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Wart Treatment

What is a wart?

It is a skin lesion generated by the human papilloma virus. These lesions that manifest a variable and excreting form; They can affect different areas of the body. Individuals with deficiencies in the immune system are more likely to contract this disease.

Its removal is not easy since warts have their own blood irrigation system that causes bleeding in their surgical removal; they can also regenerate faster. In addition, it involves various nerve endings, so its removal or manipulation causes great pain. This is why, at Hoogstra medical center, we prefer laser treatment warts.

Types of warts

  • Vulgar warts

    They are the most frequent They have a rounded shape, usually appear in groups or isolated, and their surface is rough. They form on the back and palms of the hands, and soles of the feet. They can also form between the fingers and sometimes on the face, neck, and scalp.

  • Genital warts

    Called condylomas. They are soft, and can be cauliflower-shaped, when they are very large. They are located anywhere in the genital area (penis, vagina), in the groin and in the perianal region. They are highly contagious, since the urogenital mucosa is more delicate and susceptible to erosions and wounds that facilitate the entry of HPV. They are transmitted during sexual intercourse.

  • Filiform warts

    With an elongated shape and softer texture, they can appear on the neck and eyelids. They are attached to the skin by a small area. Many times they detach themselves and it is frequent to hook them with the nails, the neck chains, a brush or the comb itself.

  • Subungual and periungual warts

    This is the name given to warts that usually appear due to or around the nails, respectively.

  • Flat warts

    They are more frequent in children and adolescents. The flat warts They do not protrude much and have a whiter color and similar to that of the skin than the rest of common warts. They are small in size and are distributed in groups or clusters.

  • Plantar warts

    Better known as papillomasPlantar warts are found on the soles of the feet. This location makes them very painful due to the pressure of the body's weight when walking, so they almost always require treatment to eliminate them instead of waiting for them to disappear on their own.

What areas do they affect?

Depending on the type of virus, warts can appear on:

  • hands
  • face
  • the neck
  • Feet
  • Genitals
  • armpits, or any other part of the body.

How to remove warts?

Common warts are bothersome in most cases. They can bleed and cause pain when some type of contact is received. They can also be uncomfortable if, for example, they grow on the face. Treatment may reduce the chance that warts will spread to other areas of the body or spread to others. Our main solution is usually To be, although depending on the case, we can use cryosurgery

Wart laser treatment

At the Hoogstra Center we treat warts with the Erbium Lotus II laser. The Lotus impacts the wart at high speed, generating no pain for the patient or damage to neighboring tissues. Leaves no scars. Large warts are usually removed in more than one session. After each session no special care is required and the patient immediately resumes his activity. This is the best answer to how to remove warts fast.

The advantages of laser vaporization are its greater efficiency and safety; the absence of scars, since it acts very selectively, so that it does not damage adjacent tissues; and that it allows the blood vessels to clot, so that the skin does not bleed.

Other Wart Treatments

Conventional treatments are based on the local destruction of the tissue:

  • Cryosurgery (tissue freezing) is an effective treatment.
  • Electrocoagulation Like cryosurgery, it generates a lot of tissue destruction, a long recovery time and the possibility of scarring.
  • Treatment surgical.
  • Pharmaceutical products to remove warts
  • Intralesional bleomycin inhibits DNA and slows growth.

Patient testimonials


[:es]Excelente atención por parte de la doctora Lorena Trodler. Fuí para quitarme unas verruguitas de la cara con el tratamiento láser. ¡Excelente profesional y excelentes resultados! ¡Recomiendo!. Sucursal Belgrano.[:]

Florence Schrohn

[:es]Verrugas y acné[:]

[:es]Muy buena atención, excelentes profesionales, me atendí por una verruga en el cuello y me la sacaron con láser en el momento y sin dolor. También me atendí un caso de acné rebelde en la espalda y me dieron un tratamiento con antibióticos y loción que me curo después de sufrir años esa enfermedad. Me atendí en la sede de Belgrano que esta enfrente de la plaza de Barrancas. El tratamiento lo hice con la doctora Belén Salvaneschi.[:]

Ricardo Maidana

[:es]Lotus laser to remove warts[:]

[:es]La atención es excelente y son muy amables. Me atendió la Doctora Lorena Trodler en la sucursal de Belgrano. El tratamiento con el láser Lotus para eliminar verrugas fue genial y super rápido.[:]

Yamila González


[:es]Fuí atendido en la sucursal de San José de Calasanz 176 por la profesional Elena Placenti a raíz de una erupción en la piel compatible con verrugas. Fui atendido amistosamente por la médica y su diagnóstico fue responsable quedando en próximas citaciones para la concreción del tratamiento. También recibí amable atención personal y telefónica del personal de recepción del lugar.[:]

Rubén Omar Croce

Treatment results

How much does it cost to remove warts?

