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Orthomolecular medicine

La medicina ortomolecular ofrece una perspectiva innovadora y efectiva para revitalizar tu salud desde el interior. Basada en el equilibrio molecular del cuerpo, esta terapia utiliza nutrientes esenciales, vitaminas, minerales y aminoácidos para nutrir las células y promover su funcionamiento óptimo.

Beneficios Principales del Tratamiento ortomolecular

Entre sus beneficios más importantes podemos destacar:

  • Nutrición Celular Integral:
    • Proporciona nutrientes esenciales para el funcionamiento celular óptimo.
    • Revitaliza la salud en todos los aspectos, desde lo físico hasta lo mental y sexual.
  • Reparación y Prevención:
    • Cicatriza heridas, alivia dolores y desinflama.
    • Repara tejidos, huesos, cartílagos y músculos, previniendo enfermedades y promoviendo la recuperación.
  • Revitalización Integral:
    • Aumenta la libido sexual, mejora cognitiva y emocional.
    • Reduce el estrés, mejora el descanso y aumenta la energía vital.
  • Fortalecimiento Inmunológico:
    • Desintoxica el cuerpo y fortalece el sistema inmunológico.
    • Aumenta la resistencia a enfermedades y promueve la regeneración celular.
  • Rejuvenecimiento Cutáneo:
    • Mejora la elasticidad, hidratación y luminosidad de la piel.
    • Estimula la producción de colágeno, ofreciendo una apariencia más joven y radiante.

Componentes del Tratamiento Ortomolecular

Bionutrientes de Células Madre

Los bionutrientes de células madre son una parte fundamental del tratamiento ortomolecular. Estos nutrientes esenciales tienen la capacidad única de regenerar los tejidos desde el interior, promoviendo así una renovación celular integral en el cuerpo. Al proporcionar los nutrientes necesarios a nivel celular, se activa un proceso de regeneración que contribuye a la mejora de la salud en diversos aspectos.


Las bio-peptonas son otro componente crucial del tratamiento ortomolecular. Estas sustancias, derivadas de procesos biológicos, conservan y respetan la vida humana y animal, al mismo tiempo que ofrecen beneficios significativos para la salud. Su biocompatibilidad garantizada asegura una óptima asimilación por parte del organismo, lo que favorece la efectividad del tratamiento sin generar efectos secundarios no deseados.


Los antioxidantes desempeñan un papel vital en el tratamiento ortomolecular al proteger las células del daño causado por los radicales libres y la contaminación. Al depurar el cuerpo de toxinas y protegerlo del envejecimiento prematuro, los antioxidantes contribuyen a mantener la salud celular y a preservar la vitalidad del organismo. Su acción protectora ayuda a mantener un equilibrio celular óptimo, lo que se traduce en una mayor energía, vitalidad y bienestar general.

Aplicación del Tratamiento ortomolecular

La aplicación del tratamiento de Medicina Ortomolecular se realiza de manera intramuscular, asegurando una absorción eficiente de los nutrientes esenciales por parte del organismo. Esta vía de administración garantiza una distribución uniforme de los componentes del suero, permitiendo que alcancen las células de manera óptima para su nutrición y revitalización.

Frecuencia del Tratamiento

La frecuencia del tratamiento varía según las necesidades individuales de cada paciente y la respuesta de su organismo al mismo. En general, se recomienda una aplicación semanal o cada quince días para mantener un equilibrio celular óptimo y maximizar los beneficios del tratamiento. Nuestro equipo médico altamente capacitado evaluará tu estado de salud y diseñará un plan de tratamiento personalizado que se adapte a tus necesidades específicas.

Seguridad y Naturaleza No Invasiva

Uno de los principales beneficios del tratamiento de Medicina Ortomolecular es su seguridad y naturaleza no invasiva. Al utilizar nutrientes naturales como vitaminas, minerales y aminoácidos en dosis controladas, se minimizan los riesgos de efectos secundarios y se garantiza una experiencia segura para el paciente. Nuestro enfoque cuidadoso y profesional asegura que cada paso del procedimiento se realice con la máxima atención a tu bienestar y comodidad.

