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Treatment of adiposities with Microfocalized Ultrasound

Adiposidades localizadas, celulitis y flaccidez, tratamiento con Ultrasonido.

High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU)

La tecnología de Ultrasonido Microfocalizado es ideal para reducir adiposidades localizadas, celulitis y tensar la piel.

Los turnos para estos procedimientos los puede solicitar telefónicamente de lunes a viernes de 8 a 20 hs a los siguientes números telefónicos:

0054 11 4 901 6690          0054 11 4 904 3434           0054 11 4 904 0880

Precio del tratamiento de ultrasonido microfocalizado

The cost of the intervention is made with prior evaluation of the Dr. Hoogstra. The query value is U$D 100 which are reimbursed in the total amount of the procedure.

Más información sobre el tratamiento de Adiposidades Localizadas y Celulitis con Ultrasonido:

Con los cabezales 1.5, 2 y 3 mm es posible estimular el colágeno y tensar la piel tanto de la cara como de áreas corporales que presentan flacidez. Con el cabezal de 4.5 mm, logramos tensar el sistema músculo aponeurótico facial, como si hiciéramos un Lifting. Con los cabezales de 6, 9 y 13 mm con los cuales podemos reducir adiposidades localizadas faciales y corporales.

Está indicado para el tratamiento de pequeñas adiposidades indeseadas en pacientes que no quieren someterse a una lipoaspiración y que no pueden reducir esa adiposidad haciendo más dieta.

No está indicado para tratar pacientes con sobrepeso o pacientes con mucha adiposidad.

  • Where is the treatment performed?
    El tratamiento de las adiposidades localizadas con Ultrasonido se realiza en consultorio, no requiere de una unidad quirúrgica.
  • Should we carry out previous studies?
    They are not necessary.
  • Is it a painful treatment?
    It is a treatment well tolerated by the patient, it does not require anesthetic cream or prior preparation.
  • How long does the treatment last?
    A body area like the waist usually takes around 90 minutes, since several passes are made with almost all the heads, to treat different depths.
  • When do I see the result?
    El resultado se puede ver en forma inmediata una vez terminado el tratamiento, y sigue actuando durante 120 días.
  • Is the result lasting in time?
    Once the adipocyte is destroyed, the fat does not return to that region. If you. Weight gain will spread throughout the body, but will not return to the treated area.
  • ¿Una sola sesión es suficiente?
    A veces si, otras no, depende del espesor del tejido adiposo y de su deseo de mejorar.
  • ¿Me va a quedar flaccidez en la piel del tejido tratado?
    Recuerde que la tecnología Ultrasonido no solo disminuye la adiposidad localizada, también tensa la piel.

Está indicado en hombres y mujeres que tienen pequeñas adiposidades localizadas, resistentes a la dieta, al ejercicio y que no quieren pasar por el quirófano y tampoco suspender su actividad diaria.
Este sistema cero invasivo elimina adiposidades localizadas, celulitis y esos centímetros extra que tanto molestan.
Ultrasonido es el más poderoso HIFU del mercado y el único que viene con cabezales de 13, 9 y 6 mm con los que podemos reducir el tejido adiposo. Por otro lado, los cabezales de 4.5, 3 y 1.5mm nos permiten tensar la piel.

The thermal effect destroys the adipose tissue with results that can be seen immediately after finishing the treatment and that are durable in time.

After the treatment has been carried out, we ask the patient to drink plenty of water and take brisk 30-60 minute walks.

El tejido adiposo tiene como función aislar al cuerpo de los cambios térmicos y ser utilizado como fuente de energía.

Por ejemplo, si hacemos ejercicio y no comemos, el organismo libera ácidos grasos del tejido adiposo y lo utiliza como fuente de energía, pero no discrimina si lo toma de los glúteos, las mamas, del abdomen, etc. Generalmente hay áreas más resistentes y muchos pacientes se demacran, adelgazan áreas que no desearían adelgazar y en cambio los indeseados acúmulos adiposos permanecen intactos.

¿Qué sucede al destruir el tejido adiposo con Ultrasonido?

El adipocito está formado en su 95% por Triglicéridos. Un triglicérido está formado por una molécula de Glicerol y 3 moléculas de Ácidos Grasos.
Cuando destruimos al adipocito estamos liberando al intersticio, espacio intracelular Triglicéridos y Ácidos Grasos.
El organismo no diferencia de donde viene esta grasa, si de la comida o de este daño tisular.