The cost of query dermatological is from $40.000 pesos, if you. carry out the treatment then the value of the consultation will be discounted.

He cost per session of Lotus laser It is $140.000 (hasta 5 lesiones)

The number of sessions depends on the number and size of the warts. The interval between one session and the other is 7 to 15 days.

This procedure is performed by dermatologists in the 3 centers. You can take your turn online with the dermatologists at any of our branches and attend directly to carry out a treatment.

Doubts and queries

If you have any medical questions, send an email to

[email protected]  . In this mail Only medical consultations will be received. Inquiries about shifts, payments and administrative issues are not attended.

Schedule consultation

Book a consultation at our medical centers located in Caballito, Belgrano and Pilar

Onychomycosis treatment


What is onychomycosis?

It is an infection caused by mushrooms which affects nail, generally to those of the feet. The infection starts on one of the big toes, and can then infect other nails on the same foot over time. It can happen that people who have onychomycosis suffer from athlete's foot at the same time, which is also caused by fungi, but in this case it would only affect the skin.

Onychomycosis laser

The FDA has approved the use of Nd: YAG Q SWITCHED laser for the treatment of onychomycosis. Our medical centers have this advanced laser technology Helios for treating mycosis of the fingernails and toenails with a 90% of therapeutic effectiveness. This is because They transmit a light energy through the nail that eradicates the fungus and allows it to grow normally. 

The laser is used on all nails, whether affected or not. Although it is a prolonged treatment, the changes are evident from the beginning, managing to improve the aesthetics of the nails from the first sessions. This is how you can see immediate whitening and thinning of the nails. These dehydrate, dry, pulverize and resume their usual growth previously inhibited by the action of the fungus.

Treatment of severe onychomycosis

The treatment is especially effective in cases of distal and proximal onychomycosis. During the treatment the laser beam produces a slow and gradual heating of the nail bed, this produces the destruction of the fungus without damaging the matrix of the nail or the skin. After the first session, the sensation of pain relief and improvement in appearance. it will be evident. However, because the nail grows slowly, there will be no instantaneous but gradual improvement.

Advantages of laser nail treatment

  • Safe and effective.
  • Fast and easy.
  • Without local anesthesia. The patient immediately continues with all kinds of activities, including sports.
  • Footwear can be worn and nails can be polished immediately after treatment.
  • So far today no adverse effects or contraindications have been observed for this treatment.

Duration of the procedure

The procedure consists of one session per week during the first month. After this first stage, the doctor will indicate the time interval between the following sessions. This treatment it is carried out until the total replacement of the affected nail / s is achieved. In the case of the hands, it is usually a minimum of six months, while in the case of the feet it is approximately 12 months. Those patients who due to geographical distance cannot perform the procedure at the recommended frequency, usually take a double session in the same day.

Before and after

Cost of laser treatment for onychomycosis

  • El costo es de $ 70.000 por cada sesión (manos o pies)
  • El costo es de $ 120.000 por cada sesión (manos y pies)
  • El costo es de 2 sesiones de manos o 2 sesiones pies es de $ 120.000

Doubts and queries

If you have any medical questions, send an email to [email protected]  . In this mail Only medical consultations will be received. Inquiries about shifts, payments and administrative issues are not attended.

By phone Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the following telephone numbers.

  • (011) 4901-6690
  • (011) 4904-3434
  • (011) 4904-0880

Schedule consultation

Book a consultation at our medical centers located in Caballito, Belgrano and Pilar

Reference links

Ballesté, R., Mousqués, N., & Gezuele, E. (2003). Onychomycosis: Review of the topic. Medical Journal of Uruguay19(2), 93-106.

Arenas, R. (1990). Onychomycosis. Clinical-epidemiological, mycological and therapeutic aspects. Gac Med Mex126(2), 84-91.

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Urinary incontinence

La incontinencia urinaria de esfuerzo (IUE) es un problema que afecta a una gran cantidad de mujeres de todas las edades, impactando significativamente en diversos aspectos de su vida diaria. Esta afección se caracteriza por la pérdida involuntaria de orina al realizar actividades que aumentan la presión abdominal, como toser, estornudar, reír o realizar ejercicio físico.

¿Qué es la Incontinencia Urinaria de Esfuerzo?

