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Face and neck

Sculptra® polylactic acid against facial sagging

This treatment with polylactic acid provides an evident clinical improvement for the facial sagging treatment without the need for conventional surgery. Sculptra treatment reverses face aging progressively, without resorting to aggressive procedures or surgical interventions.

Polylactic acid is biocompatible and completely absorbable.

Polylactic Acid works by renewing the skin at the cellular level with the progressive formation of new collagen. Polylactic acid has been used for many years in resorbable surgical threads.


How does polylactic acid work?

SCULPTRA is injected into the dermis, through small infiltrations, generating minimal discomfort. It is injected below the surface of the skin in the area where fat has been lost.

Then the product induces the formation of new collagen naturally and progressively, so that the patient perceives a better appearance gradually from the first session.

Several sessions (3 on average) may be required to obtain the desired aesthetic result.

The results are very long-lasting since once the treatment is finished, the results can be seen for up to two years.

Sculptra® is the original collagen biostimulator that has been shown to gradually replace1,2,3 the structural support of the skin that is lost during aging and improves skin laxity

Are the results immediate?

At your first session, you may notice a slight swelling caused by the injection of the solution used to dilute SCULPTRA. After a few days, the swelling subsides and the solution is absorbed by the body. It will take time, at least 1 month, until the patient clearly sees the definitive effects.


Required Sessions

Sculptra produces a progressive and natural improvement, which requires several treatment sessions. On average, 3 sessions are recommended in consecutive months. Logically, each case must be assessed individually by the doctor to establish the most convenient number of treatments.

Once the treatment is finished, the results are very long-lasting, up to 2 years4.

Maintenance sessions are recommended.

Your body reduces collagen production throughout adult life. By age 40, most people lose up to 25% of their collagen production.

Can I have other treatments?

He poly-L-lactic acid Sculptra is perfectly compatible with other medical procedures, in fact, its association with other techniques (botulinum toxin, laser therapy, peels, implants and fillers) allows even better results. It will be the specialist doctor who determines the best combination of these treatments for each patient.

Sculptra Security

This synthetic biopolymer is widely used safely in multiple medical devices, so it does not require an allergy test prior to treatment.

The active ingredient in Sculptra is poly-L-lactic acid (PLA), a substance that constitutes a very attractive treatment due to its simplicity of application, its efficacy and safety profile. It is a substance that has been used for more than 30 years for medical applications such as absorbable sutures, in bone screws and plates, and as a means of drug delivery.

Sculptra will be gradually and completely eliminated from the body, with no residue left in the body.

Frequent questions

Is it a filler or a biopolymer?

Neither. This product works from the production of collagen, it is a natural and biocompatible product with the body that degrades and stimulates collagen over time.

What is it made of?

The main ingredient in Sculptra® is poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA). Lactic acid is already present in the human body.

Is there any downtime?

This treatment involves minimal downtime. Patients can usually return to their normal daily activities after treatment ends, although some prefer to wait for the swelling or redness to subside.

Who can use it?

Sculptra can be used by anyone of legal age and without allergy to polylactic acid, who needs to increase volume in sunken areas, correct folds, eliminate wrinkles, erase scars and prevent sagging skin.

It is contraindicated in people with skin inflammation, collagen diseases, serious systemic diseases or autoimmune diseases, as well as in pregnant people.


Treatment price

The cost of treatment with poly-L-lactic acid Sculptra® is $300.000, the validity time of this budget 30 days. Request an appointment to perform treatment with this product

Doubts and queries

If you have any medical questions, send an email to [email protected]  . In this mail Only medical consultations will be received. Inquiries about shifts, payments and administrative issues are not attended.

If you have doubts about the price of the treatment you can send an email [email protected]  Or by WhatsApp: 0054 9 11 5037 9821

To coordinate operative dates send mail to Josefina Nuñez [email protected] or a whatsapp  005491169459535

By phone on Monday, Thursday and Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the following telephone numbers.

  • 0054 11 4 901 6690
  • 0054 11 4 904 3434
  • 0054 11 4 904 0880

Schedule consultation

Book a consultation at our medical centers located in Caballito, Belgrano and Pilar

Quotes and sources

  1. Stein P et al. J Dermatol Sci 2015;78(1):26–33.9.
  2. Goldberg D et al. Dermatol Surg 2013;39(6):915–22.
  3. Vleggaar D et al. J Drugs Dermatol 2014;13(4 suppl):s29–31.
  4. Narins RS et al. J Am Acad Dermatol 2010;62(3):448–62.

