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Male Genitalia

Scrotics Aesthetics


El paso de los años produce un agrandamiento de la piel escrotal, lo cual da una apariencia de envejecimiento dentro de la estética íntima masculina.

Otras alteraciones como la poliquistosis producen un estiramiento de la piel escrotal. Cuando hay un agrandamiento del escroto, el paciente refiere incomodidad o malestar estético y funcional.

El Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra utiliza laser technology para disminuir el tamaño de las bolsas escrotales y mejorar la estética y el confort del paciente que lo padece. Es un procedimiento que se hace con anestesia local, en forma ambulatoria, pudiendo al otro día el paciente continuar con su actividad diaria.


La cicatriz que deja este procedimiento suele ser muy poco evidente. Con este procedimiento se logra mejorar la estética y eliminar molestias funcionales.

Entre los 15 a 20 días de la operación, el paciente puede reiniciar su vida sexual y deportiva.

Si los pacientes presentan cistocele or varicocele, primero deberán resolver el factor desencadenante de aumento del escroto.

Doubts and queries

If you have any medical questions, send an email to [email protected]  . In this mail Only medical consultations will be received. Inquiries about shifts, payments and administrative issues are not attended.

By phone on Monday, Thursday and Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the following telephone numbers.

  • 0054 11 4 901 6690
  • 0054 11 4 904 3434
  • 0054 11 4 904 0880

Schedule consultation

Book a consultation at our medical centers located in Caballito, Belgrano and Pilar

Epididymal cysts

Los Quistes de Epididimo son de etiología benigna. Se encuentran en la parte más alta del testículo, pueden ser únicos o múltiples.

Son más frecuentes en hombres adultos de alrededor de 40 años y poco frecuente en niños y adolescentes.
El contenido de estos quistes es líquido.
Generalmente no causan molestia y el paciente se da cuenta cuando crecen y se pueden palpar.
Son de consistencia blanda.
El diagnóstico generalmente es clínico por palpación y ecografía.

Tipos de quistes

  • Espermatocele, es también quístico igual que el quiste epididimal, pero en lugar de líquido tiene semen.
    Otras causas de engrosamiento del epidídimo son enfermedades inflamatorias del mismo.
  • Hidrocele es la colección de líquido en el escroto.
  • Varicocele son pequeños vasos sanguíneos próximos al testículo.


  • El tratamiento quirúrgico se realiza a través de una incisión en el escroto, esta cirugía tiene un alto índice de complicaciones.
  • Punción del quiste con aguja y aspiración de su contenido, es un procedimiento simple, rápido, ambulatorio aunque con un altísimo índice de recidiva antes del mes.
  • Punción con aguja y aplicación de sustancias esclerosantes para que se adhieran las paredes del quiste. Unos pocos médicos están a favor y muchos dicen que no da resultado.
  • Tratamiento Láser el Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra ha desarrollado este novedoso tratamiento. Realiza una pequeña anestesia local en la piel del escroto, a través de una mínima incisión introduce una fibra láser con la cual drena el contenido del quiste y a través de un proceso calórico produce el colapso y adhesión de la paredes del quiste.

Doubts and queries

If you have any medical questions, send an email to [email protected]  .

Inquiries can also be made through WhatsApp in the number +54 9 11 5503-5126 

By phone on Monday, Thursday and Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the following telephone numbers.

  • 0054 11 4 901 6690
  • 0054 11 4 904 3434
  • 0054 11 4 904 0880

Schedule consultation

Book a consultation at our medical centers located in Caballito, Belgrano and Pilar

Lichen sclerosus or scleroatrophic

It is a rare disease that creates white spots on the skin, which becomes thinner than normal. It is a chronic inflammatory skin pathology, which mainly affects women in the vulvar and perianal area. In the case of men, it is usually located in the foreskin and the glans. The age of onset is variable and may appear at any time (including children's age), although it is more frequent in older ages.

What areas does it affect?

Lichen sclerosus can affect the skin of any part of the body. However, it most often attacks the vulva, the foreskin of the penis, or the skin around the anus. It is not a contagious disease.


Its cause is not well known, it may be due to an overactive immune system or previous damage to the skin. This condition commonly occurs in postmenopausal women, although cases are also reported in men and children. In women, lichen sclerosus et atrophicus usually affects the vulva. In boys and men, who are not circumcised, the risk of suffering from this disease increases, since it generally affects the foreskin.


One of the symptoms of Lichen is pain during sexual intercourse, itching, fissures, blisters. It can produce scars that narrow the vaginal opening. It is very frequent that the patients who suffer from lichen suffer alterations of the desire and the possibility of having sexual relations.

Treatment for vulvar or perianal lichen sclerosus

He Dr Ricardo Hoogstra performs a treatment at the Caballito branch in the surgical area Carbon dioxide laser both inside the vagina and the external genital area. This treatment is associated with the application of a large quantity of plasma enriched in platelets.

The combination of the Aphrodite Laser plus rich plasma produces a repairing and rejuvenating effect of the treated area. Treatment with Carbon Dioxide Laser in conjunction with the application of platelet-enriched plasma increases vascularity, elasticity and trophism of the affected tissue.

We consider that before or at the same time of performing this treatment it is convenient to perform biopsies to confirm through histopathological studies that what we are really treating is a Scleroatrophic Lichen. This procedure is performed under sedation and the patient must carry out previous studies. It is ambulatory and effective.

Lichen Sclerosus Treatment Price

The cost of the intervention is made with prior evaluation of the Dr. Hoogstra. The query value is $60,000 pesos which are reimbursed in the total amount of the procedure.