Casos de Aplicación Específicos

El tratamiento de Medicina Ortomolecular ofrece beneficios significativos para una amplia variedad de casos y necesidades de salud. Entre los casos de aplicación específicos se incluyen:

  • Menopausia y Andropausia: Ayuda a mitigar los síntomas asociados con la menopausia y la andropausia, como los cambios hormonales, la disminución de la libido y los problemas de sueño.
  • Deportistas de Alto Rendimiento: Contribuye a mejorar el rendimiento deportivo al proporcionar los nutrientes necesarios para la recuperación muscular, la resistencia y la energía.
  • Rehabilitación Ósea y Articular: Favorece la recuperación ósea y la regeneración de tejidos en casos de lesiones, fracturas, osteoporosis y artrosis.
  • Prevención de Enfermedades Degenerativas: Ayuda a prevenir y atenuar enfermedades degenerativas como el cáncer, la diabetes, las enfermedades cardiovasculares y neurológicas al fortalecer el sistema inmunológico y combatir el estrés oxidativo.

Componentes Utilizados en el Tratamiento:

En nuestros sueros de medicina ortomolecular, utilizamos una combinación cuidadosamente seleccionada de componentes naturales que han demostrado ser eficaces para mejorar la salud celular y promover el bienestar integral del cuerpo. A continuación, detallamos algunos de los componentes más comunes y sus beneficios específicos para la salud:

Vitamin C

La vitamina C es un poderoso antioxidante que ayuda a proteger las células del daño causado por los radicales libres. Además, juega un papel crucial en la síntesis de colágeno, lo que contribuye a mantener la salud de la piel, los huesos y los vasos sanguíneos. En nuestros sueros, la vitamina C también se utiliza para estimular el sistema inmunológico, mejorar la cicatrización de heridas y combatir la inflamación.


El magnesio es un mineral esencial que desempeña numerosas funciones en el cuerpo, incluida la regulación de la función muscular y nerviosa, el mantenimiento de la salud ósea y la producción de energía. En nuestros tratamientos, el magnesio se utiliza para ayudar a reducir el estrés, aliviar el dolor muscular y mejorar la calidad del sueño.


La taurina es un aminoácido que actúa como antioxidante y ayuda a proteger las células del daño oxidativo. También se ha demostrado que la taurina mejora la función inmunológica, reduce el riesgo de depresión y ansiedad, y promueve un metabolismo saludable. En nuestros sueros, la taurina se utiliza para fortalecer el sistema inmunológico, aumentar la resistencia al estrés y mejorar el rendimiento físico y mental.


La dehidroepiandrosterona (DHEA) es una hormona natural que se produce en las glándulas suprarrenales. Se ha demostrado que la DHEA mejora la calidad de la piel, aumenta la fuerza muscular, apoya la función cardiovascular y mejora el estado de ánimo. En nuestros tratamientos, la DHEA se utiliza especialmente para ayudar en casos de pre y menopausia, así como para promover la salud sexual y emocional.


El zinc es un mineral importante para la función inmunológica, la salud de la piel, la cicatrización de heridas y la síntesis de proteínas. En nuestros sueros, el zinc se utiliza para fortalecer el sistema inmunológico, reducir la inflamación y promover la salud cardiovascular.


El Becozim es una combinación de vitaminas B1, B6 y B12 que se utiliza para tratar deficiencias nutricionales, períodos de convalecencia y neuropatías. En nuestros tratamientos, el Becozim se utiliza como un refuerzo vitamínico para mejorar la salud general y promover la recuperación después de enfermedades o cirugías.

Coenzima Q10

La coenzima Q10 es un antioxidante que se encuentra en todas las células del cuerpo y es esencial para la producción de energía. Se ha demostrado que la coenzima Q10 mejora la salud cardiovascular, apoya la función muscular y protege contra el daño oxidativo. En nuestros sueros, la coenzima Q10 se utiliza para promover la salud celular y mejorar la función cardiovascular.


La biotina, también conocida como vitamina B7, es importante para la salud del cabello, la piel y las uñas. En nuestros tratamientos, la biotina se utiliza para fortalecer el cabello y las uñas, mejorar la salud de la piel y promover un aspecto más juvenil y radiante.


La glicina es un aminoácido que desempeña un papel importante en la síntesis de proteínas, la función cerebral y la salud ósea. En nuestros sueros, la glicina se utiliza para promover la salud de las articulaciones, mejorar la función cerebral y apoyar la salud ósea.