Los Ácidos Grasos que son los más livianos pasan a la sangre, se unen a una proteína que es la Albumina, llegan al hígado y son utilizados como energía.
Los Triglicéridos se unen a una Lipoproteína llamada Quilomicrón y pasa primero al sistema linfático, luego a la sangre. Estos Triglicéridos pueden volver a formar grasa en otra parte del cuerpo, a formar músculo y sólo en un 20% es utilizado como energía.

For all this, it is very important to add your commitment to the work of shaping your body.

Si Ud. camina todos los días de 30 a 60 minutos está ayudando a consumir los Ácidos Grasos y Triglicéridos eliminados del tejido graso. Si Ud. come grasas saturadas o hidratos de carbono estará formando grasa nuevamente.

Ud. debe comer cada 4 horas. Si Ud. NO come cada 4 Hs. tal como le indicáramos, estará perjudicando su salud, su estado anímico y NO está haciendo trabajar una de las masas musculares más poderosas que tenemos en nuestro organismo y que son nuestros intestinos, los cuales consumen una gran cantidad de energía liberada ante la destrucción del adipocito.

Combinando el poder de nuestra avanzada tecnología HIFU más su compromiso con la actividad física y el cuidado de su alimentación, podremos ayudarlo/a a mejorar su aspecto físico, liberándose de esos acúmulos adiposos, pero a su vez a mejorar su estado de salud. Así podrá verse y sentirse mejor.

Resultados: antes y después

Patient testimonial

We invite you to watch the videos on our YouTube channel with the account of patients who have received this treatment, entering here: Tratamiento de Adiposidades, Celulitis y Flaccidez con Ultrasound

Patient testimonials


[:es]Agradezco tanto al Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra como a la Dra. Lorena Trodler la cálida atención y el profesionalismo que me brindaron siempre.[:]

Valeria Prina

[:es]Hifu corporal[:]

[:es]Me atendió la Dra. Stella Carolina, especialista en dermatología, y me hice ultrasonido en la zona de los muslos, en el centro ubicado en pilar. lo recomiendo una y mil veces.[:]

Laura Mariani


[:es]Muy detallista, amable y profesional la doctora Carolina Stella, me realizó ultrasonido micro y macro focalizado en párpados.[:]

Barbara Cattáneo

[:es]Ultrasonido Micro y Macro focalizado[:]

[:es]Estoy en tratamiento con la Doctora Lorena Páez con UF por prescripción del Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra en sede Calasanz. Ambos excelentes profesionales. Muchisimas gracias.[:]

Elsa Wittmann

[:es]Hifu y radiofrecuencia[:]

[:es]Hice dos tratamientos en la sucursal de Caballito, uno de radiofrecuencia con microagujas con la Dra. Bennesch, de quien destaco su atención y dedicación. Y muchos meses después Ultraformer con el Dr. Hoostra, ¡el resultado fue muy bueno! Los recomiendo.[:]

Analia Civale

Schedule consultation

Book a consultation at our medical centers located in Caballito, Belgrano and Pilar

Polka Dots - Melanocytic Nevus

Removal of Pigmented Nevi with Laser: Effective and Safe Treatment

What are Pigmented Nevi?

Nevi, commonly known as moles, are growths on the skin formed by accumulations of pigmented cells called melanocytes. Although they are generally benign, it is important that any changes in their size, shape or color be evaluated by a dermatologist to rule out more serious problems such as melanoma.

Advantages of Laser Mole Treatment

The use of lasers for mole removal offers multiple advantages over traditional methods. This treatment has become a popular option due to its multiple benefits:

  1. Does not require anesthesia: Unlike other procedures that can be more invasive, laser treatment is virtually painless and does not require general anesthesia. In some cases, topical anesthesia may be used to minimize any discomfort.
  2. Non-surgical medical-aesthetic treatment: Being a non-invasive procedure, laser treatment does not involve cuts or sutures. This significantly reduces the risk of infections and other postoperative complications.
  3. Performed only by specialist doctors: Dermatologists and other highly trained medical professionals are the only ones authorized to perform this procedure, ensuring a high level of safety and effectiveness.
  4. Excellent cost-effectiveness ratio: Although it may seem like an expensive treatment, laser offers superior cost-effectiveness compared to other methods. The precision of the laser reduces the need for multiple sessions and additional treatments, saving time and money in the long run.
  5. Superior results: The results obtained with the laser are generally better in terms of aesthetics and functionality. The precision of the laser allows the mole to be removed with minimal scarring and without damaging the surrounding tissue.