Skin tightening without surgery - Radiesse

Device description: The RADIESSE injectable implant is a sterile, non-pyrogenic, semisolid, cohesive implant, the main component of which is synthetic calcium hydroxyapatite (CaHA) suspended in a sterile water-based carrier gel for injection, glycerin and sodium carboxymethylcellulose

Radiesse is a Lifting without surgery

It acts immediately, restoring the natural volume to your face, also achieving a definition in your facial contour, giving it a very youthful appearance.

Radiesse is an injectable dermal filler that temporarily adds volume to help smooth moderate to severe facial wrinkles and gives an immediate lift and firming effect on the skin. Once injected, Radiesse® directly provides the volume and lift necessary to decrease the signs of aging due to the calcium and gel-based microspheres that comprise the product. Both the gel and the microspheres are completely broken down by the body over time.

What does the treatment consist of?

Radiesse fillers are made using two techniques depending on the results that the professional intends to obtain. As usual a single session of about 30 minutes will suffice.

The treatment can be carried out by water technique or cannula techniqueThe latter is usually used to treat facial flaccidity by stimulating collagen, and the needle technique will be used to increase volume, for example on the cheekbones or chin.

As we have said previously, for the realization of some treatments it is necessary to combine these two techniques.

Radiesse - A COLLAGEN stimulator

In addition to an immediate filler effect, Radiesse®'s high-quality ingredients stimulate the skin's natural collagen synthesis. Thanks to the collagen-inducing effect of Radiesse®, the skin recovers its youthful rigidity and elasticity.

What results can I get with Radiesse?

Radiesse can provide various effects depending on the technique, the amount of product we use and of course the anatomy of each patient.

  1. Facelift without surgery
  2. Wrinkle correction providing volume.
  3. Smoothing of wrinkles and folds around the nose and mouth, including nasolabial folds.
  4. Cheek augmentation
  5. Chin augmentation
  6. Mandibular delimitation
  7. Conceal dewlap by vector augmentation
  8. Improve skin quality thanks to collagen stimulation

redisse face lift

These are some of the effects that we can achieve with Radiesse, although the most important thing about this product is that its effects are long-lasting

Results before and after

Price of skin tightening treatment

This treatment is carried out by Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra. The cost of each Radiesse 1.5 cc syringe is $85.000 pesos

Doubts and queries

If you have any medical questions, send an email to [email protected]  . In this mail Only medical consultations will be received. Inquiries about shifts, payments and administrative issues are not attended.

By phone on Monday, Thursday and Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the following telephone numbers.

  • 0054 11 4 901 6690
  • 0054 11 4 904 3434
  • 0054 11 4 904 0880

Schedule consultation

Book a consultation at our medical centers located in Caballito, Belgrano and Pilar

Treatment for spots and wrinkles on the neckline and hands

Hands and cleavage have many characteristics in common: their skin is very thin and one of the most delicate on the body, therefore it is more difficult to control their dehydration. They have few collagen and elastic fibers, and are the first areas where signs of aging, wrinkles and sagging appear.

Premature aging of the neckline and hand skin occurs in young women.

This is because the skin in these areas is very thin and is more exposed to sunlight; for this reason, it dehydrates and loses collagen fibers more easily.

The signs of neckline aging are:

  • Dark spots
  • Vascular effusions
  • Wrinkles and furrows

At Hoogstra Medical Centers we have the most modern technology for treating neckline and hand aging.

Patient experiences

Doubts and queries

If you have any medical questions, send an email to [email protected]  . In this mail Only medical consultations will be received. Inquiries about shifts, payments and administrative issues are not attended.

By phone on Monday, Thursday and Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the following telephone numbers.

  • 0054 11 4 901 6690
  • 0054 11 4 904 3434
  • 0054 11 4 904 0880

Schedule consultation

Book a consultation at our medical centers located in Caballito, Belgrano and Pilar

Cheekbone augmentation and rejuvenation

El aumento y rejuvenecimiento de los pómulos tiene como objetivo realzar la zona peri orbitaria, incrementar el óvalo de la cara, disminuir las ojeras, atenuar las bolsas malares y de los párpados inferiores.

Está especialmente indicada en personas de todas las edades. En pacientes jóvenes, que por cuestiones hereditarias, tienen falta de desarrollo del hueso malar y como consecuencia presentan ojeras y falta de definición volumétrica de su rostro.

