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Bichectomy – Bichat Fat Bags

Clinical picture

Bichat fat bags are a fatty accumulation located on the inside of the cheek. They are located between the masseter muscle and the buccinator muscle, on both sides of the face.

Bichat fat bags are a fatty tissue that is free and can be removed easily.
In some patients these fat bags are very large giving a very round face and a very bulky cheek.

These bulging cheeks give the appearance of being overweight and cause a blurring of bone structures, with the prominence of cheekbones, chin and maxillary branch giving greater definition and beauty to the face.

A round face at first glance suggests an excess of adiposity in other parts of the body.
This volume of fat has no relation to the weight of the patient, it is due more to a heredofamiliar and racial constitution. There are thin patients who have bulky cheeks and vice versa.

The reduction of Bichat's fat balls seeks a sharper, more defined face, which forms a gap between the malar bone and the branch of the maxilla.

What does bichectomy consist of?

This surgery seeks to beautify the face and at the same time that it is in accordance with the rest of the body.

It can be performed as a single procedure or associated with filling the cheekbones, chin or maxillary branch and often with a non-surgical facelift with microfocalized ultrasound.

Patient testimonial:
We invite you to watch the videos on our YouTube channel with the account of patients who have received this treatment, entering here: Bichectomy

When is a Bichectomy indicated?

  • The face shows excessive roundness that does not improve with weight loss
  • When you want to highlight or mark the cheekbones
  • The patient wishes to reduce his cheeks and his bichat bags are large
  • When looking to give the face a more youthful appearance
  • When the bags of fat on the cheeks give an appearance of being overweight without having it

Bichat fat bag treatment cost

The cost of removing the BICHAT ADIPOSE BAGS is u$d 1,600 (VAT not included) .

The value of the consultation with Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra is $60,000 pesos . If you later decide to carry out the treatment, this value will be deducted from the total amount.

If you live in the country or abroad you can send photos to the mail [email protected]

It will be evaluated by Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra. Previous studies can be done at your place of residence and travel with an established date.

This treatment is carried out by Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra in Hoogstra Medical Centers Caballito branch.

Hoogstra Caballito Clinic, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Address San José de Calasanz 176. Height Rivadavia Avenue 5,100 one block from the first station Junta.

Parking can be found on Rosario Street between Centenera and San José de Calasanz.

Procedures facilities and security

In addition to having state-of-the-art medical equipment, we have a complete surgical unit and recovery and hospitalization rooms. The modern surgical room It is equipped with high-level technology and assisted by nurses and instructors specialized in this type of intervention.

The clinic has the approval of the Secretary Public Health.

Doubts and queries

If you have any medical questions, send an email to [email protected]  . In this mail Only medical consultations will be received. Inquiries about shifts, payments and administrative issues are not attended.

If you have questions about the amount of the surgery You can send an email [email protected]  Or by WhatsApp: 0054 9 11 5037 9821

To coordinate operative dates send mail to Josefina Nuñez [email protected] or a whatsapp  005491169459535

By phone on Monday, Thursday and Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the following telephone numbers.

  • 0054 11 4 901 6690
  • 0054 11 4 904 3434
  • 0054 11 4 904 0880

Schedule consultation

Book a consultation at our medical centers located in Caballito, Belgrano and Pilar

Varicose veins, spider veins, Ruby Nevus, Telangiectasias

Laser treatment for "spider mites", varicose veins and ruby nevi.

The laser light is absorbed by hemoglobin and oxyhemoglobin from the blood, so the vessels can be coagulated under the skin, without damaging it. Thus, the spider mite is “erased” gradually.

Spider veins and vascular lesions on the face and / or lower limbs require several sessions to disappear permanently. The interval between one session and another should not be less than 30 days.

Telangiectasia laser solution

They are small, dilated blood vessels in the skin. They are generally harmless, but can be associated with various diseases.

Telangiectasias can develop anywhere within the body. However, they are more easily seen on the skin, mucous membranes, and the sclera of the eyes. They generally do not cause symptoms. Some telangiectasias bleed and cause significant problems. At Hoogstra Medical Centers we have state-of-the-art lasers to treat this disease.

Videos with patient cases

We invite you to watch the videos on our YouTube channel with the account of patients who have received this treatment, entering here: Vascular injuries

Patient testimonial

Mole treatment

Well the truth was my first time and my topic is a mole on the face and I already knew that in the Hoogstra Medical Center it has very good references and the ability to eliminate by laser. I decided to start my treatment to eliminate and I am really very happy. The treatment is very warm and good. I hope to finish in the same way that I would assure you. To people who have not been treated I recommend doing it. Thank you very much.