Ventajas y Efectividad Demostrada Científicamente

La Medicina Ortomolecular ofrece una serie de ventajas significativas. En primer lugar, se basa en el uso de nutrientes naturales en dosis adecuadas, lo que minimiza el riesgo de efectos secundarios y contraindicaciones. Además, numerosos estudios científicos respaldan la efectividad de este enfoque en la prevención y tratamiento de diversas enfermedades.

Se ha demostrado que la Medicina Ortomolecular puede ayudar a reducir el estrés oxidativo y la inflamación, que son factores fundamentales en el envejecimiento y el desarrollo de enfermedades crónicas. Asimismo, este enfoque puede mejorar la función inmunológica, promover la salud cardiovascular y contribuir al bienestar emocional y mental.

La Contribución de Linus Pauling

Un hito importante en el desarrollo de la Medicina Ortomolecular fue la propuesta del término por parte del eminente científico Linus Pauling en 1968. Pauling, reconocido por sus contribuciones en el campo de la química y la bioquímica, destacó la importancia de los nutrientes en la prevención y tratamiento de enfermedades. Su trabajo pionero en este campo sentó las bases para el desarrollo posterior de la Medicina Ortomolecular y su aplicación en la práctica médica.

Precio tratamiento ortomolecular

El tratamiento de Medicina Ortomolecular ofrece dos opciones para la aplicación de nutrientes esenciales.

  • El suero Ortomolecular tiene un costo de 100 dólares por cada aplicación.
  • La inyección de Aminoácidos New Cell, que puede complementar el suero, también tiene un costo de 100 dólares per session.

Estos precios reflejan el valor de proporcionar nutrientes de alta calidad y contribuir al equilibrio molecular del organismo para mejorar la salud integral. Para más información sobre los costos y cómo reservar tu tratamiento, no dudes en contactarnos. Estamos aquí para ayudarte a revitalizar tu salud de forma segura y efectiva.

Doubts and queries

If you have any medical questions, send an email to [email protected]  . In this mail Only medical consultations will be received. Inquiries about shifts, payments and administrative issues are not attended.

Para coordinar fechas send mail to Josefina Nuñez [email protected] or a whatsapp  005491169459535

By phone on Monday, Thursday and Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the following telephone numbers.

  • 0054 11 4 901 6690
  • 0054 11 4 904 3434
  • 0054 11 4 904 0880

Schedule consultation

Book a consultation at our medical centers located in Caballito, Belgrano and Pilar

Sculptra® polylactic acid against facial sagging

This treatment with polylactic acid provides an evident clinical improvement for the facial sagging treatment without the need for conventional surgery. Sculptra treatment reverses face aging progressively, without resorting to aggressive procedures or surgical interventions.

Polylactic acid is biocompatible and completely absorbable.

Polylactic Acid works by renewing the skin at the cellular level with the progressive formation of new collagen. Polylactic acid has been used for many years in resorbable surgical threads.


How does polylactic acid work?

SCULPTRA is injected into the dermis, through small infiltrations, generating minimal discomfort. It is injected below the surface of the skin in the area where fat has been lost.

Then the product induces the formation of new collagen naturally and progressively, so that the patient perceives a better appearance gradually from the first session.

Several sessions (3 on average) may be required to obtain the desired aesthetic result.

The results are very long-lasting since once the treatment is finished, the results can be seen for up to two years.

Sculptra® is the original collagen biostimulator that has been shown to gradually replace1,2,3 the structural support of the skin that is lost during aging and improves skin laxity

Are the results immediate?

At your first session, you may notice a slight swelling caused by the injection of the solution used to dilute SCULPTRA. After a few days, the swelling subsides and the solution is absorbed by the body. It will take time, at least 1 month, until the patient clearly sees the definitive effects.


Required Sessions

Sculptra produces a progressive and natural improvement, which requires several treatment sessions. On average, 3 sessions are recommended in consecutive months. Logically, each case must be assessed individually by the doctor to establish the most convenient number of treatments.

Once the treatment is finished, the results are very long-lasting, up to 2 years4.

Maintenance sessions are recommended.

Your body reduces collagen production throughout adult life. By age 40, most people lose up to 25% of their collagen production.

Can I have other treatments?

He poly-L-lactic acid Sculptra is perfectly compatible with other medical procedures, in fact, its association with other techniques (botulinum toxin, laser therapy, peels, implants and fillers) allows even better results. It will be the specialist doctor who determines the best combination of these treatments for each patient.