Laser Treatment Process

Laser treatment for mole removal follows a well-defined process that guarantees its effectiveness and safety:

  1. Initial consultation: The first step is a consultation with the dermatologist, where the mole is evaluated and it is determined if laser treatment is appropriate. In this consultation, the risks, benefits and expectations of the treatment are discussed.
  2. Preparation: Before treatment, the area to be treated is cleaned and disinfected. In some cases, a numbing cream is applied to minimize any discomfort.
  3. Laser application: The dermatologist uses the laser to direct pulses of intense light toward the mole. The laser energy is absorbed by the pigmented cells, destroying them without damaging the surrounding tissue.
  4. Aftertreatment: After treatment, the treated area may be slightly red or swollen, but these effects are temporary. Aftercare is provided to speed healing and prevent infection.
  5. Tracing: Follow-up appointments may be scheduled to evaluate progress and determine if additional sessions are needed.

Considerations and Precautions

Although laser treatment is safe and effective, there are some considerations and precautions that should be taken into account:

  • Type of skin: Skin color and type can influence the effectiveness of the treatment. Dermatologists adjust the laser settings to suit the individual characteristics of the patient's skin.
  • Pre-existing medical conditions: Patients with certain medical conditions should inform their dermatologist before treatment to evaluate any possible contraindications.
  • Aftercare: It is crucial to follow the aftercare instructions provided by the dermatologist to ensure proper healing and avoid complications.

Cost laser treatment for removal of moles

The cost of laser treatment for mole removal can vary depending on several factors:

  • Number of sessions required: Some lesions can be eliminated in a single session, while others may require multiple sessions. This depends on the size, depth and location of the mole, as well as the patient's response to treatment.
  • Initial evaluation by the dermatologist: It is essential that a dermatologist evaluate the lesion before proceeding with treatment. This evaluation allows us to determine the type of mole and the most appropriate treatment strategy.
  • Technology used: The type of laser and the technology used will also influence the cost. More advanced and specific lasers to treat pigmented nevi may have a higher cost, but they also offer better results and greater safety.

To obtain a personalized quote for the removal of moles you must send photos via WhatsApp to the following numbers +54 911 5503 5126 and to +54 911 4079 3779

Treatment is performed by Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra in any of our 3 centers. You can schedule your shift via internet at any of our branches and attend directly to carry out a treatment. 

Melanocytic nevi

The melanocytic nevi They are very common benign skin lesions that are found in almost the entire population. They are commonly known as moles and can vary in appearance and characteristics, but they share some common traits that make them identifiable.

Characteristics of Melanocytic Nevi

Melanocytic nevi can be flat or raised, asymptomatic, with well-defined edges, regular coloring, and frequently small in diameter (less than 6 mm). These moles can appear anywhere on the body and their color and shape can change over time.

Stages of development

Initially, the nevic cells are located between the epidermis and the dermis (dermo-epidermal junction) and are called junctional nevi or union. In this state, they are flat lesions of dark brown or black color. As time passes, groups of melanocytes (thecae) proliferate and extend into the dermis, becoming called compound melanocytic nevi.

Coloration of the Nevus

The color of a melanocytic nevus is related to the location of the pigment (melanin):

  • Brown: If the majority of the pigmented cells are found in the epidermis.
  • Dark brown or black: If they are located in both the epidermis and the superficial dermis.
  • Bluish: If the melanocytes are located in the deep dermis, known as blue nevus.

Influence of Genetic and Environmental Factors

The number of melanocytic nevi that a person develops throughout their life is variable and is influenced by genetic and environmental factors, especially the degree of sun exposure to which the skin has been exposed.

Changes Throughout Life

Melanocytic nevi are dynamic proliferations that change throughout life. They can darken with sun exposure or during pregnancy and, in adulthood, they tend to progressively lose their pigmentation and can even disappear at advanced ages.