Jean Carlos Alexis Vargas Sánchez

Nevus treatment

Excellent atention. It was quick to get an interview. I was treated at the horse station with Dr. Migliavacca, ask about a nevus. I get very good advice and in the same week I have a turn to start the nevus extraction treatment.

Rosalía Sánchez

Mole laser treatment

I see Pilar's office with Dr. Carolina Stella. I have already done 5 sessions of Lotus Laser to remove a mole. The treatment is going very well, there is almost nothing left of the mole I had. Very satisfied with everything, attention, explanation, treatment and professionalism.

Roxana Vallina

Mole laser treatment

I went to Pilar's office for a consultation, and that same day I started the treatment to remove some moles, excellent attention from Dr. Carolina Stella and Dr. Ricardo Hoogstra.

Ilsa Cristaldo

Treatment cost

  • Lesiones en miembros inferiores $70.000 (se evalúa presupuesto según cantidad)
  • Lesiones faciales desde u$d150

Doubts and queries

If you have any medical questions, send an email to [email protected]  . In this mail Only medical consultations will be received. Inquiries about shifts, payments and administrative issues are not attended.

By phone on Monday, Thursday and Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the following telephone numbers.

  • 0054 11 4 901 6690
  • 0054 11 4 904 3434
  • 0054 11 4 904 0880

Schedule consultation

Book a consultation at our medical centers located in Caballito, Belgrano and Pilar

Fordyce spots or pimples

What are Fordyce beans?

Fordyce spots or pimples are white spots of about 1 to 3 mm that may appear on the lips, penis, scrotum, or vulva. These beans are technically ectopic sebaceous glands They increase in size and, therefore, can arise at any age, being more frequent at puberty due to hormonal changes. It is not related to HIV, herpes, sexually transmitted diseases, genital warts, or cancer.

What do they look like?

Clinically they appear as multiple papules of 2 to 3 mm in diameter (“pimples”), yellowish-whitish in color, bilateral, and slightly raised.

Fordyce stain photos

Where do they appear?

Fordyce pimples in the mouth usually appear on the upper lip, inside the cheek, or on the gums. In the genital region, mainly in men, the appearance of Fordyce granules in the body of the penis, glans, foreskin or testicles is common. When these glands are visualized around the nipple they are called Montgomery tubers, and when they do it on the foreskin they are called tyson's glands.

Fordyce Grain Treatment with Lotus Laser:

Although in most patients they are asymptomatic, when these pimples are located on the genitals they can cause itching or discomfort in sexual relations; being necessary in some cases to establish a treatment. In this case the best treatment is drainage with Lotus Laser

Fordyce grains: how to remove them?

This intervention does not require anesthesia. Only a micro incision is produced on the gland that allows the drainage of all its contents. After the session you may notice a slight redness or discomfort that last only a few hours, but there are no subsequent scars and normal activities can be resumed almost immediately.

How is the laser treatment?

Sessions cost

The cost is for the treatment is $70.000 per session. Usually several injuries are removed in one session. You can take a turn and attend directly to carry out a treatment.

If you have any questions, you can clarify it first with the same professional. The cost of this dermatological consultation is $20,000 pesos. If you. do the treatment later the value of the query will be discounted.

This procedure is carried out by our dermatologist team in any of our 3 centers. You can request the shift below

Doubts and queries

If you have difficulty taking a shift online, payments and administrative issues.

You can call Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

(011) 4901-6690     (011) 4904-3434     (011) 4904-0880

If you have any questions about medical I sent an email to [email protected]  . In this mail Only medical consultations will be received. Inquiries about shifts, payments and administrative issues are not attended.

Schedule consultation

Book a consultation at our medical centers located in Caballito, Belgrano and Pilar


Reference links

Stains by iron injection

Buttock stains seen after intramuscular iron application are common and until recently seemed impossible to remove.

Laser treatment

The Helios laser is currently the only effective and safe technology to remove these unsightly stains.

Helios is the only one ND-Yag Q-Switched microfractioned laser It has a diffractive optical system which was patented by Laseroptek.

This equipment allows in a few sessions to remove the dark spot of the skin without causing damage or causing adverse effects.

The light energy of the laser is absorbed by the iron pigment, producing vaporization and elimination of it.

The team of Dermatologists at Hoogstra Centros Médicos has been performing this procedure since 2012 successfully and with excellent results.