Sculptra Security

This synthetic biopolymer is widely used safely in multiple medical devices, so it does not require an allergy test prior to treatment.

The active ingredient in Sculptra is poly-L-lactic acid (PLA), a substance that constitutes a very attractive treatment due to its simplicity of application, its efficacy and safety profile. It is a substance that has been used for more than 30 years for medical applications such as absorbable sutures, in bone screws and plates, and as a means of drug delivery.

Sculptra will be gradually and completely eliminated from the body, with no residue left in the body.

Frequent questions

Is it a filler or a biopolymer?

Neither. This product works from the production of collagen, it is a natural and biocompatible product with the body that degrades and stimulates collagen over time.

What is it made of?

The main ingredient in Sculptra® is poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA). Lactic acid is already present in the human body.

Is there any downtime?

This treatment involves minimal downtime. Patients can usually return to their normal daily activities after treatment ends, although some prefer to wait for the swelling or redness to subside.

Who can use it?

Sculptra can be used by anyone of legal age and without allergy to polylactic acid, who needs to increase volume in sunken areas, correct folds, eliminate wrinkles, erase scars and prevent sagging skin.

It is contraindicated in people with skin inflammation, collagen diseases, serious systemic diseases or autoimmune diseases, as well as in pregnant people.


Treatment price

The cost of treatment with poly-L-lactic acid Sculptra® is $300.000, the validity time of this budget 30 days. Request an appointment to perform treatment with this product

Doubts and queries

If you have any medical questions, send an email to [email protected]  . In this mail Only medical consultations will be received. Inquiries about shifts, payments and administrative issues are not attended.

If you have doubts about the price of the treatment you can send an email [email protected]  Or by WhatsApp: 0054 9 11 5037 9821

To coordinate operative dates send mail to Josefina Nuñez [email protected] or a whatsapp  005491169459535

By phone on Monday, Thursday and Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the following telephone numbers.

  • 0054 11 4 901 6690
  • 0054 11 4 904 3434
  • 0054 11 4 904 0880

Schedule consultation

Book a consultation at our medical centers located in Caballito, Belgrano and Pilar

Quotes and sources

  1. Stein P et al. J Dermatol Sci 2015;78(1):26–33.9.
  2. Goldberg D et al. Dermatol Surg 2013;39(6):915–22.
  3. Vleggaar D et al. J Drugs Dermatol 2014;13(4 suppl):s29–31.
  4. Narins RS et al. J Am Acad Dermatol 2010;62(3):448–62.

Hair by hair hair transplant

The hair-by-hair hair implant is the most advanced procedure for the treatment of baldness.

In my career as a plastic surgeon, which began in 1987, and which has gone through the large rotating scalp flaps, the implant punches, the extensive scars in the donor area, the unnatural results, being able to have reached this scientific advance that does not leave scarring sequels, that provides an absolute naturalness, fills me with satisfaction and makes me want to further promote this procedure.

In the following video you will be able to observe how the hair is removed, how it is implanted, its absolute naturalness and the absence of scarring stigmata.

How is a hair implant done?

In some forms of alopecia, it may be necessary to resort to surgical treatment to obtain an optimal result. Currently, hair transplantation is used through follicular micrografts. This hair technique has improved substantially in recent years. In fact we can say that at the present time it has reached its maturity, allowing totally natural results to be obtained.

The hair transplant technique using micrografts (“hair by hair”) is a minimally invasive surgery performed with local anesthesia, does not require admission, and the patient returns to his normal social and work life in a few days. The final result is observed at 12 months, so the image change obtained is gradual. It is an intervention that produces a very high degree of satisfaction in patients with alopecia, both men and women.

Ideal age for a hair transplant

The ideal age is between 30 and 40 years, however, this depends on each case. There are patients who do not reach the age of 30 who already have alopecia so advanced that it will not stabilize.

Should you wait for hair loss to complete before doing a hair transplant?

It is not necessary to wait until the hair loss is complete. The technique allows hair to be grafted between existing hair, while also acting to improve and restore hair density.

Results in patients

Does the hair implant leave a scar?

Hair transplantation uses a 0.7-0.8 mm diameter micropunch for the extraction phase. The resulting wounds are minimal and heal within 3 days leaving completely unnoticeable scars.

How much does hair transplant cost?