Types of Melanocytic Nevus

A) Congenital Melanocytic Nevus

The congenital melanocytic nevi They are present from birth and can vary significantly in size, from a few millimeters to covering a large part of the body surface. They are empirically classified into:

  • Little ones: Less than 1.5cm.
  • Intermediates: Between 1.5 cm and 20 cm.
  • Giants: More than 20 cm.

These nevi present an increased risk of developing malignant melanoma, especially in cases of giant melanocytic nevi.

B) Acquired Melanocytic Nevi

The acquired melanocytic nevi They appear after birth and can vary in size, coloration and number. They are well defined and regular in color, and can be flat or raised. They are more common in areas exposed to the sun.

C) Atypical Nevi

The atypical nevi They are moles with irregular characteristics, including irregular borders, diffuse coloration, and larger size. These patients require periodic clinical and dermoscopic controls due to the increased risk of malignancy. Preventative surgical treatment is crucial, and many of these lesions must be removed and sent to a dermatopathologist for proper diagnosis.

Practical Tips for the Care of Melanocytic Nevi


Sun exposure is one of the main factors that affect the appearance and changes in melanocytic nevi. It is crucial to use adequate sun protection:

  • Sun creams: Apply sunscreen with a high protection factor (SPF 30 or higher) to all exposed areas, even on cloudy days.
  • Protective clothes: Wear hats, sunglasses and clothing that covers the skin.
  • Avoid hours of greatest radiation: Limit sun exposure between 10 am and 4 pm, when UV radiation is most intense.


Performing regular skin self-examinations is essential to detect early changes in melanocytic naevi. Follow these steps:

  1. Check all the skin: Use a mirror to examine all areas of the body, including hard-to-see areas like the back and scalp.
  2. Check for changes: Pay attention to any changes in the size, shape, color or texture of existing moles and the appearance of new ones.
  3. ABCDE rule: Use this guide to identify worrisome features:
    • A (Asymmetry): One half of the mole is not the same as the other.
    • B (Edges): Irregular, uneven or poorly defined edges.
    • C (Color): Variation of colors, including different shades of brown, black, pink or red.
    • D (Diameter): Greater than 6 mm, although melanomas can be smaller.
    • E (Evolution): Changes in size, shape, color or any other characteristic.

Regular Dermatological Controls

Scheduling regular visits to the dermatologist is crucial, especially if you have multiple nevi or atypical nevi. A dermatologist can perform a more detailed examination, using tools such as dermoscopy to evaluate lesions more precisely.

  • Annual exams: At least once a year, or more frequently if you have additional risk factors.
  • Track changes: The dermatologist can document and follow changes in the nevi to identify any worrisome changes early.

Treatment and Management

In some cases, treatment of melanocytic nevi may be necessary:

  • surgical removal: Indicated in atypical nevi, giant congenital melanocytic nevi or in any nevus suspected of malignancy.
  • Biopsy: It can be performed to obtain a definitive diagnosis if there is doubt about the nature of a nevus.
  • active surveillance: For nevus that appears benign but in high-risk individuals, periodic check-ups can be scheduled.

Helios II

How is the treatment to remove moles?

Removing moles with a scalpel, whatever its size and number, leads to safe scars.
With the laser, a better aesthetic opportunity is obtained because the laser light is absorbed by the nevic pigment, consequently a heating and vaporization occurs that leads to the elimination of the nevus without damaging the neighboring tissue.

We could say that treatment with Helios II laser is more accurate. Patient satisfaction is high.
Recurrences are well accepted and easy to correct, therefore lasers generate more aesthetic results when it comes to removing moles for these purposes.

After more than 20 years using different laser technologies I have discovered that the Helios II Nd: YAG Q SWITCHED laser With dual pulse mode 1,064 and 532 nm it is the ideal instrument to remove moles and nevi like Ota's, quickly and safely, without scars and with very satisfactory aesthetic results.

Nevi are mostly benign skin lesions, however, prior to any laser treatment, a clinical, videoscopic and / or pathological assessment of the lesion must be performed. Most of the moles can be removed with Laser in a single session and the patient can immediately continue with his normal life, without taking any type of occlusive cure.