La incontinencia urinaria de esfuerzo se manifiesta clínicamente como un escape repentino de orina ante un esfuerzo físico o cualquier acción que incremente la presión sobre la vejiga. Esta condición es más frecuente en mujeres que han tenido partos vaginales, debido a que el proceso del parto puede debilitar los músculos del suelo pélvico, los cuales son fundamentales para el control de la continencia urinaria. Los músculos del suelo pélvico sostienen la vejiga y la uretra; cuando estos músculos se debilitan, la orina puede escaparse de la vejiga a través de la uretra con una mínima presión sobre la vejiga.

Causas de la Incontinencia Urinaria de Esfuerzo

Entre las principales causas de la IUE se encuentran:

  • Partos vaginales: Los partos vaginales pueden causar un estiramiento o debilitamiento de los músculos del suelo pélvico.
  • Edad: A medida que las mujeres envejecen, los tejidos del suelo pélvico pueden debilitarse.
  • Cirugías ginecológicas: Procedimientos como la histerectomía pueden afectar la musculatura del suelo pélvico.
  • Obesity: El exceso de peso ejerce una mayor presión sobre la vejiga y los músculos pélvicos.
  • Tabaquismo: La tos crónica asociada al tabaquismo puede contribuir al debilitamiento de los músculos pélvicos.

Impacto en la Calidad de Vida

La IUE afecta significativamente la calidad de vida de las mujeres, limitando sus actividades diarias y generando sentimientos de vergüenza y frustración. Las mujeres con incontinencia urinaria pueden evitar situaciones sociales y actividades físicas, lo cual puede conducir a un aislamiento social y afectar su bienestar emocional.

Tratamientos Tradicionales

Tradicionalmente, los tratamientos para la IUE incluyen ejercicios del suelo pélvico (ejercicios de Kegel), terapia física, medicamentos y, en casos más severos, cirugía. Sin embargo, estos tratamientos pueden ser invasivos, dolorosos y no siempre efectivos a largo plazo.

Tratamiento Innovador: Láser de Dióxido de Carbono (CO2)

El tratamiento con láser de dióxido de carbono (CO2) surge como una alternativa innovadora y no invasiva para la IUE. Este procedimiento utiliza un láser especializado para tensar las paredes pelvianas, mejorando la continencia urinaria y ofreciendo múltiples beneficios adicionales.

¿Cómo Funciona el Láser de CO2?

El láser de CO2 emite energía que provoca una contracción y regeneración de los tejidos del suelo pélvico y del área genital. Este proceso de rejuvenecimiento aumenta la elasticidad y firmeza de los tejidos, mejorando así el soporte de la vejiga y la uretra. Además, el tratamiento estimula la producción de colágeno y elastina, componentes esenciales para la salud y funcionalidad de los tejidos vaginales.

Beneficios del Tratamiento con Láser de CO2

  • Efectividad: Mejora significativa de la incontinencia urinaria por esfuerzo.
  • Rejuvenecimiento genital: Mejora la elasticidad y secreción vaginal, lo que puede aumentar la satisfacción sexual y reducir la dispareunia (dolor durante las relaciones sexuales).
  • Procedimiento rápido: La sesión de tratamiento suele durar menos de 30 minutos.
  • Indoloro: El tratamiento es prácticamente indoloro y no requiere anestesia.
  • Sin tiempo de inactividad: Las pacientes pueden reanudar sus actividades normales inmediatamente después del procedimiento.
  • Sin efectos adversos: El riesgo de complicaciones es mínimo.

Procedimiento del Tratamiento

El tratamiento con láser de CO2 se realiza en varias etapas:

  1. Initial consultation: Es imprescindible una consulta previa con un ginecólogo para realizar un control ginecológico completo y un estudio de papanicolaou, asegurando que no existan contraindicaciones para el procedimiento.
  2. Sesión de tratamiento: La paciente se somete a una sesión donde se aplica el láser de CO2 en el área vaginal y del suelo pélvico.
  3. Recomendaciones post-tratamiento: Se proporcionan indicaciones sobre cuidados post-tratamiento, aunque generalmente no se requiere tiempo de recuperación.

Cost of Laser Urinary Incontinence Treatment

Puede realizar la consulta y el mismo día el tratamiento. Al costo del tratamiento se le descontará la consulta. Cada sesión tiene un costo de 100 dólares.

It is recommended to perform 3 sessions, with an interval of 30 days between one and the other.

This treatment is carried out by Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra in Hoogstra Medical Centers Caballito branch.