The cost of treatment is u$d 1,900 . For inquiries about payment contact [email protected]

Doubts and queries

If you have any medical questions, send an email to [email protected]  . In this mail Only medical consultations will be received. Inquiries about shifts, payments and administrative issues are not attended.

If you have questions about the amount of the surgery You can send an email [email protected]  Or by WhatsApp: 0054 9 11 5037 9821

By phone on Monday, Thursday and Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the following telephone numbers.

  • 0054 11 4 901 6690
  • 0054 11 4 904 3434
  • 0054 11 4 904 0880

Schedule consultation

Book a consultation at our medical centers located in Caballito, Belgrano and Pilar

Eyelid Surgery in Men - Male Blepharoplasty


The cosmetic surgery of the eyelids in men, also known as Male blepharoplasty, presents certain challenges with regard to the eyelids of women. In the case of women, the crease of the upper eyelid is approximately 9 mm from the lashes, while in men it is 7 or 8 mm. This makes the male eyelid fuller than that of women, and the shape of the platform between the lashes and the crease is less accentuated.

If the eyelid surgery in men were performed the same as with women, unwanted results would be obtained, ending a less manly appearance in the patient. The lower eyelids should not change their appearance or shape, and should maintain their contact with the cornea (that is, the colored part of the eye), because the result is not attractive when you see white under the eye (scleral show) .

Blepharoplasty without surgery for men

Non-surgical blepharoplasty is performed with laser technology from carbon dioxide. This is responsible for destroying the keratinocytes of the skin, which generates an instantaneous tightening of the skin, achieving an effect "lifting ”of eyelids without surgery.

According to the experience of Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra, removing skin from the upper eyelid generates in most patients a decrease in the eyebrows, creating a sad, tired and aged look. Eliminate excess Skin and scarring on the lower eyelids produces in many patients functional and unsightly deformations.

This is why, the Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra developed in 1995 a technique that rejuvenates the eyelids using laser technology without surgery, which does not leave scars and does not remove skin. This avoids the unnatural results and complications of conventional surgeries.

Eyelid lift without surgery, goodbye to scars

To treat lower eyelid pouches an incision is made in the conjunctiva, and on the other hand, that of the upper eyelids Through a small incision in the inner corner of the upper eyelid, it does not require suturing.

Blepharoplasty transconjunctival laser 

Skin rejuvenation is performed with a Micro Fractional Carbon Dioxide Laser (Firexel) . This tool has a skin analyzer that allows us to adapt the parameter to each type of skin. Transconjunctival laser-assisted blepharoplasty does not dry out skin and avoids many of the unwanted effects seen with the conventional technique. This laser-assisted operation rejuvenates the eyelids, preserving normal anatomy and leaving a fresh, natural look and without surgical stigmas.

Ultrasound for skin tightening

Today we also use Ultrasound for tighten the skin of the eyelids and the rest of the face, neck and neckline. HIFU produces results that can be seen immediately after the procedure is performed without skin damage and without recovery time. But the most significant results occur as time passes, reaching its maximum effect 60 days after the procedure.

before-eyelids-8272213 after-eyelids-4736531

How does the carbon dioxide laser work in the eyelid lift ?.

The light energy of Firexel removes superficial layers of skin aged by sun damage and over the years. On the surface of the skin it eliminates spots, dark circles and wrinkles. In the depth of the tissue it produces a heating and stimulation of the elastic and collagen fibers, producing a tightening effect on the skin.

Carbon Dioxide Laser-assisted eyelid surgery requires a new type of operator training. Hoogstra Medical Centers offers refresher courses to national and foreign doctors who want to enter this field.

Ultrasound allows us the following advantages:

  1. Leaves no scars.
  2. Always natural result.
  3. It does not damage muscle structures like the conventional technique does.
  4. Ultrasound and Carbon Dioxide Laser rejuvenates all the skin on the eyelids.
  5. Less edema.
  6. Fewer bruises.
  7. Quick reintegration into work.
  8. It does not lower the eyebrow as the conventional technique does.
  9. It improves the expression of the gaze.

Alternative procedures for the rejuvenation of the eye and its contour.

Sometimes, excess skin on the upper eyelid is the result of drooping eyebrows, in which case the indication could be the use of Botulinum toxin or a Endoscopic lift of the forehead, nose and eyebrows.

