Secretaría de Salud Pública, lo que certifica que cumplimos con los más altos estándares de seguridad y calidad en la atención médica. Nos comprometemos a mantener y superar estos estándares, brindando a nuestros pacientes la tranquilidad y confianza de estar en las mejores manos posibles.

Patient testimonials

[:es]Depilación definitiva[:]

[:es]Me atiendo con la Dra. Karina Acuña en la sucursal de Caballito. ¡La recomiendo para cualquier tratamiento![:]

Melissa von Zehmen

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Book a consultation at our medical centers located in little horse and Belgrano

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