También a medida que envejecemos los pómulos pierden volumen y forma.Podemos observar que los párpados inferiores se hacen más largos y llegan hasta los pómulos, y que los pómulos pierden volumen y se arrugan.

Rejuvenecimiento de pómulos con Ultrasonido

Hasta el momento esta situación era de difícil solución o requería de complejas cirugías. Hoy en día en nuestros Centros ofrecemos una solución rápida, indolora, efectiva y duradera en el tiempo.
Invertimos en la tecnología más sofisticada que hay en el mundo. Fuimos los primeros en la Argentina en introducir Ultrasonido.

El ultrasonido micro focalizado de última generación, que permite estimular y tensar el colágeno envejecido, produciendo atenuación de arrugas y tensión de la frente, párpados, mejillas, cara y cuello.
Es indoloro y el paciente continúa inmediatamente su actividad diaria.

La consulta y la evaluación se puede realizar antes de efectuar el procedimiento.

Aumento de pómulos con ácido hialurónico

El Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra le da volumen a los pómulos con Ácido Hialurónico de cadena pesada, cuya duración es de más de 20 meses. Ud. Podrá comprobar un resultado agradable y natural inmediatamente finalizado el procedimiento.
No coloca crema anestésica, no hace anestesia local, solo coloca frio local y una vez que el frio le comienza a molestar aplica el inyectable.
Se hace una sola inyección por pómulo, es indolora y lleva menos de un minuto.

Este procedimiento no produce edema ni hematomas. Generalmente se coloca una sola ampolla de un 1 cc de ácido hialurónico., 0.5 cc por pómulo, pero si la depresión es muy grande se pueden colocar 2 ampollas de 1 cc por pómulo.
Si luego de 2 semanas Ud. esta feliz con el resultado pero quiere dar un poco más de volumen, puede tomar un nuevo turno vía internet y concurre directamente para la aplicación.


  • Si bien los procedimientos son rápidos, hay muchos pacientes que concurren a nuestros centros para realizar procedimientos de todo tipo y lamentablemente no siempre podemos ser puntuales. Nos tomamos el tiempo necesario que cada paciente requiera para poder atenderlo con el mayor profesionalismo.
  • No tome aspirinas ni analgésicos 7 a 10 días previos al procedimiento.
  • Si Ud. es un paciente que piensa que los rellenos pueden deformar el rostro, tiene razón. Concurren a nuestra consulta cantidad de pacientes deformados, angustiados por la inyección de productos que no deberían ser utilizados, y su solución es muy difícil. El Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra sólo coloca ácido hialurónico, un producto natural, componente de nuestro organismo y que dura solo un tiempo, pero para su mayor tranquilidad existe una enzima que es la Hialuronidasa que degrada a este producto en forma inmediata. Sin embargo, no la vamos a tener que utilizar porque el Dr. Hoogstra coloca el relleno en forma lenta y progresiva para que Ud. pueda ir acompañando los sutiles y naturales cambios que va teniendo su rostro.
  • Si en algún momento Ud. solicita más rellenos y el Dr. piensa que no es conveniente porque su rostro perdería naturalidad, se va a rehusar a aplicarlo.

Lipoescultura Facial

Los pómulos (también denominados malares) son los huesos que hay bajo nuestras mejillas, y que dan forma a la zona del tercio medio facial. Sin embargo, cuando los pómulos no tienen una estructura correcta, se han debilitado o hundido con la edad, son pequeños o tienen el volumen o la curvatura suficiente, provocan un aspecto de cansancio, envejecimiento y tristeza en el rostro.

La lipoestructura -también llamada hoy en día lipofilling- es una técnica quirúrgica descrita en 1994 por el cirujano plástico Sydney Coleman, de Nueva York. Se basa en la modificación tridimensional permanente de la anatomía, mediante el relleno con el propio tejido graso del paciente, previamente purificado. Precisamente esta es la técnica utilizada en cirugía facial para solventar el problema de los pómulos que no están lo suficientemente marcados o no tienen volumen.

En definitiva, con estos tipos de tratamientos estéticos el paciente podrá remodelar, alisar, rejuvenecer y reafirmar su rostro de una forma natural, no invasiva. No obstante, los resultados se harán visibles poco a poco, sesión tras sesión.

Elevación de los pómulos

Las facciones de la cara son diferentes en cada persona y son hereditarias. Con una corrección o aumento de pómulos se puede corregir o acentuar la relación entre los pómulos, las mejillas y el resto de la cara. En el caso de unos pómulos subdesarrollados o de unas mejillas hundidas, se desequilibra la armonía estética de la cara.
En determinadas ocasiones es suficiente con inyectar un relleno. En otras, para conseguir el resultado deseado podría resultar necesario un lipofilling o la colocación de un implante de pómulo, una prótesis.