Cost of Helios Laser Iron Injection Spot Treatment

Tratamiento con Láser Helios en un glúteo: $50.000 por sesión.

Tratamiento con Láser Helios 2 zonas: $90.000 por sesión.

The recommended interval between sessions is 15 days, it can also be weekly or monthly. The number of sessions depends on the depth in which the pigment is housed and can be 4 sessions or more.

This procedure is performed by dermatologists at the 3 centers.

You can take your turn online WITH DERMATOLOGISTS at any of our branches and attend directly to carry out a treatment.

Patient testimonial

We invite you to watch the videos on our YouTube channel with the account of patients who have received this treatment, entering here: Iron Injection Stains

Doubts and queries

If you have any medical questions, send an email to [email protected]  . In this mail Only medical consultations will be received. Inquiries about shifts, payments and administrative issues are not attended.

By phone on Monday, Thursday and Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the following telephone numbers.

  • 0054 11 4 901 6690
  • 0054 11 4 904 3434
  • 0054 11 4 904 0880

Schedule consultation

Book a consultation at our medical centers located in Caballito, Belgrano and Pilar


Helios Laser Treatment

Currently the most effective and safest treatment is the one performed with Helios Laser, with which the injury can be eliminated in a completely painless way, leaving healthy and healthy skin. The light energy of the laser is absorbed by the pigment, which is denatured without causing damage to neighboring tissues.

This condition consists of Hyperpigmented Macules (dark spots) that affect the face. It consists of several hyperpigmented patches with poorly defined edges symmetrically distributed on the face.

The forehead, cheeks, upper lip and chin are the most affected areas. The color can vary from different shades of brown to black. Sun exposure increases the degree of pigmentation. The darker pigmentations occur on the bony prominences of the forehead and cheekbones, which receive greater solar radiation.

Melasma is seen more frequently during pregnancy or when the patient takes contraceptives, but it can also appear at menopause and in men. If the patient did not contract it during pregnancy or does not take contraceptives, it must be ruled out that she does not have any ovarian disease.

The most modern and effective technology at present for the treatment of this resistant and recurrent pigmented lesion is the Helios ND Yag microfractioned laser.

Helios II has been specially designed to treat Melasma and all kinds of pigmented lesions throughout the year and even on dark and tanned skin.

Helios is a Micro Fractionated Nd: YAG Q SWITCHED Laser that uses DEO (diffractive) technology which was invented and patented by Laseroptek in 2009.

The diffractive technology divides the energy emitted by the laser into 81 stable and uniform microdots that increase the therapeutic effect without the complications that are common in other systems.

While many pigmented hand and face injuries are removed in a few sessions, the same is not true for melasma. It takes an average of 10 to 15 sessions with intervals of 7 to 15 days between one and the other to achieve partial or total remission.

This treatment must always be accompanied by photo protection every 4 hours. and suspend contraceptives.

Helios Laser Melasma Treatment Price

El costo de cada sesión es de $20.000.

The recommended interval between sessions is 15 days, it can also be weekly or monthly.

The number of sessions depends on the depth in which the pigment is housed and can range from 6 sessions or sometimes reach 20.

You will not only be able to perceive an attenuation of the spots but also an improvement in the overall quality of the skin and a rejuvenating effect.

This procedure is performed by dermatologists at the 3 centers.

You can take your turn online WITH DERMATOLOGISTS at any of our branches and attend directly to carry out a treatment.

Videos with patient cases

We invite you to watch the videos on our YouTube channel with the account of patients who have received this treatment, entering here: Melasma

Patient testimonial

Skin blemishes

Today was my first consultation and melasma treatment with Dr. Hoogstra in Belgrano. Very good attention. We continue treatment to remove my spots. Regards.

Carolina Diaz

Helios Laser Treatment for Post-inflammatory Hyperpigmentation

I found Dr. Hoogstra one day surfing the internet. I contacted him by phone for hyperpigmentation on his face and after a few weeks I already made a trip to Buenos Aires from Asunción. I did 6 sessions of Helios II with his Staff who attended me formidably and now I am returning extremely excited to see


Doubts and queries

If you have any medical questions, send an email to [email protected]  . In this mail Only medical consultations will be received. Inquiries about shifts, payments and administrative issues are not attended.

By phone on Monday, Thursday and Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the following telephone numbers.

  • 0054 11 4 901 6690
  • 0054 11 4 904 3434
  • 0054 11 4 904 0880

Schedule consultation

Book a consultation at our medical centers located in Caballito, Belgrano and Pilar