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Gynecomastia is the abnormal enlargement of the mammary glands in men that generally affects their self-esteem.

Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra uses a minimal incision through which he introduces laser technology.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and sedation. It is ambulatory and allows a quick job reintegration.

Clinical picture

Gynecomastia and excess adipose tissue in the chest region are often associated with obesity and increased hormones such as prolactin and estrogens.

Breast enlargement is often associated with an imbalance between estrogen (the female hormone) and testosterone (the male hormone).

Gynecomastia in overweight patients is usually associated with fatty liver, increased uric acid and triglycerides.

The adult man usually has a belly and thin legs. Patients with a prominent belly generally have a lot of intra-abdominal fat that favors increased insulin levels, which seems to have the effect of converting testosterone to estrogen.

The decrease in testosterone in the blood and the increase in estrogens produce gynecomastia, decrease muscle mass, decrease sexual desire and the number of sperm.
Almost all men with gynecomastia have low testosterone and insulin resistance.

The studies that must be requested from a patient with gynecomastia are the following:
Complete blood count, Blood glucose, Uremia, Complete lipidogram, Hormone levels in blood, ultrasound and mammography.

How is the gynecomastia treatment?

Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra performs a comprehensive treatment in the patient with Gynecomastia and / or excess adipose tissue in the thoracic region that includes nutritional education, a minimum daily physical activity and laser lipomodelling of fatty deposits in the thorax and abdomen.

In some patients with highly glandular breasts, it is necessary to surgically remove the gland through a peri-areolar incision and send it for histopathological study.

This treatment leads to a better quality of life, the patient not only looks better, but also feels better.

Surgical removal of glandular tissue, reduction of localized fatty deposits in the thorax and abdomen, adequate nutrition and physical activity achieve excellent results in a very short time, such as those seen in the videos.

Results before and after

More information about the causes of the production of Gynecomasties

  • Hormone treatment for prostate cancer, such as flutamide.
  • Medicines to treat HIV.
  • Heart medications such as sprinolactone, digoxin, amiodarone, and calcium channel blockers.
  • Radiation treatment to the testicles.
  • Heartburn and ulcer medications such as cimetidine or proton pump inhibitors.
  • Anabolic steroids, drugs such as diazepam, isoniazid, methyldopa, phenytoin, spironolactone, cimetidine.
  • Excess alcohol and drug intake.
  • It is also proven that excessive green tea intake also affects testosterone levels

Patient testimonial

We invite you to watch the videos on our YouTube channel with the account of patients who have received this treatment, entering here: Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia treatment cost

Para obtener un presupuesto personalizado contáctenos por WhatsApp a los siguientes números +54 911 5503 5126 and to +54 911 4079 3779

This treatment is carried out by Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra in Hoogstra Medical Centers Caballito branch.

Hoogstra Caballito Clinic, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Address San José de Calasanz 176.

Height Rivadavia Avenue 5,100 one block from Primera Junta station.

Parking can be found on Rosario Street between Centenera and San José de Calasanz.

The value of the consultation with Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra is U$D 100 . If you later decide to carry out the treatment, this value will be deducted from the total amount.

Instalaciones y Seguridad del Procedimiento

En nuestra clínica, nos enorgullecemos de ofrecer instalaciones de vanguardia y altos estándares de seguridad para todos nuestros procedimientos. Contamos con aparatología médica de última generación, lo que nos permite realizar intervenciones con precisión y eficiencia.

Nuestra unidad quirúrgica completa está equipada con tecnología de alto nivel, incluyendo modernas salas de cirugía asistidas por enfermeros e instrumentadores especializados en este tipo de intervenciones. Estas salas de cirugía están diseñadas para maximizar la seguridad del paciente, minimizando cualquier riesgo durante el procedimiento.

