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Scars produced by Acne

[:es]Cicatrices producidas por Acné[:]

Scar acne: acne scars

The scars left by acne seem to be a double punishment, first the patient spends his adolescence with acute acne outbreaks, comedones, pustules, nodules etc. These typical acute acne lesions, if not properly treated, end in scars.

The best way to prevent these scars is to effectively treat the acute acne.

What is scar acne?

To better understand how this process is, we must first understand what acute acne is. Acute acne is caused by obstruction, outflow of the contents of the sebaceous pilo gland. This obstruction generates sebum retention and dead cells. Dilation of the gland manifests itself on the skin as multiple pimples.
The sebum and dead cells retained in the sebaceous follicle promote the proliferation of bacteria, then infection ensues, the pimples turn red and hot.

Acne symptoms

Acute acne severity ranges from comedonic acne or blackheads, through pustules to large inflammatory nodules. These processes affect the skin and subcutaneous cellular tissue to varying degrees, causing scars of varying degrees ranging from small depressions in the skin to large depressed scars. The inflammatory nodules are usually the ones that leave the scars deeper and more extensive.

Treatments for acne scars

To reduce or eliminate the scars left by acute acne, we have different treatments, from the least invasive and with immediate recovery to the most intense lasers:

Radiofrequency with Microneedles

It is a modern treatment that produces a gradual improvement of the skin, it is performed once a month, it is not painful and the patient can immediately continue with his life without traces. It requires 6 sessions with 30-day intervals between one and the other.

Costo: u$d 100 (IVA no incluido) por sesión. La realizan los dermatólogos en los 3 centros.

Treatment with LOTUS, Erbium Laser

The laser removes the superficial layers, leaves the skin smoother and with less scars.
It is very little bothersome and has a recovery of 48 hours, a period in which the skin is reddened. Several sessions are necessary depending on the degree of sequelae that the patient has.


    • lotus acne  $80.000 la sesión

Carbon Dioxide Laser

These lasers work at a deeper level achieving better aesthetic results.

EL costo de la intervención se realiza con evaluación previa del Dr. Hoogstra. The query value is U$D 100  los cuales se reintegran en el monto total del procedimiento.”

Patient testimonial

[:es]Acné con Láser Lotus[:]

[:es]Ayer empecé el tratamiento para el acné con Lotus. Estoy esperando los resultados, pero vi los vídeos de tratamientos anteriores y estoy segura que va a funcionar. La atención es excelente. Me estoy atendiendo en la clínica Hoogstra de Caballito con la Dra. Elena Placenti, una muy buena profesional.[:]

Bethlehem Palatnik

[:es]Verrugas y acné[:]

[:es]Muy buena atención, excelentes profesionales, me atendí por una verruga en el cuello y me la sacaron con láser en el momento y sin dolor. También me atendí un caso de acné rebelde en la espalda y me dieron un tratamiento con antibióticos y loción que me curo después de sufrir años esa enfermedad. Me atendí en la sede de Belgrano que esta enfrente de la plaza de Barrancas. El tratamiento lo hice con la doctora Belén Salvaneschi.[:]

Ricardo Maidana

[:es]Tratamiento de Acné agudo en espalda y hombros[:en]Acne treatment in back and shoulders[:]

[:es]Mi nombre es Verónica, tengo 34 años, sufro de acné, específicamente en mi espalda y hombros, debido a un problema endocrinológico. Tengo Hiperandrogenismo y eso hace que mis glándulas sebáceas trabajen de más… Probé miles de cremas, tratamientos cosmiátricos y pastillas anticonceptivas para tratarme….ninguno causo el efecto que estoy teniendo con el Laser Lotus II[:en]My name is Veronica, I am 34 years old, I suffer from acne, specifically on my back and shoulders, due to an endocrinological problem. I have Hyperandrogenism and that makes my sebaceous glands work more … I tried thousands of creams, cosmetics treatments and birth control pills to treat me … none caused the effect I am having with the Laser Lotus II[:]

Doubts and queries

If you have any medical questions, send an email to

[email protected]  . In this mail Only medical consultations will be received. Inquiries about shifts, payments and administrative issues are not attended.

If you have questions about the amount of the surgery You can send an email

[email protected]  Or by WhatsApp: 0054 9 11 5037 9821


To coordinate operative dates send mail to Josefina Nuñez [email protected] or a whatsapp  005491169459535

By phone on Monday, Thursday and Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the following telephone numbers.

  • 0054 11 4 901 6690
  • 0054 11 4 904 3434
  • 0054 11 4 904 0880

Schedule consultation

Book a consultation at our medical centers located in Caballito, Belgrano and Pilar

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