Local anesthesia

The intervention is performed with local anesthesia and sedation. The patient wakes up immediately after completing the procedure and retires to his home a few hours later.  All interventions are performed with local anesthesia and sedation, which provides safety and comfort. Sedation is performed by the anesthesia manager at Hospital Fernández or another doctor on his team.

Duration of the intervention

The residence time in the Clinic is approximately 3 to 4 hours. The duration of procedure is approximately 30 minutes. Surgery and postoperative are not painful. This surgery, in addition to leaving no visible scars, produces fewer edema and bruising than traditional eyelid surgery. Patients traveling from the interior of the country or abroad must be the day before surgery and may return 48 or 72 hours after surgery. Patients from all over the world travel to Argentina to undergo surgery with Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra.

Postoperative eyelid surgery

  • You can resume normal activities the day after surgery.
  • You can resume physical activities, such as running or yoga, one week after surgery.
  • You can resume intense fitness activities such as weights or high-impact cardiovascular exercise 4 weeks after surgery.

Laser eyelid surgery price

The cost of it is u$d 3,000 (VAT not included). The value of the query is $60,000 pesos. If you decide to carry out the treatment, this value will be deducted from the total amount.

Blepharoplasty: before and after

These are the results of some of our patients.

Procedures facilities and security

In addition to having state-of-the-art medical equipment, we have a complete surgical unit and recovery and hospitalization rooms. The modern surgical room It is equipped with high-level technology and assisted by nurses and instructors specialized in this type of intervention.

The clinic has the approval of the Secretary Public Health.

Patient testimonials

Alexandra Pedroza

2 weeks ago I had the opportunity to undergo surgery for the second time, I had a forehead lift-endoscopy and the first time was in 2019, it was a blepharoplasty, they removed the fat from my eyelids. Due to the pandemic, it was only possible for me to return this year. Dr. Hoogstra's way of working is incredible! You remain as if nothing had happened. It didn't hurt at all, I didn't take a single analgesic for the pain, I didn't have any pain and the recovery was very fast. It is worth traveling from the United States for the second time. Since the security of not taking any risks and of looking good is guaranteed. I tried to take a friend with me who wanted to have a face and neck lift and my friend didn't want to go, she went to Cancun Mexico, because it was cheaper for her. They left her with facial paralysis on the entire left side of her face. Dr. Hoogstra takes care of you and treats you as if you were his family. And his work team is fantastic. Very attentive girls. Josefina, Lucia, José Luis, thank you, even the lady who was bringing coffee to my husband. I do not remember his name . She is in charge of caring for the patients' families. And he helped me get dressed. Very grateful to all of you. A piece of advice to all people who want to have facial beautification. Please see him with a doctor who is highly trained. It is not easy to travel to Argentina from Texas, United States. But the effort is worth it since I put myself in the hands of an eminence in surgery Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra.🤗🤗🤗🤗

Alexandra Pedroza


Dr. Carolina Stella was very detailed, kind and professional, she performed micro and macro ultrasound focused on the eyelids.

Barbara Cattáneo


Dr. Hoogstra treated me, operated on my eyelids. I was very satisfied, I recommend it.

Gabriela Basaldella

Upper eyelid blepharoplasty

I had a blepharoplasty on my upper eyelids. I must say that logically, prior to the decision to undergo this procedure, my concerns were heard and I slowly moved towards surgery at the hands of Dr. Hoogstra. The technique is excellent, I had no discomfort, meeting the pre and post surgical guidelines.

Marta Alicia Pérez

Eyelid surgery

Excellent attention. I had an eyelid surgery with the Doctor, I recommend it.

María Luján Guidi

Eyelid surgery and liposuction

I had a blepharoplasty and it was excellent. Without scar and also the treatment of the super professional doctor. Then I came back for liposuction of the legs and abdomen and the results are also wonderful. Everything is quality and super professional. The doctor always takes away your doubts and the post operative was very easy to carry. I will always come back!

Natalia Givonetti

Liposculpture and eyelids

I had a lipo of the abdomen and an eyebrow and eyelid lift and I am very happy to have encouraged myself, Doctor Hoogstra gives me a lot of confidence and the recovery is fast, painless and just 2 weeks after surgery but the changes are already noticeable and they are totally natural.

Graciela Castellani

Scarless eyelid surgery

I am very happy with the results of the treatments. Excellent atention.

Maria Ester Duarte

Scarless eyelid surgery

Dr. Hoogstra performed blepharoplasty on both eyelids, in a few days he was someone else, with a brighter look. Thank you Doctor.