Además, disponemos de confortables salas de recuperación e internación, asegurando que los pacientes reciban atención continua y de calidad en un entorno seguro y controlado. La tecnología avanzada utilizada en nuestras instalaciones no solo mejora la precisión de las intervenciones, sino que también garantiza una rápida y segura recuperación.

La clínica cuenta con la aprobación de la Secretaría de Salud Pública, lo que certifica que cumplimos con los más altos estándares de seguridad y calidad en la atención médica. Nos comprometemos a mantener y superar estos estándares, brindando a nuestros pacientes la tranquilidad y confianza de estar en las mejores manos posibles.

Doubts and queries

If you have any medical questions, send an email to [email protected]  . In this mail Only medical consultations will be received. Inquiries about shifts, payments and administrative issues are not attended.

If you have questions about the amount of the surgery You can send an email [email protected]  Or by WhatsApp: 0054 9 11 5037 9821

To coordinate operative dates send mail to Josefina Nuñez [email protected] or a WhatsApp  005491169459535

By phone on Monday, Thursday and Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the following telephone numbers.

  • 0054 11 4 901 6690
  • 0054 11 4 904 3434
  • 0054 11 4 904 0880

Schedule consultation

Book a consultation at our medical centers located in Caballito, Belgrano and Pilar

Remove scars by Piercing

At Hoogstra Medical Centers we treat piercing scars with laser technology, which avoids additional scars.

The word piercing comes from the verb "to pierce" which means to pierce, to pierce. Today the practice of piercing has spread to other parts of the body such as the eyebrows, nostrils, navel, lips, tongue and genitals, among others.

Clinical picture

After a time the hole produced begins to epithelize and a fistula is generated, that is, a connection or channel between tissues or organs.

The fistulas do not close spontaneously and when the person removes the decorative element, either because they do not want to use it anymore or because they have an infection or allergic reactions, they have a depressed scar and an unsightly fistula and sometimes an over raised or keloid scar.

Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra uses advanced techniques in plastic and restorative surgery often associated with lasers for the treatment of scars caused by piercing.

The patient can immediately continue his normal life.

Patient testimonial

We invite you to watch the videos on our YouTube channel with the account of patients who have received this treatment, entering here: Scars by Piercing

Treatment Cost

El costo por tratamiento de cicatriz de piercing es de u$S 700 (por cada perforación).

This treatment is carried out by Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra in Hoogstra Medical Centers Caballito branch.

Hoogstra Caballito Clinic, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Address San José de Calasanz 176.

Height Rivadavia Avenue 5,100 one block from Primera Junta station.

Parking can be found on Rosario Street between Centenera and San José de Calasanz.

The value of the consultation with Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra is U$D 100 . If you later decide to carry out the treatment, this value will be deducted from the total amount.

whatsapp-image-2021-05-17-at-17-15-00-8783302Doubts and queries

If you have any medical questions, send an email to [email protected]  . In this mail Only medical consultations will be received. Inquiries about shifts, payments and administrative issues are not attended.

By phone on Monday, Thursday and Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the following telephone numbers.

  • 0054 11 4 901 6690
  • 0054 11 4 904 3434
  • 0054 11 4 904 0880

Además, puede enviar un mensaje de WhatsApp a Guadalupe con sus preguntas y dudas, adjuntando una fotografía al número +54 9 11 4079 3779. Una vez que sus dudas hayan sido aclaradas, podremos programar una fecha para su tratamiento.

El procedimiento en sí dura aproximadamente 5 minutos, y luego podrá continuar con su vida diaria. Tenga en cuenta que la disponibilidad puede variar; en ocasiones, puede ser tratado de inmediato, mientras que en otras ocasiones puede haber una espera de más de una hora debido a retrasos en las intervenciones.

Le recomendamos que reserve un tiempo adecuado para su visita a la clínica.

Por favor, tenga en cuenta que solo se responderán mensajes, y debido al alto volumen de consultas, las respuestas pueden demorar entre 48 a 72 horas en días hábiles.

