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Stains on hands


Aging not only affects the skin of the face but also that of the hands. They can begin to show the signs of age before the face. The skin on the back of the hand is much thinner than that of the face and contains much less fat.

Clinical picture

A medida que el colágeno natural de la piel y las fibras de elastina comienzan a descomponerse, las manos empiezan a mostrar los signos de la edad avanzada. Las texturas pueden cambiar y las venas pueden comenzar a aumentar de tamaño e inflamarse. Las arrugas y la piel delgada y traslúcida son también signos de envejecimiento de las manos.

Consejos para prevenir el envejecimiento de las manos

1) Usar foto protectores adecuados para la época del año y el foto tipo de piel.
2) Usar cremas hidratantes
3) Usar guantes para manipular productos de limpieza y químicos en general.

La exposición inadecuada al sol causa el envejecimiento prematuro y favorece la producción de lesiones pigmentadas (manchas solares, lentigos solares). Esto se debe a que el sol estimula las células que producen pigmento, lo que resulta en una sobreproducción. Evite la luz solar directamente en las manos y use ropa protectora cuando sea posible. Trate de mantener las manos lejos de las ventanas mientras conduce. Los rayos dañinos (UV) pueden penetrar el cristal, el cual incluso puede amplificar los efectos perjudiciales (al concentrar los rayos como haría una lupa).

Imagenes de manchas en las manos


Las manchas de las manos son de difícil tratamiento, dado que es una piel fina las tecnologías existentes hasta el momento producían en muchos de los pacientes tratados lesiones hipo crómicas (manchas claras o cicatrices).

Hoy en día con los avances tecnológicos se pueden eliminar en forma segura y efectiva, gracias a un nuevo láser que lleva el nombre del dios sol (Helios II).
Este láser ND YAG Q Switcheado tiene dos longitudes de onda (1.064 y 532 nm), la longitud 532 permite eliminar las manchas de las manos en una sola sesión.

Al impactar en la mancha primero esta adquiere una coloración mas clara que el resto de la piel, después se pone un poco mas oscura y se termina eliminando totalmente a las dos semanas. En el pos tratamiento el paciente debe realizar hidratación y foto protección.

Tanto el tratamiento como el pos no es doloroso y permite continuar con la vida cotidiana.

Si el paciente presenta arrugas finas de las manos y flacidez hoy en día puede ser tratado con una novedosa radiofrecuencia con micro agujas (Scarlet) o el Láser de dióxido de carbono micro fraccionado también esta indicado.

Las venas gruesas de las manos se tratan con una técnica similar a la utilizada para la patología varicosa de miembros inferiores.

Si la mano ha perdido mucha grasa y tiene aspecto cadavérico, se puede realizar micro injerto con grasa autóloga y/o colocación de ácido hialurónico, compuesto natural de la piel que retiene agua.

Patient testimonial

We invite you to watch the following videos with the story of patients who have received this treatment in our Medical Centers:

Doubts and queries

If you have any medical questions, send an email to [email protected]  . In this mail Only medical consultations will be received. Inquiries about shifts, payments and administrative issues are not attended.

By phone on Monday, Thursday and Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the following telephone numbers.

  • 0054 11 4 901 6690
  • 0054 11 4 904 3434
  • 0054 11 4 904 0880

Schedule consultation

Book a consultation at our medical centers located in Caballito, Belgrano and Pilar

Post laser hyperpigmentation


How hyperpigmentations or dark spots of the skin produced after a carbon dioxide laser rejuvenation treatment are produced and how they are treated.

The carbon dioxide laser is one of the most effective tools for skin rejuvenation.
Its tiny beam penetrates the skin like thermal columns to the deep dermis.
Heating of the deep dermis increases collagen production, with an increase in skin tension and a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles observed within a few days.
At the level of the epidermis, it produces a superficial ablation with the elimination of actinic macules, solar keratosis, attenuation of the pores and reduction of acne scars.

Clinical Picture

This thermal heating can cause hyperpigmentation in some dark-skinned patients.
This situation is not considered a complication but rather an unwanted, transitory and reversible effect.
Every patient who goes through this situation suffers anguish and thinks that this will last forever.
Carbon dioxide laser treatments have been performed at Hoogstra Medical Centers since 1995 and permanent hyperpigmentation has never been recorded in the hundreds of patients treated.

For 6 years, new carbon dioxide lasers have been used which are called "micro fractionated", which means that they leave a space of healthy skin between one thermal column and the other, allowing this unwanted effect (hyperpigmentation) to be less frequent.


In 2012, a new technology was incorporated into all our Centers, the Helios laser (ND Yag 1064 – 532), which removes skin blemishes.
The light energy of the Helios laser is absorbed by the pigment (spot). This produces vaporization of it.


The Helios laser does not irritate the skin, it does not cause redness, and after each session the patient immediately continues with his activity.
You will notice that with each session the skin becomes lighter and after a couple of sessions it returns to its normal color or slightly lighter and brighter than it originally was.
The Helios laser is specially designed to remove all kinds of skin blemishes as well as tattoos of all kinds of color.

Patient testimonial

We invite you to watch the following videos with the story of patients who have received this treatment in our Medical Centers:

Doubts and queries

If you have any medical questions, send an email to [email protected]  . In this mail Only medical consultations will be received. Inquiries about shifts, payments and administrative issues are not attended.

By phone on Monday, Thursday and Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the following telephone numbers.