Patient experiences

Price of Hyaluronic Acid Fillers treatment

Costo con una ampolla de Voluma: $195.000 y dura aproximadamente 25 meses.

The value of the consultation with Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra is $60,000 pesos . If you later decide to carry out the treatment, this value will be deducted from the total amount.

Doubts and queries

If you have any medical questions, send an email to [email protected]  . In this mail Only medical consultations will be received. Inquiries about shifts, payments and administrative issues are not attended.

By phone on Monday, Thursday and Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the following telephone numbers.

  • 0054 11 4 901 6690
  • 0054 11 4 904 3434
  • 0054 11 4 904 0880

Schedule consultation

Book a consultation at our medical centers located in Caballito, Belgrano and Pilar

Tratamiento relacionados

Neck Neck Laser Modeling

Clinical picture

Excessive adiposity in the neck can be caused by hereditary factors, overweight, diseases such as hypothyroidism and Cushing's syndrome.

The adiposity of the neck ages us and makes us look obese.

After the intervention, will my skin be sagging?

All patients think that once fat is removed, sagging will increase.
On the contrary, not only does it not increase sagging, but you will notice a more tonic, taut and defined neck.

How does it work?

  • Eliminates excess adipose tissue.
  • It favors the retraction of the neck tissues.
  • Lifting effect without removing skin, by stimulating collagen

Before and after


Laser lipomodeling is a minimally invasive procedure, with immediate recovery, that models the neck without scarring or removing skin.

Neck laser lipomodeling is a new procedure in laser technology that allows us to restore youth to the neck in 30 minutes without the need for the patient to abandon their daily activities.

It is indicated in women and men with excess adipose tissue in the neck who want to improve their contour without undergoing a surgical procedure with skin resection.

Cost of Neck Laser Lipomodeling

The approximate cost of Laser Neck Lipomodeling is u$d 2,400 (VAT not included).

This treatment is carried out by Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra in Hoogstra Medical Centers Caballito branch. Hoogstra Caballito Clinic, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Address San José de Calasanz 176.  Height Rivadavia Avenue 5,100 one block from Primera Junta station.

You can find parking on Calle Rosario between Centenera and San José de Calasanz.

Videos with patient cases

We invite you to watch the videos on our YouTube channel with the account of patients who have received this treatment, entering here: Neck Neck Laser Modeling

Patient testimonial


Liposuction carried out in 1996. Excellent results, very satisfied, Thank you very much.

Maria Garcia


Excellent attention, very good professionals. Very serious. Super recommendable.

Fernanda Giachello

Eyelid surgery and liposuction

I had a blepharoplasty and it was excellent. Without scar and also the treatment of the super professional doctor. Then I came back for liposuction of the legs and abdomen and the results are also wonderful. Everything is quality and super professional. The doctor always takes away your doubts and the post operative was very easy to carry. I will always come back!

Natalia Givonetti

Liposculpture and eyelids

I had a lipo of the abdomen and an eyebrow and eyelid lift and I am very happy to have encouraged myself, Doctor Hoogstra gives me a lot of confidence and the recovery is fast, painless and just 2 weeks after surgery but the changes are already noticeable and they are totally natural.

Graciela Castellani

Neck liposuction

I cordially greet Dr Hoogstra as well as his staff. Today it was 2 months after my neck liposuction, I lost 7 kg with the diet and I think it looks better. The hyperpigmentation of the contour of my eyes and cheekbones is disappearing by itself and I think in a few weeks it will be gone

Elena Pittock

Lipo laser, eyelid and nose surgery

Hello dr. Hoogstra, I feel like the luckiest woman on the planet to have had the privilege of meeting him and being his patient. Thank you for your kindness, ethics, and professionalism. Thank you again for everything you have done for me and for your valuable recommendations. Now I feel like a beautiful and safe woman.


Doubts and queries

If you have any medical questions, send an email to [email protected]  . In this mail Only medical consultations will be received. Inquiries about shifts, payments and administrative issues are not attended.

By phone on Monday, Thursday and Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the following telephone numbers.

  • 0054 11 4 901 6690
  • 0054 11 4 904 3434
  • 0054 11 4 904 0880

Schedule consultation

Book a consultation at our medical centers located in Caballito, Belgrano and Pilar