Schedule consultation

Book a consultation at our medical centers located in Caballito, Belgrano and Pilar

Burn scars

When the burn has been superficial, the skin usually regenerates and therefore there are no scars or only changes in coloration. For this type of burns, at Hoogstra Medical Centers we only use the Helios laser to improve the texture and color of the lesion.

When the burn has affected the entire skin, there are raised scars and tissue retraction.

How to remove scars?

The word Laser comes from the English Light: it amplifies, stimulates and radiates. This light is transformed into heat, which vaporizes the scars on high, lowering their thickness and aesthetically improving the burned tissue.

The Fractionated Carbon Dioxide Laser produces multiple perforations of the burned tissue resulting in a new generation and tissue remodeling.

The combination of the Carbon Dioxide Laser in its superficial and deep ablative modality, produces surprising changes in burn scars. These changes on the surface are seen as a flattening of the tissue and in the depth as a stimulation and a remodeling.


Carbon dioxide laser treatment usually produces redness and edema that last from 2 weeks to a month, depending on the intensity and energy used. We do not see this effect when we carry out the treatment with the Erbium Lotus laser, the patient immediately continues with his normal life.

The Laser Lotus produces a slow and gradual improvement of all raised scars, improving the texture and quality of the tissue.

Patient testimonial

Price of the treatment of Scars with Lotus Laser

To calculate the price of the treatment, a prior evaluation with Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra is required. The cost of the consultation is U$D 100 , which will be refunded if the patient undergoes the treatment.

The number of sessions depends on the extent of the burned tissue and the type of scar that exists. Sessions can be held every 15 days.

Schedule consultation

Book a consultation at our medical centers located in Caballito, Belgrano and Pilar


A lipoma consists of a slow-growing lump of fat that usually sits between the skin and the underlying muscle layer. He Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra I develop a technique to remove lipomas through minimal incisions with Laser technology.

¿Qué son los lipomas y por qué aparecen?

The lipomas They are tumores benignos de origen adiposo que se caracterizan por la proliferación anormal de células grasas en el tejido subcutáneo. Aunque su etiología exacta aún no está completamente esclarecida, se cree que factores genéticos, hormonales y metabólicos pueden contribuir a su desarrollo.

Cuadro clínico y manifestaciones

Estos crecimientos suelen presentarse como masas blandas y móviles bajo la piel, con una textura similar a la grasa normal. Por lo general, los lipomas son indoloros al tacto y pueden ser fácilmente desplazados con la presión de los dedos. Aunque tienden a ser de tamaño pequeño a moderado, en algunos casos pueden crecer considerablemente, ejerciendo presión sobre estructuras circundantes y causando molestias.

Localización y distribución

Si te estás preguntando donde pueden salir los lipomas la respuesta es fácil: pueden aparecer en cualquier parte del cuerpo, siendo más comunes en áreas como el cuello, los hombros, los brazos, el abdomen, los muslos y las regiones dorsales. Sin embargo, también pueden desarrollarse en sitios menos frecuentes, como manos, pies, rostro e incluso en la mucosa oral.

Consideraciones diagnósticas y tratamiento

Aunque el diagnóstico de lipoma generalmente se realiza mediante examen clínico y palpación, en algunos casos puede ser necesaria una confirmación mediante pruebas de imagen, como ecografías o resonancias magnéticas. En cuanto al tratamiento, la extirpación quirúrgica solía ser la opción estándar. Sin embargo, en la actualidad, existen alternativas menos invasivas, como la aspiración con aguja fina o la utilización de láseres de longitud de onda específica, que permiten una recuperación más rápida y resultados estéticos satisfactorios.