Maria Teresa Rodriguez

Transconjunctival Blepharoplasty and CO2 Laser

All excellent, I am very satisfied. Congratulations!

Mario Vazquez

A Great Experience !!

I am from Fort Worth, Texas and am 53 years old. For many years I wanted to remove the bags from my lower eyelids, a more youthful look and remove the dewlap, but I was scared by traditional surgeries that remove skin and can change the natural look of the face. After searching and searching for alternatives I was lucky


Laser scarless eyelid surgery and spot treatment

My arrival in Mexico was smooth, everything in order I have felt very good, just a little occasional burning in the eyes. The truth is that I am very grateful and very happy for the results of the surgery, the results are more than remarkable, I am super happy with my new appearance. Really

Jorge Gomez

Laser eyelid surgery

The surgery was fantastic. The postoperative was more complicated for me because I did not rest any, I moved as if I had nothing, that made recovery take a little longer but it was perfect. All people tell me how well you have eyes! how good are you! and I see them much better.


CO2 laser eyelid rejuvenation

Dr. Hoogstra only performed laser on my upper and lower eyelids. I don't have surgery. They gave me anesthetic cream an hour before. I only felt a little discomfort during the treatment, then a little burning. I returned to my activities after four days. Notice more softness, smoothness and a fresh skin feeling. I use less

Beatríz M

Endoscopic Lifting - Transconjunctival Blepharoplasty - CO2 Laser

Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra explained that the excess skin of the upper eyelid was due to a decrease in the forehead. He suggested that I perform a procedure. Endoscopic Lifting, Transconjunctival Blepharoplasty and Pan Facial Carbon Dioxide Laser. During the treatment I was sedated and did not feel anything, except for a small burning that when

Graciela A

Lipo laser, eyelid and nose surgery

Hello dr. Hoogstra, I feel like the luckiest woman on the planet to have had the privilege of meeting him and being his patient. Thank you for your kindness, ethics, and professionalism. Thank you again for everything you have done for me and for your valuable recommendations. Now I feel like a beautiful and safe woman.


Carbon Dioxide Laser

Hello Doctor, Every day when I look in the mirror I see the fabulous results of the laser on my eyelids and it gives me a lot of satisfaction, that's why I have wanted to tell you for a long time. At first the changes were not so great but the effects continue slowly and without pause. Thank you and we will see each other

Maria Susana

Laser scarless eyelid surgery and spot treatment

My arrival in Mexico was smooth, everything in order I have felt very good, just a little occasional burning in the eyes. The truth is that I am very grateful and very happy for the results of the surgery, the results are more than remarkable, I am super happy with my new appearance.

Jorge Gomez

CO2 laser on the eyelids

I want to leave my opinion because when something goes well you also have to say it. In my case, the dr performed a CO2 laser on my eyelids without blepharoplasty, because I have little fat on my eyelids but they already looked tired and droopy. The treatment lasted 3 minutes at most, and after which for 2

Soledad De Leon

Doubts and queries

If you have any medical questions, send an email to [email protected]  . In this mail Only medical consultations will be received. Inquiries about shifts, payments and administrative issues are not attended.

If you have questions about the amount of the surgery You can send an email [email protected]  Or by WhatsApp: 0054 9 11 5037 9821

To coordinate operative dates send mail to Josefina Nuñez [email protected] or a whatsapp  005491169459535

By phone on Monday, Thursday and Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the following telephone numbers.

  • 0054 11 4 901 6690
  • 0054 11 4 904 3434
  • 0054 11 4 904 0880

Schedule consultation

Book a consultation at our medical centers located in Caballito, Belgrano and Pilar

Eyelid lift without surgery


The skin of the eyelids is the finest in the body and one of the first in have wrinkles and furrows. When we communicate, we direct our gaze to the eyes of our interlocutor, which is why the expression of the gaze is so important.

In some people, your eyelids and eyebrows can give you the expression of tiredness, sadness and old age. There are others who generate the opposite.

My specialty is the eyelids, the position of the eyebrows and giving the patient a fresh, youthful, rested and natural appearance.

Dr. Hoogstra uses laser technology, ultrasound and since 1995 he does not require cutting the eyelids, and therefore, does not leave scars.

Patients from all over the world come to my center to perform these procedures. Now let's see what are the reasons why patients attend more frequently.