Hoogstra Caballito Clinic, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Address San José de Calasanz 176.

Height Rivadavia Avenue 5,100 one block from Primera Junta station.

If you have any medical questions, please send an email to [email protected]  Only medical consultations will be received in this email. Inquiries about shifts, payments or administrative matters are not attended. You can also make your consultation the same day before performing the treatment.


To coordinate a shift andSend an email to Josefina Nuñez:

[email protected] or by WhatsApp at 005491169459535

By phone you can communicate on Monday, Thursday and Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the following telephone numbers.

0054 11 4 901 6690          0054 11 4 904 3434           0054 11 4 904 0880

Schedule consultation

Book a consultation at our medical centers located in Caballito, Belgrano and Pilar

More information about Laser Urinary Incontinence Treatment:

Novel Carbon Dioxide Laser Treatment:

Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra has carried out treatments with Carbon Dioxide Laser since 1995, he was one of the pioneers in the use of this technology for Facial Rejuvenation and to treat a large number of skin diseases.

For some years now, he has been using a special type of carbon dioxide laser to treat patients suffering from dyspareunia, patients with urinary incontinence and patients with sexual dissatisfaction due to dilation of the vaginal canal.

The light energy of the laser produces a stimulation of the collagen. Neocholagenogenesis increases the tone of the perineum, the vaginal canal and rejuvenates the vaginal mucosa.

This treatment is well tolerated, outpatient and the results are satisfactory.
It is recommended to carry out three sessions with 30-day intervals between one and the other.

The end result is a rejuvenation of the vaginal mucosa, a tightening effect on the vagina and perineum.

After treatment, patients report disappearance or attenuation of incontinence, improvement or disappearance of dyspareunia and greater satisfaction with sexual intercourse.

Once the 3 sessions are over, we recommend doing a reinforcement session the following year. The results obtained last for years.

As a conclusion we can say that this is a painless, effective, outpatient treatment and with which until now we have not verified undesired effects.

Patient testimonial

We invite you to watch the videos on our YouTube channel with the account of patients who have received this treatment, entering here: Urinary Incontinence

Female Genital Rejuvenation with Rich Plasma

Use of Platelet Rich Plasma in internal and external female genital rejuvenation

One of the very little invasive procedures that rejuvenates the vagina and vaginal lips is the application of Platelet Rich Plasma.

For many years we have been using Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) to reduce wrinkles, grooves, cellulite, stretch marks and ulcer repair. It is also used in orthopedics and dentistry for bone repair.

The use of rich plasma has no adverse effects on the body. It consists of withdrawing a small amount of blood from the patient himself, centrifuging it and using the platelet concentrate to reconstitute tissue. Platelets have substances called Growth Factors, which once injected into the desired area produces cellular rejuvenation.

For a few years now, at Hoogstra Medical Centers we have been using PRP for internal and external genital rejuvenation, sometimes as the only procedure, but more frequently in combination with laser, both for facial and genital rejuvenation.

It is a quick, painless and immediate recovery procedure, and the patient can have sex the next day. If combined with lasers, it requires a 7-day sexual abstinence.


The application of rich plasma intra vaginal and in external genital organs is performed by Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra on Tuesdays and Wednesdays in the morning at the clinic in San Jose de Calasanz 176.

It has a cost of 21,000 pesos plus VAT.


Contact Josefina Nuñez:

Mail: [email protected]

I sent a whatsapp 005491169459535

More information.

With the injection of this fraction of PRP we seek to reverse the signs of aging of the mucosa and skin due to the action of these released growth factors. Growth factors stimulate the production of fibroblasts responsible for the synthesis of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, essential components to maintain the structure of tissues. Also due to its action, angiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels) and mitogenesis (formation of new cells) are stimulated. All these changes improve dryness, atrophy, flaccidity, dyschromias (color changes) and improves the texture, tone, color, brightness and luminosity of the skin and mucosa.

After applying the PRP, the skin can feel smoother, softer and younger. The same happens at the level of the vaginal mucosa: the secretion of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin is stimulated, which improves the lubrication of the vaginal canal and prevents pain during intercourse.

The frequency of sessions is one every month with a maximum of 3 per year. Results for some women are fast and in other cases it takes several weeks to achieve the desired effects.

Since 2009, when Dr. Charles Runels, a doctor from Alabama, United States, began applying PRP to the clitoris and vaginal ceiling where the G-spot is supposed to be, there are more and more women in the United States and Europe than request this procedure. Dr. Charles Runel says that his patients have "greater arousal, more intense orgasms, and younger, smoother skin around the vagina."