  • 0054 11 4 901 6690
  • 0054 11 4 904 3434
  • 0054 11 4 904 0880

Schedule consultation

Book a consultation at our medical centers located in Caballito, Belgrano and Pilar


Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation

This type of pigmented lesions, as its name implies, describes the final stage of an inflammatory process that the skin underwent. The redness of the area is the first evolutionary step and is due to vascular dilation, then comes dark pigmentation.

Clinical Picture

This type of hyperpigmentation is seen frequently in patients who depilate with hot wax. The upper lip is the most affected. Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is also observed by the use of deodorants in patients with allergies to any of its components, in this case the most affected areas are the armpits.
It is common to see hyperpigmentation due to the use of some garment, belt or decorative metal element that rubs the skin by rubbing, which produces redness and subsequent pigmentation.
Certain types of drugs such as tetracyclines, sulfa drugs, barbiturates, metronidazole, paracetamol, benzodiazepines, ibuprofen, among others, produce circumscribed erythema (inflammation) on the skin that end with hyperpigmentation.
There is another type of hyperpigmentation that is produced by perfumes and colognes that contain bergamot derivatives.
The bergamot oil contained in the perfume produces a significant inflammatory process, with edema and vasodilation, which ends like the others in a pigmented stain in the contact area.
Another type of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is that produced as a consequence of ablative laser treatments, chemical peels and other aesthetic treatments aimed at rejuvenating the skin.


One of the most modern treatments for the treatment of these hyperpigmentations is the laser. Helios II.
It is a Microfractioned Nd: YAG Q SWITCHED Laser that uses DEO (diffractive) technology which was invented and patented by Laseroptek in 2009.
Diffractive technology divides the energy emitted by the laser into 81 stable and uniform micro points that increase the therapeutic effect without the complications that are common in other systems.
Helios II has been specially designed to treat melasma and all kinds of pigmented lesions throughout the year and even on dark and tanned skin.
The light energy of Helios II in its 1,064 modality impacts the pigmented lesion in depth without irritating the skin.
This treatment must always be accompanied by the suspension of the causal element and be accompanied by photo protection.

Patient testimonial

We invite you to watch the following videos with the story of patients who have received this treatment in our Medical Centers:

Doubts and queries

If you have any medical questions, send an email to [email protected]  . In this mail Only medical consultations will be received. Inquiries about shifts, payments and administrative issues are not attended.

By phone on Monday, Thursday and Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the following telephone numbers.

  • 0054 11 4 901 6690
  • 0054 11 4 904 3434
  • 0054 11 4 904 0880

Schedule consultation

Book a consultation at our medical centers located in Caballito, Belgrano and Pilar


Tumor removal with aesthetic results

Es la extracción quirúrgica del tumor generando la menor cicatriz posible pero asegurando la extracción total de la lesión para luego, mediante técnicas de reconstrucción, permitir un resultado estético y funcional óptimo.

¿En qué casos se recomienda?

Está indicada en todos los casos, siendo necesario el estudio anatomopatológico (biopsia) del tumor para confirmar el diagnóstico y la resección total de la lesión.

¿Cómo se realiza?

El procedimiento se realiza bajo anestesia local y en algunos casos bajo sedación. En algunos casos es necesario recurrir a la extracción de injertos de tejidos para la correcta reconstrucción del párpado. No existen riesgos relevantes a tener en cuenta.

Doubts and queries

If you have any medical questions, send an email to [email protected]  . In this mail Only medical consultations will be received. Inquiries about shifts, payments and administrative issues are not attended.

By phone on Monday, Thursday and Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the following telephone numbers.

  • 0054 11 4 901 6690
  • 0054 11 4 904 3434
  • 0054 11 4 904 0880

Schedule consultation

Book a consultation at our medical centers located in Caballito, Belgrano and Pilar




Siliconoma is a foreign body granulomatous reaction that occurs as a result of the silicone subcutaneous implant, generally for cosmetic purposes.

Clinical picture

The siliconoma (s) appear months to years later, after application. Treatment of this condition is difficult since the results obtained are incomplete and transitory.
Liquid silicone was considered useful as a filler material because it is permanent and minimally antigenic, but its use in injectable form has not been approved by any health authority because it migrates, presents granulomas, damages tissues, causing severe inflammatory reactions, and is very difficult to extract. of the organism.

For many years, at Hoogstra Medical Centers we have seen the unpleasant aesthetic effects and the damage to the health and psyche of patients who have received this type of practice poorly informed.


We have carried out all kinds of procedures to help affected patients and we have currently discovered that some well-capped siliconomas can be removed effectively, quickly and safely through micro-perforations produced in the skin with the Lotus II laser.

As we see in this video, the siliconoma was completely drained with the use of the Lotus laser, no previous preparation was required, no anesthesia was used and the patient was able to continue immediately with his daily activity, with a cure of 100%.

We do not consider this procedure to be effective in all affected patients, but in many it will be an effective solution without additional tissue and patient damage.

Doubts and queries

If you have any medical questions, send an email to [email protected]  . In this mail Only medical consultations will be received. Inquiries about shifts, payments and administrative issues are not attended.

By phone on Monday, Thursday and Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the following telephone numbers.

  • 0054 11 4 901 6690
  • 0054 11 4 904 3434
  • 0054 11 4 904 0880

Schedule consultation

Book a consultation at our medical centers located in Caballito, Belgrano and Pilar