Procedures facilities and security

In addition to having state-of-the-art medical equipment, we have a complete surgical unit and recovery and hospitalization rooms. The modern surgical room It is equipped with high-level technology and assisted by nurses and instructors specialized in this type of intervention.

The clinic has the approval of the Secretary of Public Health.

Doubts and queries

If you have any medical questions, send an email to [email protected]  .

For inquiries about previous studies and intervention dates [email protected] , or by whatsapp 0054 911 6945 9535.

Or to Lucilla [email protected]

By phone on Monday, Thursday and Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the following telephone numbers.

  • 0054 11 4 901 6690
  • 0054 11 4 904 3434
  • 0054 11 4 904 0880

Schedule consultation

Book a consultation at our medical centers located in Caballito, Belgrano and Pilar

Short bridle

When the frenulum is too short it restricts the movement of the foreskin, which causes discomfort during sexual activity.

Understanding the short frenulum: beyond phimosis

If the penis is erect and the frenulum is too short it causes the head of the penis-glans to deviate downwards. This causes pain, difficulty in penetration and can even cause tears and bleeding. These tears when healing can shorten the frenulum more and aggravate the situation. It is common to confuse the short frenulum with the phimosis, but they are different conditions. A simple examination allows you to identify the specific condition and offer appropriate solutions.


Short frenulum can lead to a number of additional complications and problems, including:

  1. Pain during sexual activity: Short frenulum can cause discomfort or pain during sexual intercourse, which can affect the patient's intimacy and quality of life.
  2. Difficulty in penetration: Due to the restriction caused by the short frenulum, penetration may be difficult or even impossible in some cases, which can affect the person's sex life and intimate relationships.
  3. Increased risk of injury: A short frenulum can increase the risk of tears or trauma during sexual activity, which can result in pain, bleeding, and even requiring medical attention.
  4. Hygiene problems: In some cases, a short frenulum can make it difficult to properly clean the genital area, which can increase the risk of infection or irritation.
  5. Psychological impact: Sexual difficulties and complications associated with short frenulum can have a negative impact on the individual's self-esteem, confidence and psychological well-being.

Frenuloplasty: short frenulum laser operation

He Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra performs this procedure under local anesthesia, which is very well tolerated by the patient. After the anesthesia is applied, a minimal incision of the frenulum is made with a Carbon Dioxide Laser. Next, 3 resorbable points are given which fall off on their own after 14 days. The procedure takes 10 minutes. Once completed, the patient continues his normal life. The procedure is not painful, nor is the recovery. It is recommended not to have sex for 20 days. After this the patient will have a normal life and sexuality.

Advantages of Laser Frenuloplasty: Optimizing the Patient Experience

The use of carbon dioxide laser in frenuloplasty offers numerous advantages for both the patient and the recovery process. These are some of the main ones:

  1. Surgical Precision: The laser allows the surgeon to make precise and controlled incisions, minimizing the risk of collateral damage to surrounding tissues.
  2. Minimal Invasion: The laser technique reduces the need for large incisions, which leads to less blood loss and faster healing time.
  3. Less Pain and Discomfort: Local anesthesia and laser precision help reduce discomfort during and after the procedure, improving the patient experience.
  4. Fast recovery: Thanks to minimal invasion and accelerated healing process, patients can return to their daily activities in a short time, minimizing the impact on their routine.
  5. Aesthetic Results: The use of laser allows for more satisfactory aesthetic results, with minimal scars and a natural appearance of the corrected frenulum.

Statistics and Facts about Short Frenulum or Frenuloplasty

According to recent medical studies, it is estimated that approximately 5% of adult men may experience some degree of frenulum brevis. This condition can cause sexual discomfort, affect quality of life, and increase the risk of injury during sexual activity. Additionally, it has been noted that frenulum brevis may be underdiagnosed due to lack of awareness about this condition.

Regarding the effectiveness of frenuloplasty, it has been shown to be a safe and effective procedure to correct short frenulum. In most cases, patients experience a significant improvement in sexual function and a reduction in associated discomfort. Studies have reported high satisfaction rates among patients undergoing frenuloplasty, with satisfactory long-term aesthetic and functional results.

Postoperative Advice and Care

After undergoing frenuloplasty, it is important to carefully follow your doctor's orders to ensure a quick and complication-free recovery. Some post-operative tips and care include:

  1. Rest and limited physical activity: It is advisable to rest and avoid strenuous activities during the first few days after surgery to allow the body to recover properly.
  2. Proper hygiene: Maintaining good genital hygiene is essential to prevent infections. It is recommended to gently wash the treated area with warm water and mild soap, avoiding rubbing or applying excessive pressure.
  3. Avoid sexual activity: It is advised to abstain from sexual intercourse for at least 2-3 weeks after frenuloplasty to allow the incision to heal completely and reduce the risk of complications.
  4. Follow the medication plan: If medications are prescribed for pain or to prevent infections, it is important to follow the medication plan as prescribed by the doctor.
  5. Monitoring for signs of complications: Watch for signs of complications such as excessive bleeding, severe swelling, fever, or increased pain, and contact your doctor if concerns arise.

Patient testimonial

Price of short frenulum laser treatment

The cost of the Short Frenulum Laser treatment is or$d 600 (VAT no Included). 

Doubts and queries

If you have any medical questions, send an email to

[email protected]  . In this mail Only medical consultations will be received. Inquiries about shifts, payments and administrative issues are not attended.

Schedule consultation

Book a consultation at our medical centers located in Caballito, Belgrano and Pilar