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5 Consejos para unas Vacaciones Saludables y Plenas

Holidays are wonderful , no one doubts that. But while they’re great experiences to look forward to throughout the rest of the year, they’re not necessarily the best for your health.

And it is that, most of the time, the last thing that worries people is staying healthy during the holidays . But the fact that you are on vacation does not mean that you have to leave behind all the healthy habits that you maintain in the other months.

As we want you to enjoy a healthy holiday , both physically and mentally, below we have created a guide with 5 tips to spend a few relaxing and rejuvenating days .

5 Tips for a healthy vacation

Going on vacation can be an ideal time to recharge your batteries and focus on your well-being , giving your physical and mental health what it really needs to function at its optimal level.

But what steps can you take to stay healthy on vacation? Here are 5 tips you can put into practice while traveling to enjoy your vacation while staying relaxed and healthy.


1. Follow a balanced diet

All-you-can-eat hotel buffets and local delicacies can be tempting . The urge to sit and relax all day while eating plate after plate, snacking on sweets and various other foods is too strong. People often fall into the “since we’re on vacation” trap, but you have to be careful.

The ideal is to continue with the usual balanced diet , but if it is difficult for you, you can fill yourself up first with healthy options to satisfy that initial void of hunger. You can also ensure that your breakfasts are complete but light . Eating fruit first thing in the morning is better for your digestive system and gives your body a healthy start to the day ahead.

2. Practice physical activity

The main objective of the holidays is to relax and disconnect from the routine, but it is advisable to do something more than lie on the beach. This does not mean that you have to go for a run or go to the gym during your rest days. You can practice fun activities that keep you active , such as paddle surfing, playing beach volleyball or similar.

You can even take a long walk on the beach, through the city parks or (if the weather is bad) do exercises in your room . Try to commit to doing some type of movement every day, exercise can improve your mood and give you more energy throughout the day.

3. Take care of mental health

It is just as important to take care of your physical state as your mental state. Start the day improving the relationship with yourself. Take a few minutes for yourself on a morning walk or relaxing in bed, you will notice how your productivity improves throughout the day. Pay attention to the signals your body is sending and rest when it tells you to.

Even if you have many plans for your vacation, don’t wait for time, you can always come back next year. Above all, be realistic about what you can accomplish in a day , taking into account the number of distractions you may face.

4. Take out health insurance

We all get excited when we make travel plans, but traveling comes with risks like medical emergencies. Therefore, if you want to be able to travel without stress and enjoy all your vacations , include taking out health insurance in your preparations .

In the Doctor i comparator you can find cheap health insurance that covers the most important situations that can interfere with your vacations. Having one of these medical insurance that covers travel provides you with financial security for your health and the difficulties of the trip .

5. Control alcohol consumption

With the heat of summer it is crucial to stay hydrated and although the relaxed atmosphere of the days of rest invites to have a few drinks, remember that alcohol has the opposite effect. Alcohol is a diuretic and can cause dehydration the more you drink.

Even in vacation destinations where it’s safer to drink beer than tap water, bottled water is your best bet for maintaining your hydration level. And of course, whenever you drink alcohol, remember to do so in moderation .


With these tips you will be prepared to fully enjoy your vacation days , you will see how you will feel relaxed and in top shape when you return.