Rejuvenation of the eyelids with carbon dioxide laser.

Blepharoplasty without surgery is performed with carbon dioxide laser technology. This is responsible for destroying the keratinocytes of the skin, which generates a skin tightening instantly, achieving an effect ""lifting ”of eyelids without surgery.

According to the experience of Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra, removing skin from the upper eyelid generates in most patients a decrease in the eyebrows, creating a sad, tired and aged look. Eliminate excess Skin and scarring on the lower eyelids produces in many patients functional and unsightly deformations.

This is why, the Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra developed in 1995 a technique that rejuvenates the eyelids using laser technology without surgery, which does not leave scars and does not remove skin. This avoids the unnatural results and complications of conventional surgeries.

How does the carbon dioxide laser work in the eyelid lift ?.

The light energy of Firexel removes superficial layers of skin aged by sun damage and over the years. On the surface of the skin it eliminates spots, dark circles and wrinkles. In the depth of the tissue it produces a heating and stimulation of the elastic and collagen fibers, producing a tightening effect on the skin.

Carbon Dioxide Laser-assisted eyelid surgery requires a new type of operator training. Hoogstra Medical Centers offers refresher courses to national and foreign doctors who want to enter this field.

Ultrasound allows us the following advantages:

  1. Leaves no scars.
  2. Always natural result.
  3. It does not damage muscle structures like the conventional technique does.
  4. Ultrasound and Carbon Dioxide Laser rejuvenates all the skin on the eyelids.
  5. Less edema.
  6. Fewer bruises.
  7. Quick reintegration into work.
  8. It does not lower the eyebrow as the conventional technique does.
  9. It improves the expression of the gaze.

Periorbital wrinkles, Crow's feet

These wrinkles are produced by the contraction of the orbicularis muscle, which has the function of closing the eye.

In these cases we use botulinum toxin, with which I not only manage to reduce the wrinkle but also raise the tail of the eyebrows.

This provides a more rested and cheerful appearance.


Over the years the thin skin of the eyelids loses elastin and collagen, this added to the sun damage, with the continuous gesticulation wrinkles begin to appear.

-Is it possible to improve the quality of the skin of the eyelids without having to resort to surgery?

-YES, absolutely YES.

It is impossible to rejuvenate all the skin on the eyelids, pulling out a thin strip of skin and leaving a scar.

This is absurd and the only thing it brings are complications of all kinds, unnatural results and deformations.

I use to rejuvenate the skin of the eyelids laser technology With this I rejuvenate the entire eyelid unit and if necessary I also reduce wrinkles on the rest of the face.

The results are natural and very long-lasting.

What I am looking for is to attenuate wrinkles, eliminate periorbital furrows or crow's feet, raise the eyebrow a little if necessary and give volume to the cheekbones and tear canal.

By associating these procedures I achieve a young and expressive look which transmits a greater degree of energy and vitality.

Eye bags

He Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra He developed this treatment after verifying that many of the patients who consulted him for dark circles had a lack of volume in the cheekbone or in the area between the cheekbone and the nose, known as the tear canal.

The lack of volume of the cheekbone and / or the tear canal allows the skin of the eyelids to extend towards the cheeks, this increase in the length of the eyelid and its dark color increases dark circles.

The time of the procedure 5 minutes, painless, great satisfaction of the patient, who immediately continues his normal life.

Fat bags on the eyelids

If the patient presents adipose bags in the lower and upper eyelids then if it is necessary to operate.

For these patients, develop a technique that also does not leave scars.

See recommended treatment >>> Laser blepharoplasty

Drop of the eyebrows, tired and sad look

If the eyebrows are very lowered, an invisible lift is recommended

See recommended treatment >>> Invisible Lifting

Doubts and queries

If you have any medical questions, send an email to [email protected]  . In this mail Only medical consultations will be received. Inquiries about shifts, payments and administrative issues are not attended.

If you have questions about the amount of the surgery You can send an email [email protected]  Or by WhatsApp: 0054 9 11 5037 9821

To coordinate operative dates send mail to Josefina Nuñez [email protected] or a whatsapp  005491169459535

By phone on Monday, Thursday and Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the following telephone numbers.

  • 0054 11 4 901 6690
  • 0054 11 4 904 3434
  • 0054 11 4 904 0880

Schedule consultation

Book a consultation at our medical centers located in Caballito, Belgrano and Pilar