Advantages of treatment of moles with Laser Helios II:

• Does not require anesthesia.
• It is a non-surgical medical-aesthetic treatment performed only by specialist doctors.
• Normally with a single session the permanent elimination of the lesion is achieved.
• Excellent cost-effectiveness ratio.
• Results superior to those obtained with other procedures.

Most moles are completely benign and do not have any risk of malignancy, but all nevi must be surgically removed and sent for histopathological study that:
• It grows rapidly
• It has color and irregular edges
• Bleeds
• Frequently irritated
• They are in the friction zone as the sole of the foot
• They are very dark and are found in areas of difficult control, such as the scalp, perianal, etc.
• Large nevi

Patient testimonials

How do I make an appointment?

The most effective, safe and practical way to take a shift is via the internet.

Schedule consultation

Book a consultation at our medical centers located in Caballito, Belgrano and Pilar

If you have difficulty taking a shift online, payments and administrative issues.

You can call Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (011) 4901-6690     (011) 4904-3434     (011) 4904-0880

You can take a turn and go directly to perform a treatment. If you have any questions, you can clarify it first with the same professional.

If you. If you have any medical questions, you can write to us in advance by sending an email to 

[email protected]

Only medical consultations will be received here. This mail does not address inquiries about shifts, payments and administrative issues.



Solar lentigines and freckles

How to treat dark spots on the skin?

Dark spots on the skin can be benign or malignant. Among the most frequent benign lesions are actinic lentigines.

Clinical picture

Also called solar lentigines or senile lentigines, they are found in the areas most exposed to the sun such as the face, back of the hands, neckline and forearms. The size can be from a few millimeters to several centimeters and sometimes they are very extensive. They generally appear after the age of 40 and have an earlier development in white-skinned people who have not used adequate sun protection. Lentigines are a constant in elderly Caucasians.
The most common treatments are cryosurgery and electrosurgery. These treatments are painful and often leave scars.


Currently the most effective and safest treatment is the one performed with Helios Laser, with which the injury can be eliminated in a completely painless way, leaving healthy and healthy skin. The light energy of the laser is absorbed by the pigment, which is denatured without causing damage to neighboring tissues.

The recommended interval between sessions is 15 days, it can also be weekly or monthly.

The number of sessions depends on the depth in which the pigment is lodged and it can go from 6 sessions or sometimes up to 20 sessions.

You will not only be able to perceive an attenuation of the spots but also an improvement in the overall quality of the skin and a rejuvenating effect.

This procedure is performed by dermatologists at the 3 centers.

You can take your turn online WITH DERMATOLOGISTS at any of our branches and attend directly to carry out a treatment.

Patient testimonial

We invite you to watch the videos on our YouTube channel with the account of patients who have received this treatment, entering here: Skin blemishes

Price of treatment for skin blemishes with Laser Helios

Currently the most effective and safest treatment is the one performed with Helios laser, with which the lesion can be eliminated in a totally painless way, leaving a healthy and healthy skin. The light energy of the laser is absorbed by the pigment, which is denatured without causing damage to neighboring tissues.

  • Helios con cascarita en manchas puntuales (+532), el costo de cada sesión es de $105.000

Doubts and queries

If you have any medical questions, send an email to [email protected]  . In this mail Only medical consultations will be received. Inquiries about shifts, payments and administrative issues are not attended.

By phone on Monday, Thursday and Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the following telephone numbers.

  • 0054 11 4 901 6690
  • 0054 11 4 904 3434
  • 0054 11 4 904 0880

Schedule consultation

Book a consultation at our medical centers located in Caballito, Belgrano and Pilar

Short bridle

When the frenulum is too short it restricts the movement of the foreskin, which causes discomfort during sexual activity.

Understanding the short frenulum: beyond phimosis

If the penis is erect and the frenulum is too short it causes the head of the penis-glans to deviate downwards. This causes pain, difficulty in penetration and can even cause tears and bleeding. These tears when healing can shorten the frenulum more and aggravate the situation. It is common to confuse the short frenulum with the phimosis, but they are different conditions. A simple examination allows you to identify the specific condition and offer appropriate solutions.