This procedure is the same that we have been performing to rejuvenate the vagina and external genitalia, although with greater application of plasma rich in the vaginal ceiling and clitoris. Sometimes we also associate the application of hyaluronic acid in these areas.

The results are produced by a decrease of the vaginal introitus favoring friction, rejuvenating and lubricating the genitals, obtaining a positive effect in the sexual act.

Schedule consultation

Book a consultation at our medical centers located in Caballito, Belgrano and Pilar

Non-surgical rhinoplasty

A non-surgical rhinoplasty does not structurally modify the nose, making it better for minor changes. The ideal candidate will seek to improve small imperfections, a slight asymmetry or an excessively trimmed nose. It can also be a good way to try on a new look before undergoing a conventional rhinoplasty.

Nonsurgical remodeling of the nose is a new safe alternative and available for patients interested in improving the shape of their nose without undergoing invasive surgery.

What are the benefits of non-surgical rhinoplasty?

The advantages of nose reshaping without surgery are:

  • Faster results
  • Less healing time
  • Little or no pain

The non-surgical rhinomodeling It is a novel technique to model the nose through an outpatient procedure performed in the office with Local anesthesia, achieving excellent natural results, improving the patient's physiognomy without changing his personality, being able to continue with his daily activity the next day.

The first step to perform this procedure is to have a consultation with the Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra, since the most important thing is to make a correct evaluation. Not all patients are candidates for this type of procedure.

What does the treatment consist of?

With non-surgical rhinoplasty we can model the wing cartilage, reduce the large nasal tips, project the nasal tip with tension threads and / or improve the contour with fillers such as cross-linked hyaluronic acids. It is also possible to improve the nose-lip ratio, working on the projection and the nasolabial angle.

With this technique we not only improve the aesthetics of the nose but also that of the lip. As the human being ages and the nasal tip falls off, this technique allows us to lift it and improve the aesthetic relationship with the Lip. The same happens in very young patients who have practically no lip because the nasal length takes away the beauty that the mouth could have.

With this technique it is possible to:

  • Raise the nasal tip in young patients and in those in whom it has decreased over the years.
  • Correct unsightly deformations in patients who have undergone surgical rhinoplasties and who are not satisfied with the result.
  • Give volume to the back.
  • Project the tip of the nose.
  • Improve the angle between the lip and the nose.

With this technique it is not possible to:

  • Narrow bones of the nose, correct a wide nose.
  • Improve respiratory insufficiencies.
  • Take out a very prominent back.

Patient testimonials

[:es]Rinoplastía y abdominoplastía[:]

[:es]El Dr. Hoogstra me operó 2 veces. La primera fué una Rinoplastía y la segunda una Abdominoplastía. Excelentes resultados. Me atendí en Caballito.[:]

Rosa Valicenti

[:es]Laser lipo, eyelid and nose surgery[:en]Laser lipo, eyelid and nose surgery[:]

[:es]Hola dr. Hoogstra, Me siento la mujer mas afortunada del planeta por haber tenido el privilegio de conocerlo y ser su paciente. Gracias por su amabilidad, ética y profesionalismo. Mil gracias de nuevo por todo lo que ha hecho por mi y por sus valiosas recomendaciones. Ahora me siento una mujer bella y segura.. Cariños[:en]Hi dr. Hoogstra, I feel the luckiest woman on the planet for having had the privilege of knowing him and being his patient. Thank you for your kindness, ethics and professionalism. Thank you again for everything you have done for me and for your valuable recommendations. Now I feel a beautiful and confident woman.[:]


Nose surgery price without surgery

The value of the query with Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra is from U$D 100 . If you later decide to carry out the treatment, this value will be deducted from the total amount.

Hyaluronic Acid for the nose: price

The cost of non-surgical rhinomodeling with hyaluronic acid is u$d600 (IVA No Incluido).

When they are defects of the nasal dorsum, Voluma, a Hyaluronic Acid whose duration is more than 20 months, is usually placed. When the defects are in the nasal wings, Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra usually places a Restylane ampoule, which lasts a little more than 14 months.

This procedure is performed by Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra in his 3 centers in Caballito, Belgrano and Pilar, Buenos Aires.

Generally at the time of the consultation you can carry out the treatment.

Doubts and queries

If you have any medical questions, send an email to [email protected]  . In this mail Only medical consultations will be received. Inquiries about shifts, payments and administrative issues are not attended.

Schedule consultation

Book a consultation at our medical centers located in Caballito, Belgrano and Pilar

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