Differential diagnosis

El lipoma puede confundirse con otros tipos de masas o tumores subcutáneos, como:

  • Sebaceous cysts: Estos son sacos cerrados debajo de la piel llenos de líquido o material semisólido. A diferencia de los lipomas, los quistes sebáceos están llenos de sebo, una sustancia aceitosa producida por las glándulas sebáceas de la piel.
  • Liposarcomas: Aunque son menos comunes que los lipomas, los liposarcomas son tumores malignos del tejido adiposo. Pueden presentar características similares a los lipomas en cuanto a su consistencia blanda, pero generalmente crecen más rápidamente y pueden causar síntomas como dolor o sensibilidad.
  • Fibromas: Estos son tumores benignos formados por tejido fibroso que pueden aparecer bajo la piel. A diferencia de los lipomas, los fibromas suelen ser más duros al tacto y pueden estar asociados con cambios en la piel, como enrojecimiento o engrosamiento.
  • Ganglios linfáticos inflamados: A veces, los ganglios linfáticos agrandados pueden palparse como masas subcutáneas. Estos pueden ser el resultado de infecciones locales o sistémicas, y suelen ser móviles y sensibles al tacto.

Tratamiento con láser para lipomas

El tratamiento con láser representa una opción innovadora, indolora y menos invasiva para la eliminación de lipomas. Este procedimiento utiliza láseres con una longitud de onda específica, como el láser FOX de 980 nm o 1064 nm, para dirigir energía lumínica hacia el lipoma.


Durante el tratamiento con láser, se introduce una fibra delgada, de aproximadamente 1 mm de diámetro, percutáneamente a través de la piel y hacia el lipoma. Una vez colocada la fibra, se emite energía lumínica del láser, que actúa calentando y descomponiendo las células adiposas del lipoma.

Mechanism of action

El láser produce un efecto calórico en el tejido del lipoma, lo que conduce a la transformación de las células grasas en una sustancia similar al aceite. Posteriormente, este material se puede aspirar o drenar a través de una mínima incisión por donde se insertó la fibra del láser.

Advantages of laser treatment

Una de las principales ventajas del tratamiento con láser para lipomas es su carácter mínimamente invasivo. A diferencia de la cirugía tradicional, no se requieren incisiones extensas ni suturas, lo que reduce el riesgo de complicaciones y acelera el proceso de recuperación del paciente. Además, el tratamiento con láser suele dejar cicatrices mínimas o incluso imperceptibles, lo que lo convierte en una opción atractiva desde el punto de vista estético.

Beneficios para el paciente del tratamiento con láser para lipomas

El tratamiento con láser para la eliminación de lipomas ofrece una serie de beneficios significativos para los pacientes:

1. Mínimamente invasivo: A diferencia de la cirugía convencional, el tratamiento con láser requiere incisiones mínimas, lo que significa menos traumatismo para los tejidos circundantes y una recuperación más rápida.

2. Menor riesgo de complicaciones: Al evitar incisiones extensas y suturas, el tratamiento con láser reduce el riesgo de infección, hematomas y otros efectos secundarios asociados con la cirugía tradicional.

3. Resultados estéticos: El tratamiento con láser generalmente deja cicatrices mínimas o imperceptibles, lo que resulta en un aspecto más estético y satisfactorio para el paciente, especialmente en áreas visibles del cuerpo como el rostro.

4. Recuperación más rápida: Debido a la naturaleza menos invasiva del tratamiento, los pacientes suelen experimentar una recuperación más rápida y menos molestias postoperatorias. Esto permite un retorno más temprano a las actividades diarias normales.

5. Precisión y control: El láser permite una aplicación precisa y controlada de energía en el lipoma, lo que minimiza el daño a los tejidos circundantes y aumenta la eficacia del tratamiento.

How is the removal of lipomas?

Nabila Teichler

Yo viaje de Los Ángeles, California a Buenos Aires para ver el Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra y sacarme un lipoma con Láser. Tuve una experiencia fantástica desde mi primer consulta hasta… Read more “Nabila Teichler”

Nabila Teichler

Price of lipoma treatment without surgery

To send a quote an evaluation of Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra is required. The value of the query is U$D 100

If you later decide to carry out the treatment, this value will be deducted from the total amount.