Short frenulum can lead to a number of additional complications and problems, including:

  1. Pain during sexual activity: Short frenulum can cause discomfort or pain during sexual intercourse, which can affect the patient's intimacy and quality of life.
  2. Difficulty in penetration: Due to the restriction caused by the short frenulum, penetration may be difficult or even impossible in some cases, which can affect the person's sex life and intimate relationships.
  3. Increased risk of injury: A short frenulum can increase the risk of tears or trauma during sexual activity, which can result in pain, bleeding, and even requiring medical attention.
  4. Hygiene problems: In some cases, a short frenulum can make it difficult to properly clean the genital area, which can increase the risk of infection or irritation.
  5. Psychological impact: Sexual difficulties and complications associated with short frenulum can have a negative impact on the individual's self-esteem, confidence and psychological well-being.

Frenuloplasty: short frenulum laser operation

He Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra performs this procedure under local anesthesia, which is very well tolerated by the patient. After the anesthesia is applied, a minimal incision of the frenulum is made with a Carbon Dioxide Laser. Next, 3 resorbable points are given which fall off on their own after 14 days. The procedure takes 10 minutes. Once completed, the patient continues his normal life. The procedure is not painful, nor is the recovery. It is recommended not to have sex for 20 days. After this the patient will have a normal life and sexuality.

Advantages of Laser Frenuloplasty: Optimizing the Patient Experience

The use of carbon dioxide laser in frenuloplasty offers numerous advantages for both the patient and the recovery process. These are some of the main ones:

  1. Surgical Precision: The laser allows the surgeon to make precise and controlled incisions, minimizing the risk of collateral damage to surrounding tissues.
  2. Minimal Invasion: The laser technique reduces the need for large incisions, which leads to less blood loss and faster healing time.
  3. Less Pain and Discomfort: Local anesthesia and laser precision help reduce discomfort during and after the procedure, improving the patient experience.
  4. Fast recovery: Thanks to minimal invasion and accelerated healing process, patients can return to their daily activities in a short time, minimizing the impact on their routine.
  5. Aesthetic Results: The use of laser allows for more satisfactory aesthetic results, with minimal scars and a natural appearance of the corrected frenulum.

Statistics and Facts about Short Frenulum or Frenuloplasty

According to recent medical studies, it is estimated that approximately 5% of adult men may experience some degree of frenulum brevis. This condition can cause sexual discomfort, affect quality of life, and increase the risk of injury during sexual activity. Additionally, it has been noted that frenulum brevis may be underdiagnosed due to lack of awareness about this condition.

Regarding the effectiveness of frenuloplasty, it has been shown to be a safe and effective procedure to correct short frenulum. In most cases, patients experience a significant improvement in sexual function and a reduction in associated discomfort. Studies have reported high satisfaction rates among patients undergoing frenuloplasty, with satisfactory long-term aesthetic and functional results.

Postoperative Advice and Care

After undergoing frenuloplasty, it is important to carefully follow your doctor's orders to ensure a quick and complication-free recovery. Some post-operative tips and care include:

  1. Rest and limited physical activity: It is advisable to rest and avoid strenuous activities during the first few days after surgery to allow the body to recover properly.
  2. Proper hygiene: Maintaining good genital hygiene is essential to prevent infections. It is recommended to gently wash the treated area with warm water and mild soap, avoiding rubbing or applying excessive pressure.
  3. Avoid sexual activity: It is advised to abstain from sexual intercourse for at least 2-3 weeks after frenuloplasty to allow the incision to heal completely and reduce the risk of complications.
  4. Follow the medication plan: If medications are prescribed for pain or to prevent infections, it is important to follow the medication plan as prescribed by the doctor.
  5. Monitoring for signs of complications: Watch for signs of complications such as excessive bleeding, severe swelling, fever, or increased pain, and contact your doctor if concerns arise.

Patient testimonial

Price of short frenulum laser treatment

The cost of the Short Frenulum Laser treatment is or$d 600 (VAT no Included). 

Doubts and queries

If you have any medical questions, send an email to

[email protected]  . In this mail Only medical consultations will be received. Inquiries about shifts, payments and administrative issues are not attended.

Schedule consultation

Book a consultation at our medical centers located in Caballito, Belgrano and Pilar

Neck Neck Laser Modeling

Clinical picture

Excessive adiposity in the neck can be caused by hereditary factors, overweight, diseases such as hypothyroidism and Cushing's syndrome.

The adiposity of the neck ages us and makes us look obese.