Procedures facilities and security

In addition to having state-of-the-art medical equipment, we have a complete surgical unit and recovery and hospitalization rooms. The modern surgical room It is equipped with high-level technology and assisted by nurses and instructors specialized in this type of intervention.

The clinic has the approval of the Secretary of Public Health.

Doubts and queries

If you have any medical questions, send an email to

[email protected]  . In this mail Only medical consultations will be received. Inquiries about shifts, payments and administrative issues are not attended.

If you have questions about the amount of the surgery You can send an email

[email protected]  Or by WhatsApp: 0054 9 11 5037 9821

To coordinate operative dates send mail to Josefina Nuñez [email protected] or a whatsapp  005491169459535

By phone on Monday, Thursday and Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the following telephone numbers.

  • 0054 11 4 901 6690
  • 0054 11 4 904 3434
  • 0054 11 4 904 0880

Schedule consultation

Book a consultation at our medical centers located in Caballito, Belgrano and Pilar

multiple lipomatosis

What is multiple lipomatosis?

The symmetric multiple lipomatosis It is a rare disease that presents the symmetrical growth of lipomas (fatty tumors) in areas such as; neck, chest, arms and shoulders. The signs and symptoms vary greatly from person to person. In general, the accumulation of fatty tissue increases over time and can lead to difficulties in mobility of the neck and a greater perception of pain. The lipomas they can cause physical deformity and peripheral neuropathy, when they compress a nerve. In most cases, the disease does not cause cancer; however, in very rare cases, lipomas can become cancerous.

It is a condition characterized by the appearance of multiple lipomas on the trunk and extremities. They usually occur in more than one family member. Lipomas, although they are not very painful, aesthetically and functionally affect the person who has them. Patients with multiple lipomatosis generally received some type of surgical treatment and present unsightly scars, which is why they hesitate to continue with the removal of the rest.

Symmetrical multiple lipomatosis treatment

He Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra developed a technique that allows the removal of lipomas leaving minimal scars. This procedure is performed under local anesthesia, sometimes associated with sedation.

Many lipomas can be removed in a single intervention, sometimes reaching more than 30. Frequently, the removal of multiple lipomas in a single session is requested by foreign patients who travel to the country for the sole purpose of performing this treatment.

Length of stay in Buenos Aires for this type of procedure: 48 hours. Patients can immediately continue their activity. It is recommended to use compressive lycra garments and elastic bands.

Patient experience: before and after

Nabila Teichler

Yo viaje de Los Ángeles, California a Buenos Aires para ver el Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra y sacarme un lipoma con Láser. Tuve una experiencia fantástica desde mi primer consulta hasta… Read more “Nabila Teichler”

Nabila Teichler

Treatment price

To send a quote an evaluation of Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra is required. The value of the query is U$D 100

If you later decide to carry out the treatment, this value will be deducted from the total amount.

Procedures facilities and security

In addition to having state-of-the-art medical equipment, we have a complete surgical unit and recovery and hospitalization rooms. The modern surgical room It is equipped with high-level technology and assisted by nurses and instructors specialized in this type of intervention.

The clinic has the approval of the Secretary of Public Health.

Doubts and queries

If you have any medical questions, send an email to

[email protected]  . In this mail Only medical consultations will be received. Inquiries about shifts, payments and administrative issues are not attended.

If you have questions about the amount of the surgery You can send an email

[email protected]  Or by WhatsApp: 0054 9 11 5037 9821

To coordinate operative dates send mail to Josefina Nuñez [email protected] or a whatsapp  005491169459535

By phone on Monday, Thursday and Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the following telephone numbers.

  • 0054 11 4 901 6690
  • 0054 11 4 904 3434
  • 0054 11 4 904 0880

Schedule consultation

Book a consultation at our medical centers located in Caballito, Belgrano and Pilar

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