After the intervention, will my skin be sagging?

All patients think that once fat is removed, sagging will increase.
On the contrary, not only does it not increase sagging, but you will notice a more tonic, taut and defined neck.

How does it work?

  • Eliminates excess adipose tissue.
  • It favors the retraction of the neck tissues.
  • Lifting effect without removing skin, by stimulating collagen

Before and after


Laser lipomodeling is a minimally invasive procedure, with immediate recovery, that models the neck without scarring or removing skin.

Neck laser lipomodeling is a new procedure in laser technology that allows us to restore youth to the neck in 30 minutes without the need for the patient to abandon their daily activities.

It is indicated in women and men with excess adipose tissue in the neck who want to improve their contour without undergoing a surgical procedure with skin resection.

Cost of Neck Laser Lipomodeling

The approximate cost of Laser Neck Lipomodeling is u$d 2,400 (VAT not included).

This treatment is carried out by Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra in Hoogstra Medical Centers Caballito branch. Hoogstra Caballito Clinic, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Address San José de Calasanz 176.  Height Rivadavia Avenue 5,100 one block from Primera Junta station.

You can find parking on Calle Rosario between Centenera and San José de Calasanz.

Videos with patient cases

We invite you to watch the videos on our YouTube channel with the account of patients who have received this treatment, entering here: Neck Neck Laser Modeling

Patient testimonial


[:es]Lipoaspiración realizada en el año 1996. Excelentes resultados, muy conforme, Muchas gracias.[:]

Maria Garcia


[:es]Excelente atención, muy buenos profesionales. Muy serios. Super recomendable.[:]

Fernanda Giachello

[:es]Eyelid surgery and liposuction[:]

[:es]Me hice una blefaroplastía y quedé excelente. Sin cicatriz y además el trato del doctor super profesional. Luego regresé por una liposucción de piernas y abdomen y también los resultados son maravillosos. Todo es de calidad y super profesional. El doctor siempre te quita las dudas y el post operatorio fue muy fácil de llevar. ¡Siempre voy a volver![:]

Natalia Givonetti

[:es]Liposculpture and eyelids[:]

[:es]Me hice una lipo de abdomen y un levantamiento de cejas y párpados y estoy muy feliz de haberme animado, el Doctor Hoogstra me da mucha confianza y la recuperación es rápida, sin dolor y recién van 2 semanas de la cirugía pero los cambios ya se notan y son totalmente naturales.[:]

Graciela Castellani

[:es]Liposucción de cuello[:en]Neck liposuction[:]

[:es]Le saludo cordialmente Dr Hoogstra asi como a su staff. Hoy se cumplieron 2 meses de mi Liposucción de cuello, he perdido 7 kg con la dieta y creo se ve mejor. La hiperpigmentación del contorno de mis ojos y pomulos se esta desapareciendo por si sóla y creo en unas semanas se habrá ido[:en]Yours sincerely, Dr. Hoogstra and his staff. Today 2 months of my neck liposuction were fulfilled, I lost 7 kg with the diet and I think it looks better. The hyperpigmentation of the contour of my eyes and cheekbones is disappearing by itself and I think in a few weeks it will be gone[:]

Elena Pittock

[:es]Laser lipo, eyelid and nose surgery[:en]Laser lipo, eyelid and nose surgery[:]

[:es]Hola dr. Hoogstra, Me siento la mujer mas afortunada del planeta por haber tenido el privilegio de conocerlo y ser su paciente. Gracias por su amabilidad, ética y profesionalismo. Mil gracias de nuevo por todo lo que ha hecho por mi y por sus valiosas recomendaciones. Ahora me siento una mujer bella y segura.. Cariños[:en]Hi dr. Hoogstra, I feel the luckiest woman on the planet for having had the privilege of knowing him and being his patient. Thank you for your kindness, ethics and professionalism. Thank you again for everything you have done for me and for your valuable recommendations. Now I feel a beautiful and confident woman.[:]


Doubts and queries

If you have any medical questions, send an email to [email protected]  . In this mail Only medical consultations will be received. Inquiries about shifts, payments and administrative issues are not attended.

By phone on Monday, Thursday and Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the following telephone numbers.

  • 0054 11 4 901 6690
  • 0054 11 4 904 3434
  • 0054 11 4 904 0880

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